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I'm curious as to how most of us came to Satanism, from theism or atheism. I read The Satanic Bible decades agob before I identified as atheist and it didn't really impress me very much. Over the years I questioned many things that I believed and came to consider myself self an atheist. When The Satanic Temple started making headlines I looked at their website and though " This is for me ". It was a feeling of coming home, so to speak.

Islandgurl 6 Aug 31
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I was very inspired by the Satanic Temple's advocacy work on bodily autonomy when I was identifying mostly as an atheist. What really pushed me over the edge was a dream I had about joining a Satanic cult, which I knew I had to reenact as soon as possible.

KJThomas Level 6 Oct 19, 2018

I feel like Satanism for me is kinda a coming home; like it was a long time coming and if TST was around when I was a teenager I would have been a Satanist then.

I actually identified as a Satanist for years through my 20s, but it was more of a reactionary Satanism than a deeply held set of values as it has come to mean for me now.

I had grown up Christian as many others have in North America, and growing up in a small town in rural Alberta Christian was really the only option. My mom was part of the United Church - often seen as the more liberal or "progressive" of the prodestant sects. But my mom didn't really attend church and rarely read the Bible either. She also had some contradictory beliefs like believing in reincarnation and having a quiija board. I actually didn't have negative experiences with religion at that point and actually Bible camp was often my favorite time of year.
As a teen I quit believing in God. Living where I was this meant many took it upon themselves to try to convert me back to some form of Christianity. So began a shift of religion going from just part of life to instead becoming a hostile force attempting to exert control over me and judging. It is from this that I first came to a form or Satanism, although it would take a few more year's to get there.

In my early twenties I started to identify as an anarchist, which I came to through punk music, and my first ideas of Satanism came through anarchism; particularly through the atheism of Mikhail Bakunin. In God and The State Bakunin retells the story of the original sin, but inverts it to cast Satan as the hero who persuaded Eve to take knowledge for herself and Adam and in doing so liberates them from the domination of God who wished them to stay ignorant so he could continue to have their obedience. Bakunin goes on to call Satan the "original rebel" and "first free thinker" and " emancipatior or worlds."
Finally Bakunin concludes that "IF God truly existed it would be necessary to abolish him!"
From this romanticized version of Satan I built my ideas of Satanism, but as I said earlier this version of my Satanism was still pretty undeveloped and primarily reactionary. I had a ton of hatred for Christianity and organized religion at this point and to 24 yr old me being atheists just wasn't anti enough.

For much of my 20s I continued to identify as a Satanist but really it only meant atheists with some anti Christian hatred. But at some point near 30 I dropped the Satanist label and just begun calling myself an atheist again.

However a shift was coming. Through doing anti colonial work I was exposed to a lot of people who found a lot of value in spirituality and who's way of living was based in deeply held beliefs that had served their ancestors well for generations. I also met some really great Christians, especially Christian anarchists, and I read a bunch of stuff by authors like Jacques Ellul's, and began learning about some really interesting Christian radical history (Catholic Worker movement, Ammon Hennesy, Weibo Ludwig, Liberation Theology, and the Doukhobors). And at this point I also started to become quite critical of how many atheists acted and practiced their beliefs which often looked just as dogmatic and judgemental and myopic as Evangelical movements. In fact it seemed many atheists were utterly intolerant to anyone who had different beliefs and seemed to believe it was their mission to convert everyone else; just like Christians. And I saw a lot of racism towards Arabs and native people from some atheists, while I finally began to notice that most atheists I met were depressed white men.
All this lead me to begin examining my own beliefs, and I started to see that some could be described by using language that was spiritual even though I remained atheistic in my utter rejection of the idea of a soul/afterlife or creator.

It was in this phase of my journey that I discovered The Satanic Temple. This is what I meant by a coming home... Originally I became aware of TST from their lawsuits and activism which I loved but it took me a few more year's to actually look deeper into them. In truth I actually didn't even realize they were a separate organization from the Church of Satan, and this was a large part of the reason it took so long since I wasn't too fond of CoS and LaVey's social Darwinism and particular capitalistic version of individualism.
Once I finally did look into TST I was so impressed with what I found. Specifically the 7 Tenents, which felt like someone had written out my values. I still hesitated to join for a while longer though as I researched the group, but then an argument (or more accurately a series of arguments) with a Trump supporting Catholic I used to know pushed me into it. He was arguing with some other regulars at the sauna against transgender people being able to access SRS or hormones, stating that they "shouldn't be allowed to mutilate themselves." I quite literally flipped out on him yelling to the point of shaking and loosing control of my emotions which is extremely out of character for me. That night all I could think of was the Tenant One's Body is Inviolable, Subject To One's Will Alone. The next day I finally joined TST

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Posted by CliffordCook([thesatanictemple.

Posted by KJThomasHere's a statement I circulated among my local Satanic group here in the Bay Area in response to the election of Joe Biden. In case anyone is interested.

Posted by TampabrewHope everyone is staying clean. I'm psyched that my local FoG is getting really close to chapterhood.

Posted by KJThomasLupercalia pic!

Posted by PolyComradeNew peice of Satanic jewelry. Just wanted to show it off

Posted by IpraiseMYSELFthe bible is stupid!

Posted by KJThomasTickets people. []

Posted by KJThomasCome check this out if you're in the Bay Area! I wrote the sketch/pageant portion of the show, it's going to be such a great time.🖤😈🖤

Posted by KJThomasCome check this out if you're in the Bay Area! I wrote the sketch/pageant portion of the show, it's going to be such a great time.🖤😈🖤

Posted by PolyComradeHaven't seen much activiy here lately. How's everyone doing? Here's a couple updated random photos of my altar

Posted by PolyComradeHaven't seen much activiy here lately. How's everyone doing? Here's a couple updated random photos of my altar

Posted by PolyComradeHaven't seen much activiy here lately. How's everyone doing? Here's a couple updated random photos of my altar

Posted by MazikeenHey fellow Satanists! Let’s see your cute goat pics!

Posted by ThedragonHorns up! 🤘🏼

Posted by PolyComradeCool thrift store find

Posted by PolyComradeWorking on putting together my altar. I have a long way to go but I like how it is coming together

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