7 3

This is a little strange event happening.
Solar observatory in NM has been shutdown by the FBI... release the X-Files plots!!


Lukian 8 Sep 14
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I have been there .. so why? although in NM it is probably drugs.

JohnBeret Level 5 Sep 18, 2018

apparently the official statement is that there was a online threat posted on social media.

ok so kiddie porn.


Risky connection WARNING, on above link issued by McAfee

magicwatch Level 7 Sep 14, 2018

you can google search for other sources. My settings are quite high and I did not get an alert from this site. sciencealert dot com is benign but you be safe.

@Lukian don't often get this alert, but scares the shit when the message comes up

@magicwatch I understand.

@Lukian yep confirm independent source. this may be deeper than we think. P.S. tried the link again, but did not get a warning this time,.....but a link to an antivirus program ???

@magicwatch seems your browser may be infected instead.

@Lukian thanks, will run scan



MacTavish Level 7 Sep 14, 2018

I'm actively checking with my NM Astronomer friends... I hope the FBI doesn't come after them if they tell me... or after me! LOL

In the meantime...

vcg1234 Level 7 Sep 14, 2018

Very interesting.


They're here... ?

Anonbene Level 8 Sep 14, 2018

I can just hear the tone of her high pitch voice


I've been reading about this on Reddit. I've noted it's proximity to a few military installations, though I've only heard of the FBI being involved.

Squirrel Level 7 Sep 14, 2018

conspiracy rumor alert: seems that the antennae array of the observatory was hacked by the Chinese to spy on the US Army nearby missile bases.

That's what they want you to believe.
The truth is out there. oooooooooooooo

@Lukian This is an interesting rumor. However, the Chinese may be even more efficient in other matters. For example - The controversial, proposed 30 Meter Telescope (TMT) project that astronomers want to build in Hawai'i, but that is presently slowed by litigation, has as one of its participants - Can you guess? - yes - China! If TMT's permit is approved by the Hawai'i Supreme Court - then China won't have to do any spying - it'll be one of the boys! Shall the secrets and technology be shared?

@mkeaman interesting situation.

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