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Why do people think being introverted is a bad thing? Like we are unhappy and just want to be extroverted?

BBeberstein 7 June 3
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Introversion is perfectly fine, as is extroversion (until the holidays, my extended family are mostly extroverts)


I don’t think it’s a bad thing. I’m an introvert and an empath. I love my life.

IAmLove Level 7 June 4, 2018

Being social to some degree is inherent in our nature. So if some people engage in it more hesitantly, this could be viewed as being "lesser" or "different". And social pressure to be like the "popular people" can be powerful...whether real or imagined. Luckily most introverts figure out the fallacy of that thinking at some point in their lives, because that is what introverts do....they are more reflective.


Why am I an introvert? Well, it all started when I was a kid; my parents would alway tell me to go find something to do outside when there was never anything to do. ( I lived ina trailer in the middle of a cornfield) So, i would do what any young kid would do; started breaking stuff. Then, when I moved into the city i made a couple of friends and found out really fast that the best fun was the fun you got in trouble for. But that quickly landed me in the Juvenile system and shortly after; house arrest.

That's when everything fell into place. I realized that I enjoy sitting at home doing stuff in the house a lot more than I enjoy being out of the house around people.

No one ever enjoyed my company as much as I enjoyed the company of other till i found company in myself.


Good for you!


Evolutionary speaking, I think we wouldn't be here if not for introverts, I am thinking it was the introvert's that figured that fire shit out when the extroverts were out socializing in thunderstorms getting struck by lightning. Humor aside we needed both to make it all work. Well I thought it to be humor. :>/


Pretty interesting article and aligns pretty good with the OP. Even has a test on it is anyone is interested. Breaks it down to 4 percentage categories; Introvert-Intuitive-Thinking-Judging

I've taken the Myers Briggs Test several times and it always comes out the same: INTP. We're a pain in the ass apparently, because they classify it as the most difficult type to have a relationship with. I can attest to that 🙂


I lot of people think introverts dislike people. As I mentioned before, I like them, just not in groups.


I think some extroverts confuse introversion with depression.


I had a therapist once who kept pushing me to be more social. I kept telling him I didn't have any desire to. At all. I hate when people think we are unhappy. I like people in small doses - like Advil


My brother is always telling me I need to get out and socialize. I find it stressful for the most part, especially if the goal is "meeting people". I have no need for that. If I connect with someone at an event then icing on the cake but I prefer to go alone even if I am "with" someone.


People do not understand what they have not experienced. Also, some people assume that whatever works for them is the ONLY right way.



Rudy1962 Level 9 June 3, 2018

My father used that term a lot when I was growing up. But I had forgotten that for a long time. Thanks for the deja vu.

@balance_point ha. YW


You hear this opinion more because it is the opinion of the extroverts- who talk more.

MsAl Level 8 June 3, 2018

I don’t think extroverts want to be introverted, I think society needs both. I am perfectly happy being who I am.

@BBeberstein I think extroverted people think they are better than introverts or feel sorry for them for the most part.

@MsAl I this might be true of "some" extroverts, but some get it.

@MsAl First of all, I disagree that extroverts talk more, it is a misconception that introverts are also shy and quiet. But I believe you are right that many extroverts feel sorry for us. There is a social stigma associated with introversion. I think society teaches it is anti-social behavior not a choice. It is not much different than people thinking we are not complete or happy if we are single or don't want children. It is programmed into us to be expected to be extroverts or consider ourselves flawed. I don't think extroverts think they are better than us so much as they believe there is something wrong with us because there are negative connotations concerning introversion built right into our social structure. Probably just another divide and conquer tactic.

@CreativelyMe, @AdorkableMe I agree I was only clarifying that that I didn't think the extroverts wanted to be introverts. I wasnt tryimg to say extroverts are stuck up al though reading back it does come off that way. I do think on average extroverts talk more and there for we hear their opinions more. There are many types of introverts and some are not shy at all. It takes all types?.

@MsAl Do you think extroverts are the way they are because they are insecure? Sometimes I get that feeling.

@IAmLove I think some people are attentionseekers who are insecure and always talking about people or themselves or needing to be the center of attention are definitely coming off as extroverted and insecure. I tend to deal with my I securities in the opposite way. I guess we all deal with it differently.

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