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Three black holes are going to merge. []

ToolGuy 9 Nov 14
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Do you have any evidence, other than an authority’s words, that black holes exist?

BTW, in science it’s ok to say “I don’t know.”

I may change my screen name to “nonbeliever”.

yvilletom Level 8 Nov 17, 2019

@ToolGuy Do you know a reason for the inference that black holes exist? What purpose(s) in the BB model do black holes serve?

@ToolGuy Some critics of Hawking say that despite his heroically overcoming his ALS, he wasted his life on black holes.
I’m wondering if my dislike of most science fiction correlates with my insisting on evidence, and if others’ like of science fiction correlates with their not insisting on evidence.

@ToolGuy You have that wrong; mathematics requires proof and physics requires evidence. You require neither proof nor evidence; enjoy your religion.

@ToolGuy I will state that more clearly. Mathematicians require proof; physicists require evidence. You and religious folk require only authority. As to black holes, you said Stephen Hawking is your authority. He wasted his life on black holes.

@ToolGuy Sure, solve problems mathematically and then demonstrate them in the real world of physics.
But when Big Bangers’ gravity-only equations don’t describe the real world of physics, they adjust their equations or they invent dark matter, dark energy, black holes, inflation, neutron stars, gravitational waves, Higgs bosons, Doppler effects in light, et cetera. That’s why experts such as Nicola Tesla say the Bangers’ mathematics is not related to reality.

@ToolGuy Right, he told the NYT that in 1935 and experts such as he now say the same.

@ToolGuy You will decide whether to look for and evaluate evidence, or to believe what you read in magazines.


NIMBY I hope.


Be interesting to see if that merger causes a quasar. Quasars emit more light than all the stars in the combined galaxy, and the gamma ray emissions from a quasar are thought to kill any life in that galaxy.

EdEarl Level 8 Nov 15, 2019

That should give off some gravity waves..

Charlene Level 9 Nov 15, 2019
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