
Design a better religion

Religion has many uses for us, as well as many horrible aspects. People seem to need religion, so can we design a better religion for peace and prosperity? Obviously we would want...
Topics: Charity, Economics / Social Sciences, Religion / Spiritualism, Happiness / Self Improvement, Society / Culture
21 members, 13 posts, Last Activity: Jul 11, 2024

The Church of Maybe

A sort of church for the people who don't know about God, etc., but don't entirely rule it out. Maybe, like me, you've had a few very pleasant experiences that might have been from...
Topics: Atheism / Agnosticism / Nonbelief, Religion / Spiritualism
10 members, 5 posts, Last Activity: Jul 11, 2024

Heresy fetish

If you love heresy this group is for you!
Topics: Religion / Spiritualism
5 members, 17 posts, Last Activity: Jul 11, 2024

Origins of Heaven and Hell

Discuss the origins of beliefs in heaven and hell. Why do so many people need to believe?
Topics: Debate / Argument, History, Philosophy, Religion / Spiritualism
33 members, 8 posts, Last Activity: Jul 11, 2024

Art, AI art creators and fans

For those interested art, making art or just looking at art
Topics: Religion / Spiritualism
2 members, 1 post, Last Activity: May 16, 2024

Religious Naturalism

A place to talk about any Religious Practice which does not include supernatural elements.
Topics: Religion / Spiritualism, Science
96 members, 253 posts, Last Activity: Jul 11, 2024

Laughter is medicine

All humour is welcome including philosophical satire,taken with a grain of salt. Political jokes and satire are catered for elsewhere so please refraim from posting here. Enjoy a...
62 members, 458 posts, Last Activity: Jul 26, 2024

Earth Preservers

A place for people who believe that's it's important to protect and maintain our planet. Also a place to share: cool inventions; projects; or creative work made with this aim in ...
Topics: Activism, Environment, Politics / Political Ideology, Society / Culture, Technology
119 members, 102 posts, Last Activity: May 21, 2024

Fun Bible Passages

A place to share fun (or not so fun) and interesting biblical passages for us to live by...or not!
Topics: Drink / Food / Diet, History, Humor, Religion / Spiritualism, Happiness / Self Improvement
193 members, 426 posts, Last Activity: Jul 18, 2024

Sam Harris Fans

For those who want to meet other fans of Sam Harris and keep up with his podcasts and live events!
Topics: Fan Groups, Philosophy, Religion / Spiritualism
182 members, 77 posts, Last Activity: Jul 11, 2024

Political debate

Political discussion for and or against the potus ... No snowflakes allowed...
Topics: Debate / Argument, Education, Philosophy, Politics / Political Ideology
309 members, 502 posts, Last Activity: Jul 1, 2024

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