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A lot of people here have arrived from religious backgrounds so I was wondering what your feelings ...
St-Sinner comments on Aug 7, 2019:
ABORTION IS TAKEN LIGHTLY IN THE NEW WOMEN'S LIB ARA 1. It is a woman's right with legal restrictions 2. This woman's right comes with a responsibility 3. Motherhood has very high sanctity 4. Therefore, pregnancy cannot be taken lightly 5. Second trimester abortion should not be allowed. 6. ...
Barnie2years replies on Aug 7, 2019:
@St-Sinner, only the ones with devil horned icons! 😁 Or use circular, basically religious arguments with little to back up their position, kind of like religion does. You only want your freedoms to control others respected, not their freedom to choose for themselves. Pro Choice means exactly that, the freedom to make your own decision without some man telling you what you have to do.
A lot of people here have arrived from religious backgrounds so I was wondering what your feelings ...
St-Sinner comments on Aug 7, 2019:
ABORTION IS TAKEN LIGHTLY IN THE NEW WOMEN'S LIB ARA 1. It is a woman's right with legal restrictions 2. This woman's right comes with a responsibility 3. Motherhood has very high sanctity 4. Therefore, pregnancy cannot be taken lightly 5. Second trimester abortion should not be allowed. 6. ...
Barnie2years replies on Aug 7, 2019:
@itsmedammit, Right Wing Troll from Texas. No need to argue, you would be wasting your time.
A lot of people here have arrived from religious backgrounds so I was wondering what your feelings ...
Allamanda comments on Aug 7, 2019:
I have had 2 abortions. I was raised as an atheist. To me, and probably many Europeans, religion is not the factor for or against abortion. (Religious people and countries have MORE abortions not less). The main one to me would be the effect on the mother and secondly the family - can this child be ...
Barnie2years replies on Aug 7, 2019:
I find it interesting that while our government is doing its best to outlaw abortion, the governments of other countries such as Ireland are dropping or at least liberalizing their abortion laws.
A lot of people here have arrived from religious backgrounds so I was wondering what your feelings ...
WilliamFleming comments on Aug 7, 2019:
No, a fetus does not “have” a soul. That’s putting the cart before the horse. No organism has a soul. IMO if there is a soul at all it is a universal soul. Life is a continuum, proceeding according to the laws of nature, and it’s in perfect accord. The life and death of a single organism...
Barnie2years replies on Aug 7, 2019:
I like the allegory of the Oak tree. We as humans have decided sort of collectively that nothing should die. Not us, not animals, not plants. But nature cannot support the life of every single thing that sprouts or is born, so many must die. That is one of the fundamental tenets of religion, if you must die (yes, you must!) it promises you continuous life, but on another level. For many, it is the only way they can get through the idea of their own limited existence. For Atheists generally, we accept our limited roles on Earth and do our best to leave fond memories of us behind, or for some, just don’t give a shit and enjoy the life you have! 😄
A lot of people here have arrived from religious backgrounds so I was wondering what your feelings ...
Sgt_Spanky comments on Aug 7, 2019:
The religious framing is unusual given the nature of the site on which the question is being asked. Even if a woman comes from a background of faith, the fact that she's now an agnostic or atheist would suggest that religious considerations are not likely to be a major factor anymore. The ...
Barnie2years replies on Aug 7, 2019:
@K9Kohle789, I believe one of the reasons this site is named rather than is because it is a place where you can explore your questions on faith. Don’t let those who feel entitled to not question their lack of faith intimidate you from raising questions and seeking answers!
President George W.
Trajan61 comments on Aug 7, 2019:
The incident mentioned above is very unfortunate but Washington Post is is a left wing piece of crap. Trump is less racist than Obama who did a lot to inflame racial relations with his association with radical racist trouble makers like Al Sharpton and his endorsement of radical racist groups like ...
