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The reason that I am the way I am is from being teased in school and not really feeling that anything that I may contribute to a conversation is of any value. How many others have the same feelings.

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dirtyoldman 4 May 19
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Today is the first day of the rest of your life. Make it the one you want. Others can walk with you, but not for you.

Mitch07102 Level 8 May 19, 2018

Social conditioning has a lot to do with my current challenges. I cannot limit it to school though since I was abused any time I spoke up and am subsequently struggling to use my own voice since it is rarely ever heard. I love people but verbal abuse takes it's toll. I once heard a black politician say that the problem wasn't whites looking down on them it was them accepting there was a reason to be looked down on. (Not a direct quote) and that really impacted me. All my life I was abused by care takers, family, friends....but I kept right on being me. I do not have any real friends nor do I wish to try again and my family tries to use me.
Lot's of people say that we are personally responsible for who we are but I disagree. Scars are real. Damage is permanent. Did other people fuck up my ability to trust? Most definitely. Did bullies cause my fear of leaving my home? Absolutely! I consider it emotional vomit. In my opinion too many people have puked in my head and left me with the mess. Is it my fault that I now live with issues? No, it sure is not but the mess is there and I can try to clean it up although it is a huge mound of human emotional waste that got dumped on me or I can let that vile pile continue to grow and effect others. Even though it is not our fault, we must take responsibility for the mess that others left us with or end up buried in it.

Have to respectfully disagree. Yes, many things hurt and even damage us to some extent. But it can be overcome. When people criticize and harass or whatever, I try to 1) examine what they are saying, and if true do something to correct. 2) More often, the actions of the other reflect their own issue, anger, poor lives or whatever. I like the line, the critic (or troll) sees a mirror and doesn't like it. Words, actions, whatever have no meaning other than what you choose. And you can choose.

Good luck.

@Mitch07102 Maybe if it was occasional or just one or two people harming a person but once the spirit gets broken it cannot be repaired completely if at all. Also, there is a small window of opportunity during brain development for certain things to ignite like bonding for example. If the child is living in constant fear during critical times of growth there is no repairing the damage done and that is a fact. We can learn to live with a lot of damage but there is a point of no return and scars that are left in the wake. Consider the woman that was locked in her fathers basement her entire life, raped and bore his children. Do you honestly believe she can overcome all that? Emotional damage is not much different than physical damage...some things can be fixed, some can be overcome but it is not true that everyone can overcome the damage or even live in society for that matter. I spent a year in a top security mental institution and I can tell you for a fact that if a person/animal is continuously abused they will die inside their own body. I have witnessed far too many empty shells, defeated souls to see eye to eye with you on this. I have also spent the past 50 years trying to overcome my own issues and I am consider "high functioning" but I feel terrorized ALL the time and have to be vigilant of my thoughts just to get off the couch. Therapy, drugs, yoga, college education about my illness, meditation....has only served to be a band-aid for me. My wounds do not fester as much as they used to but I never feel safe and THAT is a result of being consistently abused by care takers.



I can relate. Childhood was hell. At age 12, I made a promise that IF I survived to adulthood I would never have children. I even promised that I would not become sexually active until I had the right to control my fertility. I even promised that if I got pregnant and could not get an abortion, I would kill myself. If I could turn the clock back and get born dead, I would do it. But I am here and I am trying to do useful things with my life. I cope the best I can. But to completely overcome all that abuse - no. I am still doing the work of healing. I look forward to the day when people quit saying "Just get over it." I look forward to the day when people say "It is good that you are doing the best you can with the abilities you have."

I think it is fine to admit that we got badly hurt. It is only human to go through a lot of pain because of abuse. What is not okay is to abuse others. I have met bullies who I know for a fact come from awful backgrounds, and other bullies I strongly suspect come from sick families. It does not excuse taking out one's anger on others. That just keeps the cycle in motion.

@SKH78 I am so sorry to hear you can relate to severe childhood trauma and the lifelong work to function on a basic level. The comment I hate most is "There is always someone that as it worse than you do." as though that is supposed to make me feel better? I am a smart ass though so I come back with "And they haven't offed themselves yet?" People sure say dumb shit don't they?


I've always felt that everyone else knew the script of the play and I somehow never got handed the script when they were being passed out.

marmot84 Level 7 May 19, 2018

I've always felt that everyone else knew the script of the play and I somehow never got one.

marmot84 Level 7 May 19, 2018

I recognize that my social shortcomings are of my own manufacture. Some I was born with, and others I created. I'm frustrated by my inability to change how I express myself. Social situations make me nervous. I get tongue-tied. I am stymied about what to say. When I do speak up I often feel "why did I even bother?" People aren't listening and are only waiting for me to stop talking (or just talking over me), so they can talk. I sometimes feel I have nothing to contribute to the conversation, but I also notice that having nothing to contribute to the conversation isn't stopping the Talkers. Generally, I just let the Talkers talk. They enjoy it and I do not.

Otterpop Level 6 May 19, 2018
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