
Ethical Vegans - Animal Rights - Environmental Concerns - Clean Food & Gardening

This groups is for people who identify as Ethical Vegans -- Veganism - as defined by the Vegan Society -- is as follows: "A philosophy and way of living which seeks to ...
Topics: Activism, Animals / Pets, Environment, Drink / Food / Diet, Philosophy
99 members, 231 posts, Last Activity: Jul 15, 2024

Animal Mania

With the exception of man, we believe that animals are agnostic/atheists. As no animal has ever told us any different, they deserve full representation in our forum. Their lives ...
8 members, 21 posts, Last Activity: Jun 15, 2024

Environment, Ecology and Sustainability

Articles and debate of interest for the preservation of the environment globally.
Topics: Activism, Charity, Economics / Social Sciences, Environment, Science
317 members, 725 posts, Last Activity: Jul 1, 2024

Widow(er)/life partner/significant other

This is a group for those who have lost a spouse, life partner, or significant other to share the unique issues they face and to support each other as they recover from that ...
280 members, 428 posts, Last Activity: Jul 17, 2024


For people who love reading, no matter of the subject.
Topics: Books / Writing / Poetry, Creativity, Hobbies /Interests
18 members, 21 posts, Last Activity: Apr 13, 2024

Herbalists Corner

Remember the old wives tales that we used to cure our ills? The old timers from every nation knew what local herbs to use and their cultivation. here we discuss the health ...
Topics: Science
13 members, 54 posts, Last Activity: May 15, 2024


Interested in creating a home for rock, country, new age, jazz - pretty much anything that doesn't feature lyrics.
Topics: Music
379 members, 1,347 posts, Last Activity: Jul 24, 2024

Libertarians Worldwide

Please read group description carefully. This is a worldwide group for those who identify as Libertarian or who are interested in Libertarian philosophy, and is not connected to ...
46 members, 410 posts, Last Activity: Jul 22, 2024

International Perspectives

Were you born or do you reside outside the US? Or are you an American interested in international issues, cultures, or foreign languages? This is the group for you!
Topics: History, Languages, Music, News, Society / Culture
75 members, 66 posts, Last Activity: May 24, 2024


This is the place for those who cook at home and like to experiment.
Topics: Drink / Food / Diet
107 members, 234 posts, Last Activity: Jun 23, 2024

Uncommon words and their meanings.

Posting uncommon words and their meaning. Expanding your vocabulary.
Topics: Books / Writing / Poetry, Creativity, Education, Hobbies /Interests, Happiness / Self Improvement
504 members, 6,393 posts, Last Activity: Jul 26, 2024


A place to share and discuss music related to classical, baroque, opera ... as wide as you want to make it! Crossover welcome.
Topics: Art, Creativity, Hobbies /Interests, Music, Society / Culture
131 members, 1,866 posts, Last Activity: Jul 24, 2024

Conservative Bashers

This is a group where you can safely come to bash any conservative group, individual or action. No trolling is allow.
126 members, 1,354 posts, Last Activity: Jul 26, 2024

Nudists & Naturists in 16 hours, 20 mins

A place to share experiences and knowledge about platonic nude recreation. NOTE: The rules on this site for nude photos appears to be a bit more strict here than it is on ...
Topics: Environment, Family, Fitness, Health, Society / Culture
218 members, 434 posts, Last Activity: Jul 25, 2024

Fun Bible Passages

A place to share fun (or not so fun) and interesting biblical passages for us to live by...or not!
Topics: Drink / Food / Diet, History, Humor, Religion / Spiritualism, Happiness / Self Improvement
193 members, 426 posts, Last Activity: Jul 18, 2024

P.A.T.C.H. People Against The Christian Hypocrites

This is a site to vent about or disprove Christianity. Any non-Christian pictures, comics, or comments are welcome here. Mainly we concentrate on disproving the bible so atheists ...
Topics: Activism, Atheism / Agnosticism / Nonbelief, Education, Philosophy, Religion / Spiritualism
295 members, 561 posts, Last Activity: Jul 1, 2024

