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Snoqualmie falls

Akfishlady 8 May 19
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Your missing the hotel. Also, it is the site of the first hydro power system in the state. It's where I proposed to my late partner.

jackjr Level 7 Feb 8, 2023

Been there. Beautiful little town.

bubaj50 Level 7 Aug 15, 2018

Hey, you stole my picture (where I proposed to my late partner - it wasn't romantic enough). Have you seen the power generating plant. It redirects some of the water through massive tubes (penstocks) to an underground turbines. It was the first water generating plant in the state (1899 I think)

JackPedigo Level 9 May 19, 2018

It wasn’t romantic enough?!?

@SurvivorSteph You missed an earlier posting. No, she wanted me to take her to a city park in my neighborhood. Part of the park was along the water and faced West. She wanted me to ask her again at sunset. Plus when we got to the falls it was on a weekend and really crowded. There was also an issue with the ring I gave her. But who was I to complain?

@SurvivorSteph, @Akfishlady I am missing you. I see no barrel going down the falls!

@JackPedigo I hope you didn’t spend your life with her never measuring up or getting things right, and I hope your effort was appreciated.

@Akfishlady You are missing in the photo that appears.

@Akfishlady, @SurvivorSteph It had nothing to do with me not measuring up but with what she wanted. She spent 25 miserable years in her first marriage now she had a chance to be assertive with someone who loved her enough to care about her wishes. It was often actually fun to see what she would come up with but I sometimes got to play as well. For instance. In Iran (she was Persian) the wives don't take their husband's name (but the children do). When getting her citizenship her husband convinced her to take his name for convenience (it was actually very close to mine). When we got married she said she wanted to go mack to her maiden name. I said "what makes you think you can have my name, I don't just give it to anyone". She said thank you. However, she got the last laugh. She was an extreme extrovert and everyone knew her. I became Mr. Baharloo (her name) to people who didn't know me. I actually felt honored.


I agree it's beautiful, Happy Saturday!

CaroleKay Level 8 May 19, 2018


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