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A little history lesson for our side of the country. I am sure this is the same for E.Oregon and parts of California.

JackPedigo 9 Mar 13
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I want to meet people. I’m tired of this texting back & forth. I don’t want to talk to anyone on the phone either.

MissRogan Level 5 Mar 31, 2018

I signed up with whole body donation.

MissRogan Level 5 Mar 18, 2018

Do you know of the conditions? 24 hour time limit, no disfiguring accidents or bedsores. There are a couple of others which make sense when you read about them. It is meant to be a viable program not a dumping ground. I have also signed up and if not for doing this for my late partner I would not have known about the conditions.


I have often told my family that if ever I am in an accident where I am left in a vegetative state, do NOT hook me up to life support, just let me go. If I am ever struck with an illness that compromises MY quality of life, I've made plans to leave this world with dignity.

Nena Level 6 Mar 14, 2018

@SACatWalker It shouldn't have to be that way...I've even considered a DNR tatoo. LOL


This shouldn't be an issue! Just as in women's health issues! Our bodies, our lives, our choices!

phxbillcee Level 10 Mar 13, 2018
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