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Today, Medtronic called me to say that I will be receiving the new insulin pump. I am happy to know that, but it is going to cost me. This model will have color icons and larger script and easier buttons. We'll see.
I was going to offer the old pump to somebody who cannot afford an insulin pump, but noooo! I have to trade it in for credit.
Insulin pumps are the one thing that has a chance to keep TD1 diabetics close to living a normal life. I have been a diabetic for 55 years and would be dead without the pump.
Unfortunately, pump technology is also the reason whey we do not have stem cell treatments to replace the beta cells we diabetics lack , and pancreas transplant s that would make us whole, at least until our immune system destroys the new pancreas also.
I wish I had another lifetime to study the science that eventually will bring us a usable treatment.

Spinliesel 9 June 25
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