Barnie2years replies on Aug 7, 2019:
More cops are shot by white males than by any other group. Black Lives Matter are not the Black Panthers. Given the great divide between white and black suspects being shot dead, many unarmed, one would think it would be the other way around. You seem to have your own skin color issues. The only thing Obama did that was “racist” was having the audacity to be elected as president even though his father was a black man. Scared the bejeezus out of the white rural folks! If Obama had done one quarter of the obliteration of laws and standards Trump has done in three years, people like you would have formed a lynch mob.
VP Pence just announced Racist-in-Chief, Trump plans on visiting El Paso and Dayton tomorrow.
Barnie2years comments on Aug 6, 2019:
I understand the Mayor of El Paso specifically is not thrilled. The Representative neither. Mayor Margo: To get ahead of the media "spin," as he called it, Margo clarified that this...
Barnie2years replies on Aug 6, 2019:
@sassygirl3869 maybe he will fly into Toledo and Houston! 😄
MizJ comments on Aug 6, 2019:
Not 100% responsible but definitely a HUGE contributing factor. I am on FB and haven't purchased an assault weapon, not have many others. I do wonder why young whites males are so vulnerable to this message and what makes them cross that line and act on it. If 45 dialed back on the rhetoric it ...
Barnie2years replies on Aug 6, 2019:
The fanatics and Nationalists have always been around. They kind of went underground after the Oklahoma City bombing and several of their leaders got taken out. But their presidential candidate won, which gave them a green light to come out of the dark and go public
Texas police apologize after white officers on horseback lead black man through street on rope.
bigpawbullets comments on Aug 6, 2019:
The rope wasn't around his neck. Progress! 👌😎
Barnie2years replies on Aug 6, 2019:
Wow! But I feel correct! 😕
Matias comments on Aug 5, 2019:
To blame it on gun laws alone is simplistic too, because other countries have liberal gun laws too (Finland, Switzerland...) but they do not have this *culture of violence* which is typical of America. It is unfortunately a core element of the American DNA that "real men" must be prepared to ...
Barnie2years replies on Aug 6, 2019:
@Matias, perhaps you need to check on why they have far less homicides than us. Their regulations are stringent. If the SCOTUS had interpreted the Constitution as it was written with the words “well trained militia” our laws and rate of homicide might be much lower too. Instead, Scalia and the court decided that free for all armed Anarchy was a better choice. In any case, we are in my humble opinion way past the point of no return. There are so many weapons out there, both legal and illegal (I know at least three people who’s homes were robbed and weapons were taken almost exclusively, not to mention daily break-ins of gun shops around the country), that any law created at this point will be less than a bandaid. Even the assault weapons ban was toothless since it did not address the millions of weapons already out there. And this number has gone up exponentially since. That being said, doing something is better than doing nothing. The NRA could help formulate law if it was not owned by the gun and ammo companies. And I am not sure that with the president driving a giant wedge into the political system, any compromise will be obtainable. So we may as well get used to the new reality and hope it doesn’t get worse.
Trump tries to tie gun control to immigration reform in his latest tweets.
mojo5501 comments on Aug 5, 2019:
DT does not have a presidential bone in his entire body. He is incapable of being presidential...his divisive and impulsive nature make it impossible for him to be empathetic or consoling in a time of national crisis. Gun safety is public safety. As Americans we should unite under the idea that ...
Barnie2years replies on Aug 5, 2019:
He is running the country like it’s a bad reality show. Being an asshole improves your ratings. Of course if you screw up on a reality show you get canceled and move on to your next project and your fans can watch you on Hulu. In his current job, screw ups can not only have devastating effects on our country, they can have devastating effects worldwide.
silverotter11 comments on Aug 5, 2019:
I'm so glad there is *something* we can count on with this president.
Barnie2years replies on Aug 5, 2019:
Yes lies, denial and not one ounce of empathy. He is totally lacking in anything that makes humans admirable.
Matias comments on Aug 5, 2019:
To blame it on gun laws alone is simplistic too, because other countries have liberal gun laws too (Finland, Switzerland...) but they do not have this *culture of violence* which is typical of America. It is unfortunately a core element of the American DNA that "real men" must be prepared to ...
