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Stephen Hawking Buried Between Isaac Newton and Charles Darwin

Lukian 8 June 16
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There is something so melancholy about this. I just finished watching Cosmos on Netflix (which I had not had the opportunity to see in full before, due to work and what have you) and I couldn't help but think that it's because of these great thinkers like Hawkins that we have come this far. It hurts that these great minds have to die. Of all the people that should be able to live forever... Oh well.

Georgy303 Level 6 June 18, 2018

we are very lucky that he lived so long actually. His prognosis was not good. He should not have lived past his 40s. Also being locked in like he was may have pushed his thinking brain way farther than any other thinker.


The sending his voice to nearest
Black hole seems a bit silly. 3,000 light years away.

vcg1234 Level 7 June 16, 2018

it was his thing... also the information will not be lost according to his hypothesis

@Lukian lol!

It's really his machine's voice. They could send a probe constantly reports it's galatic coordinates.

Wait actually that would be pretty cool. I would totally tune in to that if they broadcast it on a ham band

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