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In the movie "The Meaning of Life" "The Galaxy Song" got me thinking.
We are living on a planet that has been within a Solar System that has been traversing this Galaxy called the MIlky Way, just like in the song. However, what this means is that our planet has been traveling around the center of the galaxy and so should have something from everything it has come close to. So if there is life elsewhere in this galaxy there should be some evidence of it here.
I would guess that the problem of this is knowing what to look for. If everything within this system is made from the matter that is within the rest of the galaxy, perhaps the answer is that it is all the same and if there is other life then it is like ours in some manner, probably not appearance as it would or could develop to engage in its environment differently.
Any thought out there?

dalefvictor 8 May 18
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Oh? Has the scientific method failed?
If you were using it you wouldn’t speculate.
You would form a hypothesis you can test or you would say you don’t know.

yvilletom Level 8 May 19, 2020

People a lot smarter than I have probably thought of this before now, I was asking if anyone knew anything. Sometimes there is more to a question than Google. There are many smart people here and I was hoping to start a conversation.

@dalefvictor I too would like to have more people joining the groups I’ve started but there aren’t very many people interested in what I like.
When you plucked a thought you got from The Galaxy Song, you were dealing with escape velocities, the speed and directions of travel necessary to escapt the gravity of the original planets. You’ll need a few college courses in physics.

@yvilletom It is a song in a movie meant for comedy, not accurate physics. I was after the connection to get people to think about the action of the galaxy and our movement through it,.

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