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tinebean 7 Oct 30
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I remember when Judas Priest were taken to court for the insane charge of being the creators of music that a kid who blew his brains out was listening to when he topped himself.. Puritanical Christian bullshit. . Charges were dropped eventually, only giving Priest more nationwide coverage & notorioty ... gotta laugh.

I remember that! Total bullshit!

Yeah there was a song (can't remember what it was called" that said "do it". Halford said in court "what mow the lawn. One guy did die I think, the other survived, and I think died later.

There was an article in Revolver called "Metal Made Me Do It".

@TheGreatShadow ha ha mow the lawn .. to hold artists accountable for the way loopy fans may interperate there sounds is the Criminal act ...gezzz

@Seriousreason Yeah, no one is responsible for their own actions. They have to blame someone else. I have never hurt or killed anyone because of music. I listen to the most aggressive music on the planet. I take responsibility for my own actions.


So true.Ive gotten a lot of flack over the decades of this nature.Granted certian album covers and lryics depict saten,hell, death,ect. But in all reality this are talented, professional musicians not devil worshipers.If it's not average ham and egger music that most people don't understand or like it's just a way to insult a talented form of music.Id like to see one of these inaccurate judgmental no talent bafoons play PASTER OF DISASTER by ANNIHILATOR on guitar.

Ritchie Level 6 Dec 8, 2018

They've got good hearing!

LEPeff Level 8 Oct 30, 2018


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