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I carry a massive annoyance in my head. I am deeply troubled by this thing. Perhaps you can relieve my dispair.
The thing is this:

It is said that our universe is expanding, the futher away portions of it are expanding faster, and the furthest away portions we can observe are about 13.8 billion light years away.

13.8 billion light years away. We are observing light images, which are 13.8 billion years old... this is astounding for both the massively vast size our universe contains AND the incredible time this information has survived. But what truly disturbs me is the time.

13.8 billion years. We are observing phenominal galactic developmental history, yet we speak of it as what our galaxy is doing now, not what we are observing now, 13.8 billion years after the fact.

I believe the fact is we have no clue whatsoever about what our galaxy is doing at this moment. Without active knowledge and use of Warp Drive, Worm Holes, and accurate Time Travel, our universe is FAR too vast for us to KNOW ANYTHING RECENT about its behavior. It may very well be static now, or it's edges might actually be rushing back toward The Big Crunch. Without realization of our SciFi fantacies, we cannot know these answers for at least another 13.8 billion years.

What say you now?

EarnestEccentric 7 July 3
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@EarnestEccentric, the astronomer Edwin Hubble didn’t buy expansion. Here are a few of his words on the subject.

  • . . . if redshifts are velocity shifts which measure the rate of expansion, the expanding models are definitely inconsistent with the observations that have been made . . . expanding models are a forced interpretation of the observational results.* — E. Hubble, Ap. J., 84, 517, 1936

I searched on Ap. J. and found it.

yvilletom Level 8 Feb 10, 2021

@EarnestEccentric Here’s more from Edwin Hubble, with opening and closing lines by me.

We do not have pretty good evidence of a beginning to the Universe approx 13.7 billion years ago. We have only Georges LeMaitre’s mathematical attempt to support the Genesis story.

Edwin Hubble hypothesized two universes, the first of them expanding.

“If the red shifts are a Doppler shift . . . the observations as they stand lead to the anomaly of a closed universe, curiously small and dense, and, it may be added, suspiciously young.
“On the other hand, if red shifts are not Doppler effects, these anomalies disappear and the region observed appears as a small, homogeneous, but insignificant portion of a universe extended indefinitely in both space and time.” — Edwin Hubble 1937 Royal Astronomical Society Monthly Notices:

From Hubble’s expansion hypothesis, LeMaitre wrote equations with time the independent variable. He ran time backwards, giving the Vatican support for Genesis and America’s fundamentalist xians a response to Darwin. Many astronomers disagreed, but wanted to do astronomy. They did not want a political fight with America’s xians.

At you’ll see some reviews and you can download a free PDF document that doesn’t require a degree in physics.

At there’s video and prose, including presentations from annual conventions. Using a search bar near the top of the home page, I have found a lot of material.

At a public library I found Eric Lerner’s “The Big Bang Never Happened”.


Boggles the mind!

M4Amama Level 6 July 10, 2020

Oh woe is me, LOL.

Theresa_N Level 8 July 3, 2020

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