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Where are you Starman?

There's a starman waiting in the sky
He'd like to come and meet us
But he thinks he'd blow our minds
There's a starman waiting in the sky
He's told us not to blow it
Cause he knows it's all worthwhile

He told me:

Let the children lose it
Let the children use it
Let all the children boogie

vcg1234 7 Apr 30
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I'll always give a like for David Bowie! What a fascinating guy


Love Bowie! Thank you!! Here's one of my own. Not a song but a poem I wrote to say goodbye to Voyager back in 1989 - Neptune Encounter.

From fiery ball to icy worlds
sailed my hopes and dreams
To reach into the cosmic void
and grasp the stellar beams
To peer out from my covers
from the planet I call home
And challenge my greatest fear
that I may truly be alone
To know that there is order
and something larger still
To understand the limits
that are placed upon my will

I entrusted you my voyager
with my most sacred of desires
To feel the pulse of the universe
and touch the celestial fires
And on you went, and on and on
to worlds of swirling gas
To satellites of rock and ice
and rings of colored glass
You showed me things I never dreamed
existed out in space
You showed me just how special is
my planetary place

And on you went, and on and on
past clouds of red and green
You flew my eyes past amber skies
till nothing more was seen
I'll think of you each time I chance
to gaze into the night
And wish you peace among the stars
on your visionary flight.

        -Lou Mayo
        Voyager IRIS Team
AstroLou Level 5 Apr 30, 2018

THAT is fantastic! We should have someone set it to music - unless you have already. Very cool!

Very beautiful poem.

@LaMariposa Thank you! We had a wonderful Farewell Neptune party at JPL. Carl was there along with all the instrument PI's and of course, Ed Stone. BB King played too! It was inspiring and sad at the same time. Hmmmm.... Maybe I will set it to music. 🙂

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