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Do you also feel like celebrating when our rainy season arrives and all the dustladen foliage and such gets a good wash?
I love it, and also rejoice for a good kickoff because of concern re. getting enough rain in a season to keep drought at bay.
It is also on my mind that hopefully this ample first rainfall might douse all the wild fires ...
Anyone else?

dede18 8 Dec 2
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I love watching nature shower, it means my orchards and gardens will be off to a healthy start come spring, love the smell in my greenhouse gas in ready starts for spring planting.


I love watching nature shower, it means my orchards and gardens will be off to a healthy start come spring, love the smell in my greenhouse gas in ready starts for spring planting.


Even though we are in a drought area during 4-5 months of the summer and our islands are in a rain shadow we still ge ample rainfall. This summer was a bit wetter than normal and the state had a record fruit crop. The big problem here is snowfall. It has become less and less so the storage from snowpack has been dropping.

@dede18 Yes and also supplies the water to power the dams. There are a lot in this state and the Columbia river is the most powerful (dams) river in the country. Almost all of our power in the archipelago is hydro-power.

@dede18 Sort of, more and more are being discovered about the true cost of hydropower. The loss of salmon and Orca Whales is one big price.

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