Hippie Land -

Do You live life to the fullest? Do you promote love, peace and happiness? Do you live a free and loving lifestyle or want to practice a simpler existence? This is going to be a ...
Topics: Activism, Art, Books / Writing / Poetry, Creativity, Film / Movies / TV
290 members, 2,486 posts, Last Activity: Jul 24, 2024

Online Dating: The Reality

A place to share our experiences with online dating. This is not a place for generalizations on the topic, but a place to share specifics: What works, what doesn’t work, the ...
Topics: Happiness / Self Improvement, Sexuality / Gender, Society / Culture
322 members, 842 posts, Last Activity: Jul 20, 2024

Critical thinking

To discuss Critical thinking, what it means, how to attain it and why it is so important... Also to discuss the insight, perception and realization gained in various areas after ...
Topics: Atheism / Agnosticism / Nonbelief, Debate / Argument, Education, News, Other
663 members, 810 posts, Last Activity: Jul 25, 2024

Love of Physics

A place for folks to chat about, share, and enjoy physics ideas. Particle/electromagnetic/nuclear physics in particular.
Topics: Hobbies /Interests, Science, Technology
23 members, 21 posts, Last Activity: May 26, 2024

Handy apps for your phone

Frugal, useful, no or few ads Post your recommendations
8 members, 9 posts, Last Activity: Jul 22, 2024

Art, AI art creators and fans

For those interested art, making art or just looking at art
Topics: Religion / Spiritualism
2 members, 1 post, Last Activity: May 16, 2024

Recovering Theists

This group is designed to provide an outlet for former believers of various deities to relate their stories of liberation from theological oppression. Please feel free to share ...
Topics: Activism, Atheism / Agnosticism / Nonbelief, Debate / Argument, Philosophy, Happiness / Self Improvement
35 members, 24 posts, Last Activity: May 2, 2024

Survivors of roman catholicism

For those of us who survived catholicism, whether it is how we were raised or otherwise
Topics: Atheism / Agnosticism / Nonbelief, Religion / Spiritualism, Sexuality / Gender
20 members, 57 posts, Last Activity: Apr 21, 2024


0 members, 0 posts


Lefties live in a different world then the rights. We are required to adapt and conform.
9 members, 6 posts, Last Activity: Jul 9, 2024


For people who want advice or help with aches and pains that they are experiencing.
Topics: Fitness, Drink / Food / Diet, Health, Other, Happiness / Self Improvement
37 members, 67 posts, Last Activity: Jun 27, 2024


1 member, 0 posts

Origins of Heaven and Hell

Discuss the origins of beliefs in heaven and hell. Why do so many people need to believe?
Topics: Debate / Argument, History, Philosophy, Religion / Spiritualism
33 members, 8 posts, Last Activity: Jul 11, 2024

Heresy fetish

If you love heresy this group is for you!
Topics: Religion / Spiritualism
5 members, 17 posts, Last Activity: Jul 11, 2024


1 member, 0 posts

The Church of Maybe

A sort of church for the people who don't know about God, etc., but don't entirely rule it out. Maybe, like me, you've had a few very pleasant experiences that might have been from...
Topics: Atheism / Agnosticism / Nonbelief, Religion / Spiritualism
10 members, 5 posts, Last Activity: Jul 11, 2024

Design a better religion

Religion has many uses for us, as well as many horrible aspects. People seem to need religion, so can we design a better religion for peace and prosperity? Obviously we would want...
Topics: Charity, Economics / Social Sciences, Religion / Spiritualism, Happiness / Self Improvement, Society / Culture
21 members, 13 posts, Last Activity: Jul 11, 2024


1 member, 0 posts, Last Activity: Mar 30, 2024


0 members, 0 posts

Christopher Hitchens Fans

For those who would like to meet and interact with fans of Christopher Hitchens and to remember his work. To Hitch 1949-2011
Topics: Atheism / Agnosticism / Nonbelief, Books / Writing / Poetry, Debate / Argument, Fan Groups, Drink / Food / Diet
80 members, 18 posts, Last Activity: Apr 13, 2024

