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Seattle friends, or anyone that might be interested.

Akfishlady 8 Feb 23
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SEIU is the main pusher of immigration, legal or otherwise. This organization wants a source of cheap and controllable workers. To me, companies always look to their bottom line before anything else. They are a big player in skewing the debate on immigration.

JackPedigo Level 9 Feb 24, 2018

@Akfishlady I hear this a lot. At least you get the connection between doing work we don't want to and exploitation.

This has become a major polarizing issue around the world. More and more nations are leaning toward conservative because of the immigration issue. I see the anti-immigrant feelings as a backlash against the policies that have allowed, what many see, as excessive immigration. The conservatives want to close the door and nail it shut. Too many liberals want to rip the door off of it;'s hinges and throw it away. Both are wrongheaded and emotion based. It should not be about individuals but about a reasoned based policy that serves all, citizens and immigrants alike. Taking the middle road, in this day and age, is being branded by both sides but some of us are willing to do this because it is too important to ignore.

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Posted by pedigojrIn a recent Seattle Times Pacific NW magazine was an article that most outside the area may find hard to believe.

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Posted by jackjrOur corner of the countries (2 US and Canada).

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Posted by MerlinZapThis is what they believe....

Posted by MerlinZapSounds right.

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