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10 Secrets of the INFJ, the Rarest Personality Type in the World INFJ]

After years of trying to fit in, and be accepted; only to be rejected by some, and loved by others; I finally know who I am. I am good enough just the way I am, and those that don't get it, don't get me, and that's okay! The conversation I had with myself a few years ago. This article helps puts it in perspective.

GoodMan 7 Aug 5
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Thanks for sharing. Introverts rock!

Sonja44 Level 7 Aug 7, 2020

You're welcome, and we do rock!


Awesome have a good friend with this

bobwjr Level 10 Aug 6, 2020

@GoodMan I completely agree with everything you said in your post. I am an INTJ, and reading the description of that particular personality gave me a lot of insight into my behavior and thought patterns. It's like being a walking contradiction. But it's ok. I am who I am. It is what it is. Right?

Well put: "It's like being a walking contradiction." Of course it's okay! We are who we are; accept us or reject us it doesn't matter, we accept

@GoodMan I'm not sure I could be friends with someone like me LOL

@Radu I'm an INTJ also, I think I'd prefer to be with someone who's just a little more extroverted than I. But my biggest nightmare is falling for someone who has a large intrusive circle of family and friends who are always around. I like people. I just prefer them one at a time.

@Radu Exactly! And coming from a very small family myself, and always having a lot of acquaintances, but a very small circle of close friends, I really don't understand the dynamic. Some people "collect" friends, the more the better, and they stay in touch with all of them. I have to push myself to call people. I'm not very proactive with friendships so I totally get it.


Meyers Briggs is supposed to be more scientific than say a horoscope, but personally I put them in the same category. It may be helpful to categorize people, but also detrimental. I never find personality categories accurate. Almost to the same degree as an astrological sign.

I agree “It may be helpful...but detrimental.” I don’t believe in astrology or agree necessarily with categorizing people generally speaking either. However, I do believe that reading and other forms of exposure “sometimes” help us interpret, identify or “make sense of things” that may or may not be settled in our minds.

@GoodMan I agree. I forwarded the article to my brother (a INFJ)...and just heard back. he gushed about how it was totally him and how he and his wife don’t connect because of this. He has to stay away from her because he gets too attuned to her feelings. (This is almost akin to blaming your problems on your personality type, rather than addressing the actual problem.)

@EyesThatSmile I wish them well 🙂

There are countless variables involved with how and why we process information the way we do. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe that was your point earlier about the inaccuracies inherent with categorizing personalities.

When someone has a tendency to favor and interpret "new" evidence as information that supports their prior beliefs, psychologists refer to this as confirmation bias. We all have biases and are guilty of this at times; however, there is a difference between those who are insatiable in their quest for answers and understanding, and those who are insatiable for agreement and confirmation. The former doesn't settle on an answer or two as the basis for confirmation or justification, while the latter does; generally speaking...imho

I agree with you. I am an introvert but it has nothing to do with Meyers Briggs. I remember when I was first exposed to it. I thought "that's who I am" but it changed every time I took it, always an introvert but the last letter changed. I've read many criticisms of the test and come to believe they are right. It's useful to think about but it's still a flawed test.

@Radu I am an Aries (April). Still alive and with no signs of depression...🤣. Wonder where the statistics are from.

@Radu Holding my breath would be one


What article?

Oopsy.. I see it now.. Sorry..

Sorry I made the link a bit small

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