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Trojan Asteroids and retrograde orbiting asteroid: fantastic example of Lagrange points and the massive importance of Jupiter in our solar system (pun intended)

vcg1234 7 June 9
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Jupe definitely throws its weight around out there.

wdwyer Level 5 June 12, 2018

Let us not forget the now, probability and influence of a 9th planet. 10 Earth masses...

AstroLou Level 5 June 10, 2018

This thing keeps hiding, doesn't it.


Is 2015 BZ509 the suspected captive interstellar asteroid?

Lukian Level 8 June 9, 2018

Yes I think so. I thought Oumuamua was the first interstellar visitor but I guess not.


@LaMariposa Yes I thought the same thing but because of the awkward orbit of this fellow, it is hypothesized that it does not originate from our Solar system.


Astrophysics is amazing. Every new thing I learn about it leaves me with a sense of awe and wonder. I love that.

Kafirah Level 8 June 9, 2018

Its simply fascinating 🙂

tutunaku Level 4 June 9, 2018

Very impressive to get a decent view on the trojans, most of those bodies do not emit much.

Denker Level 7 June 9, 2018

This is an animation of the orbits. I don’t think we’ve imaged Jupiter’s Trojans yet but there is (was? Did they cut funding?) a planned NASA mission focused on their study.


@LaMariposa cool... but to make the animation the positions needed to be known, no? Or is this just an artist’s impression?

@Denker I don't know the answer off the top of my head but here is a great tool for data junkies:


@Denker I just ran a quick search on Trojan asteroid orbital parameters - 720 pages of results!

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