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Welcome to the group. Please feel free to share your story, vent concerns, show off your accomplishments, and what have you in regards to Type 1 diabetes.

My son was diagnosed when he was 12 (he is now 16). I am grateful that he absorbs the information that is provided and independently educates himself and does well. There have been ups and downs medically (as you may have incurred as well- although he has not had hospitalizations other than original diagnosis hospitalization) and emotionally-but communication has always guided those downs back into place. He is currently awaiting a pump. I am hopeful this frees some stress from him. This life changing event has made the impression on him to pursue a career in endocrinology. He has paved a course of education he wishes to take, and is meeting those goals step by step. Super proud of him.

One issue remains: I will always have is cost/big pharma. While I am also grateful to have insurance, it's pathetically expensive to obtain medication that keeps you among the living.

MyLiege 7 Feb 15
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So sorry about your son having this dreaded disease. i've been battling it for almost forty years now and i've come to the conclusion it is harder on caregivers than the person being cared for and worried about. i have no insurance and had to go with the cheap insulin i can get at walmart. it just isn't as good but i can no longer afford the better quality stuff since my husband died. so i deal with it but don't like dealing with it.

blueskies Level 7 May 17, 2018

That is a bummer. It's outrageous that big pharma dictates how you live or if you can afford to live. Hugely unfair. Exhausting to think about. Hats off to you, hang in there.

@MyLiege thank you, to you and your son as well . . .