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Don't you just love how uneducated religious fanatics mix up Astronomy with Astrology? I went to visit my mom once and she had a friend over. This friend was a real Southern Baptist bible thumper. Anyway, my moms friend was asking me what kind of things I like to do. I told her that I am an Amatuer Astronomer. Her eyes got big and she said "You better watch out, that is close to witchcraft!" I laughed and told her that she is thinking of astrology and I quickly explained the difference, but I didn't stop there. I then told her the closest thing I have seen to witchcraft is organized religion. She didn't have a word to say to me after that and my mom wasn't too happy either. I wonder if I really was being an ass by throwing in that last line. I mean, she was preaching her gospel to us from almost the time I arrived until I finally got the chance to share my belief.

StewartIrvin 4 Apr 26
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Nicely done, Sir!

N7EIE Level 6 May 4, 2018

Nice to meet a fellow astronomer! I am both a professional and amateur astronomer. I love taking my scopes out to view the heavens. I hold lots of star parties. Well, to respond to your post, confusing astronomy with astrology drives me crazy! I equate dirty based relegion with mysticism and magical thinking. But I understand, sadly, how much people appear to need it in their lives. I think it has to do with the existential crises of fearing death....or something like that. Back to amateur astronomy...Are you a member of a club?

AstroLou Level 5 Apr 27, 2018

I used to be Vice President of The Forsyth Astronomical Society many years ago. I just spent 17 years living in Florida. Now I am back in North Carolina and near the dark skies of the Blue Ridge so I am looking to getting back into active participation again. Not that I have been totally dormant, but the seeing was so bad in Florida that I spent most of my time doing citizen science work on my computer and very little time doing actual observations. It feels good to be back where I can walk outside at night and look up and see the Milkyway and the Andromeda Galaxy with my naked eyes.


Careful spreadin all that edubacatin.

Emme Level 7 Apr 27, 2018

Good for you. People think astrology sun sign astrology. It would only be accurate for a child born in that exact moment he inhaled is first earthly breath at the exact day, time, hour, latitude and longitude. That first earthy breath is what makes you unique, At that exact time, you calculate the natal birth chart will tell you all kinds of information of his psychological make For instance it knows how your mother and father's relationship effects you. it will tell you what your interests are, what kind of relationships attract youm and what kind of job you will most like choose to be It takes lifetimes to learn, They are great, but I am on break in this community. I do not wish to argue. For me silence is better than arguing. I am not drawn into some of their kaotic fights. lol.

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