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I grew up with Jerry Brown in his first term. Ca is pulling ahead by leaps and bounds. 6th largest economy in the world, etc.


Akfishlady 8 Feb 14
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The most broke state, nothing but poverty and debts. This state is lost to other mentally deficient liars and morons, taking the state to the edge to fall with no chance of a prosperous future.

shigellaca Level 3 Mar 15, 2018

@Akfishlady money is used for anything but what is important. Taxes are outrageous. Now moonbeam brown wants to start charging a mileage tax. That man does not have any sense. He is corrupt and out off touch.

Um... Governor Brown has California running in the black unlike most other states.


I lived in Northern Ca (Sacramento area) and really liked it. The other country, S. Ca., is where my daughter lives (LA area) and I would never want to live there. What a nightmare.

JackPedigo Level 9 Feb 14, 2018

@Akfishlady My daughter is always complaining about the heat. LA used to have fairly mild weather but it has gotten unbearable. She really wants to move here but jobs and housing can be difficult.


Yeah, I grew up with him, too. Are you saying you think he is responsible for everything that California has achieved?

marga Level 7 Feb 14, 2018

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