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Universe Photonic Storage Effect... I assert most light emitted by all stars that have ever existed is still traveling thru "empty space"?

OleBlueEyes 5 Feb 5
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Scifi? I might spin your “storage effect” into a humongous storage battery and write about its inevitable and sudden release of all the energy it has collected. Unless you write it before I do.

yvilletom Level 8 Feb 5, 2021

Hm-m-m, @OleBlueEyes, I find that a most interesting thought.

Fiction-wise, your UPSE may inspire any number of winning scifi stories. I hope you write a few of them.

Reality-wise, there are options. Photons may strike other particles, narrowly miss other particles, or neither affect nor be affected by other particles.

I right away see an explanation for red shift. Many photons will strike particles and, losing some of their enengy, become the “tired light” that falsifies the Bangers’ expanding universe hypothesis.

Near misses may alter the direction of, or refract, moving photons and lead Einstein into an incorrect thought-experiment conclusion that space-time is curved. This may account for Arthur Eddington’s and Hans Bethe’s later quantum entanglement hypothesis.

Wide misses lead to Edwin Hubble’s second hypothesis that the cosmos is unbounded in space and time.

yvilletom Level 8 Feb 5, 2021

Meaningless thought

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