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Anyone else feel this way??

scurry 9 Nov 12
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I used to joke that I'd prefer having a wife to a husband, because they're usually so much more considerate.

Deb57 Level 8 Nov 12, 2018

Good idea. Why didn't I think of that?

Benthoven Level 8 Nov 12, 2018

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Posted by scurryIf only I could get "extra life".

Posted by scurryMorning can be hard and they are almost always draining. Hope you all have a wonderful spoon-filled day.

Posted by scurryHappy Friday!

Posted by scurryThere are a lot of memes and info-graphics that try to depict what it's like to be a Spoonie. Here are a few we might relate to. May the Spoons be with you!

Posted by scurryThere are a lot of memes and info-graphics that try to depict what it's like to be a Spoonie. Here are a few we might relate to. May the Spoons be with you!

Posted by scurryThere are a lot of memes and info-graphics that try to depict what it's like to be a Spoonie. Here are a few we might relate to. May the Spoons be with you!

Posted by scurryWe suffer, sometimes in silence, sometimes alone, but we are also strong and we fight. Never Give Up. I wish you all many spoons.

Posted by scurryWe suffer, sometimes in silence, sometimes alone, but we are also strong and we fight. Never Give Up. I wish you all many spoons.

Posted by scurryWe suffer, sometimes in silence, sometimes alone, but we are also strong and we fight. Never Give Up. I wish you all many spoons.

Posted by scurryA few Spoonie Memes that some of us might be able to relate to. Stay strong folks, and remember that self care is not a sign of weakness, it's refueling your strength.

Posted by scurryA few Spoonie Memes that some of us might be able to relate to. Stay strong folks, and remember that self care is not a sign of weakness, it's refueling your strength.

Posted by scurryA few Spoonie Memes that some of us might be able to relate to. Stay strong folks, and remember that self care is not a sign of weakness, it's refueling your strength.

Posted by scurryHappy New Year! I wish you all many extra spoons. The holidays can be super stressful and I hope we all made it through in one piece. Take time for self care and be sure to use your spoons wisely.

Posted by scurryRegardless of if we believe in Santa, Satan or Spaghetti Monsters, this time of year can be draining; family gatherings, work parties, reconnecting with old friends.

Posted by scurryAnyone else feel this way??

Posted by scurryGame of Spoons.

  • Top tags#hope #religious #memes #sing #culture #LMAO #republicans #movies #mentality #video #devil #Friday #HappyNewYear #holiday #Satan #friends #politicians #Santa #SpaghettiMonster #immigration #teachers #Congress #guns #community #pray #prayer #afterlife #heaven #Christians #lonely #Song #dying #lion #limit #fish #parents #reason #theism #racism #Diet #florida #poetry #dream #rescue #evidence #bullshit #believer ...

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