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I'm pretty happy as an introvert (I can fake it enough to get by in most situations) but am finding it really intimidating in the dating world...What if they have a ton of friends? What if they are really close to their huge extended family?

atlphguy 3 Jan 4
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I guess I am naive or stupid, because I have never understood WHY couples think they have to go through life chained at the hip. Your partner likes to hang with their extended family; you don't like crowds; why can't the partner go on his or her own to this event? I have a friend whose boyfriend can't even let her go into the bedroom to watch a different TV show; he has to follow her into the bedroom and then eventually CHANGE THE CHANNEL! Why can't someone just say, "Honey, you like to do that, but I don't; go on your own and enjoy it!"?

citronella Level 7 Jan 19, 2020

Then they are not in your dating pool. 🤷♀️. My ex had a huge family and I hated almost all the family get togethers. We were married very young and at first it was tolerable, but as more people and kids were added it became almost unbearable. I started not attending parties, family or other, and I think that was the beginning of the road to the end. By the way we were married 35 years.

Booklover Level 7 Jan 5, 2020

I said exactly that in another post -- that my biggest nightmare would be to fall in love with a guy who has a huge intrusive circle of family and friends. That would be a deal breaker.


One step at a time

bobwjr Level 10 Jan 5, 2020

Some things are obvious in the profile: Many pictures with people and in the written words. If you don’t see those signs, don’t let any fear or nerves stop you: we are all pretty much in the same boat (except the scammers).

So very true ! And all the scammers wind up in my in-basket .

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