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The Best Hubble Space Telescope Images of All Time! (more pics in the link)

Happy birthday, Hubble!
To celebrate the Hubble Space Telescope's 29th anniversary, we've picked our favorite images from the iconic deep-space observatory. From colorful nebulas to interacting galaxies, Hubble has imaged so many gorgeous things in space that it was hard to choose our favorites!

The Hubble Space Telescope launched on April 24, 1990. Every year for this anniversary, the Hubble team releases a new special anniversary image. Above is the latest anniversary image of the Southern Crab Nebula.

Click through this gallery to see more amazing Hubble views!

Lukian 8 Apr 26
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These are great! I've been mining Hubble images for years for my PC desktop.

TrailRider Level 7 Apr 26, 2019

I think we should try to rescue Hubble..and mount it in the Smithsonian..such an amazing'll be a sad day when takes its death dive through the atmosphere..😕😕😕

Charlene Level 9 Apr 26, 2019

sad indeed.


Do the different colors mean different chemicals or are they added just to create interest?

Anonbene Level 8 Apr 26, 2019

All coloured images from Hubble are a collage of several images taken with various filters specific to certain wavelengths. When the data is downloaded to earth colours are assigned to the filters and combined to make the final images. Colours are assigned to wavelengths for invisible to the human eyes like infra-red and ultra-violet. In essence, every colour images from Hubble are enhanced pics.

Thank you and good job scientists. 👍

@Anonbene just noticed I did not actually answered your question about chemicals...
this is a better reference for colours and chemicals

I got it after reading about The different filters to detect different wave lengths. That made sense.



Kynlei Level 8 Apr 26, 2019
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