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Where were you 6 years ago?

Venus Crosses the Sun for Last Time Until 2117


vcg1234 7 June 5
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I still have my Halleyscope somewhere. I used it once to photograph Jupiter's moons so I could plot their orbits. It was a Galilean thing to do...

wdwyer Level 5 June 6, 2018

I was on Mauna Kea at the IRTF on the NASA EDGE webcast. We webcast the entire transit. It was very exciting!!

AstroLou Level 5 June 5, 2018

I had just started working at Adler Planetarium. I was spoiled - Venus Transit, Curiosity landing on Mars, Sally Ride memorial, Mercury visible with naked eye, Venus and Jupiter seen near each other in sky, annular solar eclipse. And I worked at Adler! ?

vcg1234 Level 7 June 5, 2018

It was cloudy, so I watched the transit on a webcast. I tried to interest my toddler, but that didn't work so well lol


I think I moved to another house in the same town.


And what news about Mars over the summer? Anyone planning a Mars safari?

NASA announcement on Thursday...


A transit event provides an opportunity to do a little science, mainly on the Venusian atmosphere. Although a rare event, it isn't particularly phenomenal because it just one of relative positioning. Six years ago I was changing faculty jobs, moving from Florida to Texas. I would love to be around for the next transit though. More realistically, I shooting for Halley's comet's next visit even though that's a bit of a stretch unless I can do a transhumanistic shift.

wdwyer Level 5 June 5, 2018

A little tune about Halley’s last 2 visits. It should be posted elsewhere but I think it’s ok here.

@Markus Music is always welcome in this group!

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Posted by starwatcher-alThe occultation of Mars on the 7th.

Posted by starwatcher-alThe occultation of Mars on the 7th.

Posted by starwatcher-alSolar minimum was in 2019 so the sun is ramping up in flares, spots and prominences.

Posted by starwatcher-alI missed the early phases of the eclipse but the clouds mostly left during totality. All in all a great eclipse. Next one is Nov. 8-22

Posted by starwatcher-alI missed the early phases of the eclipse but the clouds mostly left during totality. All in all a great eclipse. Next one is Nov. 8-22

Posted by RobecologyFor those following the JWST.

Posted by AnonySchmoose The post-launch set-up of the new James Webb telescope has gone very well.

Posted by HumanistJohnImages taken with Stellina (80 mm): M33 Triangulum Galaxy M1 Crab Nebula NGC281 Pacman Nebula in Cassiopeia NGC 6992 Veil Nebula in Cygnus

Posted by HumanistJohnImages taken with Stellina (80 mm): M33 Triangulum Galaxy M1 Crab Nebula NGC281 Pacman Nebula in Cassiopeia NGC 6992 Veil Nebula in Cygnus

Posted by HumanistJohnImages taken with Stellina (80 mm): M33 Triangulum Galaxy M1 Crab Nebula NGC281 Pacman Nebula in Cassiopeia NGC 6992 Veil Nebula in Cygnus

Posted by HumanistJohnImages taken with Stellina (80 mm): M33 Triangulum Galaxy M1 Crab Nebula NGC281 Pacman Nebula in Cassiopeia NGC 6992 Veil Nebula in Cygnus

Posted by HumanistJohnImages taken October 2nd 2021 with Stellina 1.

Posted by HumanistJohnImages taken October 2nd 2021 with Stellina 1.

Posted by HumanistJohnImages taken October 2nd 2021 with Stellina 1.

Posted by starwatcher-al Did you know that you can see Venus in the daytime?

Posted by starwatcher-alOne of these days I think that I'll figure out this Nikon.

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