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Sir Issac Newton said that space moves through matter freely without friction. By moving through space, you experience momentum, change in momentum lags behind the change in velocity. The momentum of an object applies pressure on the object stopping it. Pressure on matter generates heat, heat is long-wave light. When white light enters a prism it will be separated into a spectrum of colors because the speed of light is different in different mediums, when light enters a new medium at an angle its path will bend because of its height, and red light bends less than shorter wavelength blue light so long=wave red light is shorter in height because blue light has to wait longer for its height to make the bend into the medium thus altering its path at a greater angle.

Albert Einstein did a thought experiment of an elevator accelerating in a straight line through empty space remote from all gravity sources being identical to gravity: All objects in the elevator accelerate to the floor at the same rate regardless of mass because the elevator floor is what is accelerating toward the objects contained therein. The quantity of mass doesn’t matter because mass does not pull on mass; objects are decelerating on the planet surface at the rate the earth is manufacturing space-time.

Einstein gave us the answer to gravity, warped space/time. And he told where to look for it, the bending of light in a gravitational field. On May 19, 1919 astronomer Arthur Eddington took a photograph of a constellation that lined up behind the Sun during a solar eclipse, and it confirmed Einstein's prediction of light bending in a gravitational field. The background star images moved away from the Sun as if you were viewing the constellation through a huge positive lens. Einstein described the mechanics of this observation by imagining a series of elevators rising from the Sun’s surface; light enters the elevator at a higher level on the far side, and then it exits at a lower level on the side closest to us. As light traverses elevator after elevator, its path bends so that the star’s images appear to be at a greater angle away from the Sun (“The Evolution of Physics” © 1938 by Albert Einstein and Leopold Infeld page 220.)

Mass slows time which alters the distance matter can travel in comparison to less mass areas. Elements can be identified by the light they radiate due to the unique number and position of electrons in their electron energy-shell levels where photons are absorbed and emitted, resulting in dark spectral lines distinguishing each element. Using these spectral lines as light-wave-length markers; light-waves red-shift for each element when coming from a massive star, this means that light from specific elements travels farther in comparable length when coming from the slower time-rhythm with fewer seconds compared to the surroundings of a massive star. The fabric of space stretches as illustrated in gravitational embedding diagrams toward the center of mass allowing light and matter to move farther/faster using less energy toward the comparatively slower time rhythm.

To imagine the space-time warp allowing objects to move farther in the same amount of time while coming from a massive object with a slower time rhythm: think of an object moving directly away from you, the light waves coming from it will Doppler shift, and the waves will be less frequent in arrival, but you will have witnessed the object move farther by your standard of light speed for the same amount of time. If you think of a second as the time it takes for light to travel a certain distance, that is now time plus greater distance. Sir Issac Newton said you move through space freely without friction, Gravity is the result of moving farther/faster through the rising elevators toward the slower time rhythm and then being stopped by the planet's surface, change in momentum lags change in velocity, which feels like deceleration/gravity. Gravity is the kinetic energy of momentum. Gravity is simply a change in uniform motion.

On the surface of a planet you are in a faster time-rhythm than the matter in the core of the planet, you are blue shifting (traveling through space) toward the core; anything put under pressure radiates long wave energy; that is why the core is not cooling down after billions of years.The pressure slows the time-rhythm producing long wave energy and radiates the gravity (moving space) we feel on the surface resulting in our momentum toward the core at the rate of acceleration created by the pressure on the surface toward the core. So gravity is caused by the moving space generating momentum toward the planet core, at the rate of acceleration that the core is creating new space and slowing time.

euG5555 4 June 9
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