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Hello, I've finally found a site where I can vent my anger, sadness, confusion and absolute disbelief that JW's do any good in the world. My beloved of 18 years was raised a JW, married another JW, as they do at a very young age, and realised over time what a sham it all was. He left the church, and his wife, and from then on was seen as a pariah. His (large) family would have nothing to do with him, he lost his 2 sistetd, brother, all nieces and nephews, aunties , uncles. This hurt him greatly though he never wanted to talk about it. I was angry on his behalf. He wasn't even allowed to.go to his parents 50th wedding anniversary. Anyway 5 years ago he was diagnosed with brain cancer, still nobody came near him. Until 2 years ago when he was in a coma, when his siblings bothered to come and see him in palliative care. He died the next day. I hope they all rot in whatever hell is put aside for JW's. I was distraught and his brother said to me you just don't understand. No I don't. Nor would I want to. I am usually a kind, gentle person, but I cannot let go of the rage and resentment I feel towards the JW church. Wherever is the normal, so-called christian love in their makeup? Thanks for listening, sorry for the rant.

Jandii 4 July 19
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My heart breaks for your pain.

I'm glad you found this safe space to vent.


Rant heard. They really are cold and callous to those who have been disfellowshipped. How they treated him and you is to be expected. My best advice....let it go. They have no power over you and don't ever need to be in your life again. You may also be hanging onto the anger as part of grief. I honestly suggest that you find a qualified grief counselor and work through all the feelings involved in his death. So sorry for your loss.

Thank you for your kindness and compassion. I had only just joined, and still having trouble finding my way around, so please forgive my lack of reply. I have let it/them go, and never fear, nobody has contacted me since. My Jay will have been gone 3 years this August. I am just coming out of 'hibernation', and still want nothing to do with JW's, except some answers as to why? What is the point? How can you? How dare you?. Never mind. Let go and Breathe. 😊


Agreed. They will get theirs. Sorry you had to go through this. Spew all the hate you want against the cult here! It's what we are for! 🙂

Clauddvon Level 7 July 20, 2018

Thank you Clauddvon, better a late reply than no reply? I don't know, but I feel like I'm just waking up, had forgotton even writing the post. And, for a while, even forgot I had joined Chop wood, carry water.All is well.😊


Disfellowshipping didn't used to be a thing, in 1947 their own publications even called disfellowshipping "altogether foreign to bible teachings". In 1952 they started using scriptures to try to justify their reasons for excommunicating people, even going so far as to call it 'loving', but it's nothing more than a way to control independent thinking. You're given conclusions and the poor reasoning used to arrive at those conclusions. If you ponder on your own and come to a different conclusion, it won't matter whether your personal conclusion can be supported by the bible or're out, because you might infect the rest of the congregation. It's a control tactic. And because in jw life, all the people closest to you are also jw, it works well because losing your support network is extremely difficult. I now see the organization for what it is, a cult. And I try to do what I can to expose it. The less people who end up believing these lies, the better. Children especially.

zing Level 6 July 19, 2018

Love this. Very well said.

So glad you got out. Thanks for your reply.

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Posted by pgl4vtLast time this happened was 1980.

Posted by WildgreensJWs hide pedophiles

Posted by BestWithoutGodsLaughing my donkey off. 😂🤣😂🤣

Posted by zingNothing to fear

Posted by ClauddvonI'll start.

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