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What would you recommend for Viking metal or medieval metal?
Asking for a friend

Peeves 6 June 22
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Deceiver of the gods by amon amarth or Regin Smidur by tyr or Odin owns ye all by manegarm


Viking inspired

1ditrana Level 5 June 27, 2018

Our Aussie metal head kindred spirit Smoog came up with the cream of the crop . I like unleashed , boltthrower can fit Viking genre well at a stretch. .everyone needs a little boltthrower... It amuses me Scandinavian Viking bands from ice covered lands play shirtless a lot. Hard ass aye.. lol. I’m sure there’s even a song about how no other Viking band compares to Amon amath . Loved there dvd edition with the Sutur rising epic. Speaking of Australia. Thy art is murder. One of Down unders finest..s and for the punk hard core at heart . Justice for the dammed... very fresh and entertaining. Is Folk metal big in the States. It’s a bit like grind core....not everyone’s cup of tea.. must pay up so I can download. ... Chris Barnes new six feet album Torment is worth a listen . His original stuffs better than him killing AC/DC covers.


Not viking but still awesom

1ditrana Level 5 June 25, 2018

Also Mithotyn

kerrys Level 5 June 25, 2018

I love this!

kerrys Level 5 June 25, 2018

Bathory, Enslaved, Insiferum, Borknagar.

smogg Level 3 June 23, 2018

I concur -- great choices! Except with Bathory, I'd stick to Hammerheart, Twilight of the Gods, and Blood on Ice as their earlier stuff is black metal (definitely worth listening to, just not 'viking metal' )

I just looove metal


I got a friend of mine hooked on amon amarth and now he wants all of the Viking metal. Thanks!

Peeves Level 6 June 23, 2018



Solstafir too

1ditrana Level 5 June 22, 2018

Enseferum, wardruna,amon amarth,from the top of my head

1ditrana Level 5 June 22, 2018

I love Amon Amarth!

LEPeff Level 8 June 22, 2018

Sub genres I'm not familiar with..sorry

hipchick57 Level 7 June 22, 2018

@hipchick57 - This vid might be helpful. It covers the high-level metal subgenres and includes bands that are examples of each. These subgenres can be further broken down into substyles, but this should get you started. \m/

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