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Hello all! I live in Oregon, in a SW Portland suburb, and I have marveled at how spread about we are in this group. How fun to find a geographically-appropriate sub-group. Perhaps there are contacts and friendships to be made here!

Rustee 7 Feb 26
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Enjoy being online again!

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I'm very happy living on the edge of the Pearl and the edge of the freeway in the SW. Public music performances less than 500 yards from my front door, Powell's a block down, and cityscapes in every direction -- gorgeous!

MrsLovett Level 1 July 17, 2019

I'm in SE Portland 😀

QueerQuin Level 3 Apr 6, 2019

I live in Northeast. I escaped the Deep South. I love it here. Maybe we can have coffee sometime? I find so many non-believers here. I am surprised more are not in this group.

Mambocat Level 4 Mar 20, 2019

Yes, I would like that! I used to live in NE, Alameda area, where are you?


Welcome to the group. It seems we are an active area.

JackPedigo Level 9 Feb 26, 2019

I'm about 5 hours below you in G.P..

MerlinZap Level 8 Feb 26, 2019

Do tell... What is the difference between the "Queen of Hearts" and the "Queen of Diamonds"?!?

@Rustee The Queen of hearts will love you back, the Queen of diamonds is only in it for what she can get....but then, knew that.

@MerlinZap - I did not know that, hence my question, so thank you! I feared that the reference to the "Queen of Diamonds" would reveal a materialistic woman, and - as a woman who love diamonds and gold - I was prepared to defend myself. Alas, there is no need, and I appreciate the distinction! 🙂

@Rustee... remember the old Eagles song: "...don't you try the Queen of Diamonds, boy, she'll beat you when she's able... you know the Queen of Hearts is always your best bet...." ("Desperado" )

Also, there are all kinds of gambling superstitions about the people cards -- kings, jacks, queens.

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