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BTW, I'm just curious to know about everyone a little bit. What parts of the world are we all in. I'd love it if everyone would just post where they live, if they are a an active member of any Satanic group, etc.

KJThomas 6 May 30
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Hello everyone. I’m Rachel and 18 years old and I’m new to this group. I’m from Long Island, New York but I’m currently living and going to college in Troy, New York. I’ve been a Satanist for almost 4 months now. A few weeks ago I became an official member of The Satanic Temple. I’m not super involved with TST now because I’m busy with college although I would love to be more involved with them in the future after college.

Rachel56 Level 5 Nov 14, 2019

Sevier county tn. Long time member of the church of satan.


I’m betting I’m the only satanist in a place called Church Hill, TN lol. The wider metro area probably has upwards of 20 hiding somewhere but I’m not aware of any meetings, formal or otherwise in my area. Just started reviving my interest via the podcast lately.

Wurlitzer Level 8 Aug 21, 2018

I'm currently living on the island of Oahu, Hawaii. I've lived in Pa most of my life. I belong to The Satanic Temple although I'm not an active member at this point. I've met a few atheists here but there doesn't seem to be any satanic presence on the island. I was a member of Steel City Satanists for a time when I was still living in Pa.

Islandgurl Level 6 Aug 18, 2018

I live and grew up in Victoria BC which people always said is the "Satanic capital of North America" or some shit. This was during the whole "satanic panic" of the late 80's early 90's so I'm not sure how true it was at the time. Even so it would have been referring to "devil worshiping" satanists, like the kind imagined to be in "Michelle Remembers" which was set here in Victoria... not so much the modern day Satanic Temple atheistic style.
When I left Christianity (in the mid 90's) I became very resistant to joining groups of people who claim any sort of truths, so I'm not really active in any organized groups in general. Of course here I am on this "agnostic" site so, I guess I have at least some need for a group to commiserate with!

LogiGal Level 4 May 31, 2018

I didn't know Satanic panic had a center in Victoria BC! I grew up in Seattle which isn't too far away but we really only visited Vancouver up there. I'm glad you decided to stop by here anyway.

Personally, I think a lot of that is bullshit. Canadians have a tendency to over exaggerate how important and perfect we are, and the prerogative seems to be we want a lot of attention. It actually sickens me being a Canadian myself. Typically a Canadian will tell other Canadians to wear a Canadian flag while traveling, not to be mistaken as a...god forbid! ...American.

I was told the same thing growing up in Shawnigan Lake village. Apparently a lot of that book is said to have ties there as well. I now believe it was all bullshit created by manipulative Christians trying to scare the weak minded into needing Christ.

I have to ask though. Kick me out of this group if you want, but I’d prefer some intellectual responses and debate, isn’t Satanism as stupid as Christianity?

With all due respect, to me this group seems to be hypocritical and a bit of an oxymoron, can someone explain?

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Posted by CliffordCook([thesatanictemple.

Posted by KJThomasHere's a statement I circulated among my local Satanic group here in the Bay Area in response to the election of Joe Biden. In case anyone is interested.

Posted by TampabrewHope everyone is staying clean. I'm psyched that my local FoG is getting really close to chapterhood.

Posted by KJThomasLupercalia pic!

Posted by PolyComradeNew peice of Satanic jewelry. Just wanted to show it off

Posted by IpraiseMYSELFthe bible is stupid!

Posted by KJThomasTickets people. []

Posted by KJThomasCome check this out if you're in the Bay Area! I wrote the sketch/pageant portion of the show, it's going to be such a great time.🖤😈🖤

Posted by KJThomasCome check this out if you're in the Bay Area! I wrote the sketch/pageant portion of the show, it's going to be such a great time.🖤😈🖤

Posted by PolyComradeHaven't seen much activiy here lately. How's everyone doing? Here's a couple updated random photos of my altar

Posted by PolyComradeHaven't seen much activiy here lately. How's everyone doing? Here's a couple updated random photos of my altar

Posted by PolyComradeHaven't seen much activiy here lately. How's everyone doing? Here's a couple updated random photos of my altar

Posted by MazikeenHey fellow Satanists! Let’s see your cute goat pics!

Posted by ThedragonHorns up! 🤘🏼

Posted by PolyComradeCool thrift store find

Posted by PolyComradeWorking on putting together my altar. I have a long way to go but I like how it is coming together

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