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Extroverts have easier lives. At least, that is my perception. I could be wrong.

SKH78 8 Nov 14
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Well, you could be wrong, you could be right. Does it matter to you?
The question for me is: If extroverts have easier lives …… why?

Gert Level 7 Nov 23, 2018

The neighbors in my 4 apartment area stand outside and talk and laugh. . without me, that is. I'm inside, not joining in, because nothing they talk about interests me. They talk about jesus, their diets, and what to put up to decorate for christmas. I notice that one of them sulks when she is alone..she talks to herself. I believe that they talk loud to hear their own voices as though they are so very valuable to the group and to make it sound like they are having a great time. We here are all individuals who live alone. Maybe they are loud to compensate for the long hours alone. Extros have the pressure of making their homes inviting and interesting to others. Extros have to be careful not to insult or offend. They have the pressure to be up-to-date on the latest makeup, hair, and handbags. And there's also matching their sports team and political parties.

Plant1010J Level 6 Nov 17, 2018

Most of what people talk about is tedious. The fun comes when one throws controversy into the mix by addressing issues wherein one's expertise is in short supply! (^_^)


I think that society is arranged in a way that makes it easier for extroverts, generally speaking.
I’ve often felt that life would have been easier for introverts a few hundred years ago.

Haemish1 Level 8 Nov 15, 2018

I don’t think so. We introverts can hide behind our character.

bubaj50 Level 7 Nov 15, 2018

I feel like they certainly are more understood and accepted by general society. Someone with an outgoing attitude is more approachable and others feel more comfortable around them. Introverts are often seen as rude or awkward because of their quietness and get left alone.

Personally, I will talk to anyone. It's just that I don't usually start the conversation. I'm always listening and will add in my two cents if I have any. I like to talk about meaningful things. I despise small talk and/or gossip, so I'll tune it out. Again, not being rude, it just doesn't interest me. It can definitely be a struggle.

Kynlei Level 8 Nov 15, 2018

If you are having to deal with society, yes, it is easier, as they love submersing themselves in crowds etc. But how sad is it, they seemingly can't deal with being alone and rather panic at the idea. Introverts cope better I believe. It is the expectations of human society that put stressors on introverts. The dating scene is insane, that one is 'supposed' to have a weekend date, or the world will end. Be married, be active at all times. Heck I know people that drag along their kids to avoid going to the grocery store alone. They can't perceive taking a road trip and just enjoying it by themselves, or taking in a movie with the intent of the first morning showing to avoid the crowds. A rainy day, cozy on the couch, with a good book or just watching it rain and relaxing. ahhhh!


I think we introverts are currently living in a world that makes it seem extroverts are 'normal.' That makes us 'different,' misunderstood, and under some suspicion. But the fact is that we're normal too, just different. It's enough to make many of us uncomfortable. That's why this group and others exists. To give us a safe place to meet, share and chat. We have gifts the extroverts don't have. There's a book that explains this, called "Quiet - The Power of Introverts in a World that Can't Stop Talking" by Susan Cain, one of us, an introvert. Excellent read!

MojoDave Level 9 Nov 14, 2018

no me. i feel comfy as an introvert

TheDoubter Level 9 Nov 14, 2018
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