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Two more weeks and I'll be able to afford a telescope for stargazing! ?

Catnublia 6 May 18
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Hey, it's been a month. Were you able to get a scope?

Putting the order in tomorrow!


I was very happy with my first scope (a 4/5" dobsonian) and used it for years before upgrading. The one thing that I wish I'd known in advance was that there was an astronomy club local to me that had many telescopes to loan at very reasonable prices (like $5 a month). Trying a few out like this might point you towards one you'd like, and you'd likely find a used one for less than half of a new. In any case, I hope you get a great scope that leads to many nights of great stargazing!

Spooner Level 6 May 28, 2018

Great! What kind of telescope are you thinking of?

AstroLou Level 5 May 19, 2018


JohnINFP Level 7 May 18, 2018

What scope are you going to get?

Haven't decided quite yet, I'm still an amateur so I really don't know what would work for recreational stargazing

@Catnublia Look into the Orion Starblast. My daughter has the 4 1/2 in. and she loves it. I have used it and am impressed. A good scope fora beginner at a reasonable price.

@starwatcher-al I'll take a look thanks!



MollyBell Level 7 May 18, 2018

Awesome! Will it have an attachment for a DSLR?

Squirrel Level 7 May 18, 2018

What are you thinking of getting? Do you have a few in mind already?

vcg1234 Level 7 May 18, 2018

Admittedly I don't know too much about telescopes, I'm still very much an amateur, but I found a lot of sites recommending the Celestron PowerSeeker 127EQ telescope

@Catnublia @lamariposa probably knows the optimal answer to the "which telescope" question. Sadly the answer is probably, "it depends, what is your observing campaign?"


That's great!

ballou Level 8 May 18, 2018
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