Minority Heathens

This group is for those that want to discuss the unique challenges that go along with being a religious minority within an ethnic minority group (double whammy). This group is NOT ...
Topics: Activism, Atheism / Agnosticism / Nonbelief, Career, Debate / Argument, Economics / Social Sciences
63 members, 89 posts, Last Activity: Jul 17, 2024

Suicide is painless

Hopefully a support group and also an acceptance group. Please no thoughts and prayers. If you have a story to tell or you have advice that helped you through the rough times, or ...
Topics: Atheism / Agnosticism / Nonbelief, Debate / Argument, Happiness / Self Improvement, Society / Culture
50 members, 20 posts, Last Activity: May 21, 2024

Laughter is medicine

All humour is welcome including philosophical satire,taken with a grain of salt. Political jokes and satire are catered for elsewhere so please refraim from posting here. Enjoy a...
62 members, 458 posts, Last Activity: Jul 26, 2024

No more war

For those who are antiwar. Who are able to criticise all or any side. Who are disgusted at the profiteering war provides some. A place to post the consequences of war. A place ...
50 members, 239 posts, Last Activity: Jul 26, 2024

Jobs for Atheists / Free Thinkers and The like

Hey all - Religious groups keep jobs in their tribes. It's time we banded together and get talented atheists and fellow free thinkers a leg up on jobs!
Topics: Career, Creativity, Economics / Social Sciences, Hobbies /Interests, Happiness / Self Improvement
73 members, 19 posts, Last Activity: Jun 30, 2024

Pro Choice/Abortion Rights

This is a group for those who identify as pro-choice regarding the topic of abortion, and is dedicated to advocating for personal choice on the matter along with sharing stories ...
60 members, 102 posts, Last Activity: May 22, 2024

Religious Naturalism

A place to talk about any Religious Practice which does not include supernatural elements.
Topics: Religion / Spiritualism, Science
96 members, 253 posts, Last Activity: Jul 11, 2024

Healthy Living

This group is here to discuss steps one can take to make healthier life choices. This could include things you eat, physical activities, or even de-stressing activities.
Topics: Fitness, Drink / Food / Diet, Health, Philosophy, Religion / Spiritualism
72 members, 69 posts, Last Activity: May 21, 2024

British Music and Comedy

Please post your favourite music by British artists and British comedy clips. If you're a fan of British comedy and music please feel free to join and tell your pals!
Topics: Film / Movies / TV, Music, Other
47 members, 99 posts, Last Activity: Jul 15, 2024

Earth Preservers

A place for people who believe that's it's important to protect and maintain our planet. Also a place to share: cool inventions; projects; or creative work made with this aim in ...
Topics: Activism, Environment, Politics / Political Ideology, Society / Culture, Technology
119 members, 102 posts, Last Activity: May 21, 2024


People from the PacificNorthWest, previous dwellers from the PacificNorthWest, those moving to the PacificNorthWest. Did I cover everyone?
Topics: Environment, Society / Culture
129 members, 196 posts, Last Activity: May 21, 2024

Traditional and Folkmusic

For lovers of heritage music known as traditional, folk, national, ethnic, dirt, veranda, barn together with the associated songs, lyrics, poetry, dances, mime etc. Note Only ...
Topics: Creativity, Fan Groups, Hobbies /Interests, Music, Society / Culture
164 members, 1,298 posts, Last Activity: Jul 24, 2024

General Topics

Basically the front page of
Topics: Creativity, Fan Groups, Humor, News, Other
155 members, 249 posts, Last Activity: Jul 22, 2024

Science & Technology

Science and technology discussions
Topics: Environment, News, Politics / Political Ideology, Science, Technology
155 members, 193 posts, Last Activity: May 21, 2024

Note: you must be a member to view more groups or posts.)

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