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I dated a girl 14 and a half years but we broke up about two and a half years ago. She recently broke up with her new boyfriend, and now she wants come visit me the weekend. But she still says it's only as friends. I want get back together with her so bad, but she claims to not want to. I just think it's odd that she really wants to come and stay with me this weekend. Makes me confused and nervous. Anyone have any thoughts about this?

JustRyanAgain 6 June 8
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Hi mate, I know this is a week late, but for the love of all that's holy, please consider this really carefully. I'm going through a similar situation now, and regret letting the person back into my life. There is something in the saying "nostalgia: the good old days multiplied by a bad memory". We forget the bad things, the anguish and suffering, and erroneously think only of the good times, especially if you've been with a person for that long.

This is especially the case if she broke things off the last time.

Also, look up and consider "attachment styles", which is programmed into us. If you have an anxious attachment style, stay the heck away if you can, especially if she's the avoidant type.


Good luck, and try to keep your heart out of this decision.

Corden Level 5 June 14, 2019

Boundaries. You need to set boundaries. If you don't want to see her just as a friend make that clear. Stick to that as well. Don't let her come there if that's all she wants and you really want more. You definitely won't get what you want if you just let her walk all over you.

Sacrilege Level 6 June 14, 2019

If you want to be her emotional punchbag and screw yourself up by all means invite her to stay the weekend. You claim that her message to you is ambiguous when it is anything but; you just want it to be. She wants a shoulder to cry on. If you accept, expect to play that role a long time (everytime she breaks up with someone else).


Do you think what caused your breakup in the first place disappeared? Getting back with her is appealing but dangerous. Personally I never walk backwards. Our eyes are in the front for a reason. I now see that the memories are better than the actual. 😉

IAJO163 Level 8 June 11, 2019

What she says may, or may not be true. She could just be lonely after her recent break up and wants to feel liked/loved/carefree/comfort. If it's too much for you, just say no. No shame in being honest. But it does sound like a fishing expedition. That doesn't mean it would definitely turn into more. For me personally, after a relationship is over, that's it for the strongest emotions. But I can still be friends. I just know that for me, that's it. Just friends. Sometimes sex too 😉


play it by ear

TheDoubter Level 9 June 8, 2019

If you want to be friends with her again, then do it, but respect her boundaries. If she only wants to be friends and nothing more and you can't cope with that then it's best to tell her and leave it. But try it first.

CeliaVL Level 7 June 8, 2019

How long did you guys date? If you were close, maybe she wants to get back together with you and is just testing the waters a bit with the just friends statement... Just relax and support her... See what happens but don't push... Listening is important...

14.5 years together, 2.5 years apart. Update, she did come for the weekend. We got a chance to say some things that we didn't have the chance to when we broke up, it was emotional and difficult, but help to clear the air. We are going to try to be friends. Both of us we'll just have to be clear and honest about our feelings at all times.

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