Barnie2years replies on Aug 5, 2019:
Do you have any real knowledge of their laws? My brother in law is Swiss. Guns are commonly owned but extremely well regulated. Can’t vouch for other European countries, but my guess would be they are the same. If you would like a better idea of the direction we are headed, look to Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria.
We can scream, cry, chant, and protest.
1of5 comments on Aug 5, 2019:
Tipping point may be reached.
Barnie2years replies on Aug 5, 2019:
If it wasn’t reached when innocent elementary school kids were massacred, when innocent high school kids were massacred, when innocent college kids were massacred, why on earth would anyone think a still Republican Senate would do anything now?
The Civil War has started! 20 dead in Texas yesterday.
Matias comments on Aug 4, 2019:
The next American Civil War will start when Trump loses the next presidential election, does not accept defeat and claims that the Leftists have stolen his victory. That will prompt the militias in Montana to leave their caves and take back their country - by force.
Barnie2years replies on Aug 4, 2019:
Certainly a very possible scenario and actually, if you listen to Trump rally spew, he is setting it up already.
Captain_Feelgood comments on Aug 4, 2019:
It just happened yesterday... How about letting the Police do their job first finding out what happened before commenting on it? 😳 Oh wait.... you just wanted to complain about Republicans for something, and that was the best you could come up with... Gotchya.. 😒
Barnie2years replies on Aug 4, 2019:
@Captain_Feelgood, do Republicans ever actually watch real news? Or are you all too busy living in your little bubble of Fox? Guys manifesto has been on the news all day.
трахни тебя, Mitch
Our_existence comments on Aug 4, 2019:
PS - I feel your frustration and anger. I feel the same. What helps me to comprehend the, "Why's" Of their inaction, is the simple recognition that we do not have a government. Organized crime is ruling our lives and taking our money.
Barnie2years replies on Aug 4, 2019:
@Our_existence, have you read Scaring the shit out of me!
Mitch McConnell recovering from home after sustaining a shoulder fracture
GodlessMimi comments on Aug 4, 2019:
Too bad he didn't break his neck.
Barnie2years replies on Aug 4, 2019:
His shell protected him! 😄
трахни тебя, Mitch
Our_existence comments on Aug 4, 2019:
PS - I feel your frustration and anger. I feel the same. What helps me to comprehend the, "Why's" Of their inaction, is the simple recognition that we do not have a government. Organized crime is ruling our lives and taking our money.
Barnie2years replies on Aug 4, 2019:
@BohoHeathen stuffing politicians pockets you mean.
Illegally selling a couple cigarettes vs killing 20 and injuring 26... WhitePrivilege
Barnie2years comments on Aug 4, 2019:
As much as I hate to say this, you have a guy that was throwing the cops around like rag dolls when they first tryed to detain him compared to the shooter, who calmly surrendered, was unarmed at this point and did nothing to draw fire. Plus, at this stage, according to news accounts, they had taken...
Barnie2years replies on Aug 4, 2019:
@MsHoliday This is why cops get shot more often by white suspects than black. If this guy had been black there would have been half a dozen cops there and he would have been answering questions in cuffs. There is no doubt in my mind there is white privilege.
The Civil War has started! 20 dead in Texas yesterday.
Archeus_Lore comments on Aug 4, 2019:
It never was a democracy. It has always been corrupt, genocidal, and war-loving. . Also note that we on this site are not all "Atheists", I consider myself an Agnostic. . We do not need to take back our government, we need to throw it all out and start over again.
Barnie2years replies on Aug 4, 2019:
If you are not a practicing Saved Again Christian, you will be hunted down same as me if these groups succeed. Which is why I specifically said non-believers. And what you are calling for is exactly what they want too. You will not be happy with the results, it will make the Trump government look Liberal in comparison.
Illegally selling a couple cigarettes vs killing 20 and injuring 26... WhitePrivilege
Barnie2years comments on Aug 4, 2019:
As much as I hate to say this, you have a guy that was throwing the cops around like rag dolls when they first tryed to detain him compared to the shooter, who calmly surrendered, was unarmed at this point and did nothing to draw fire. Plus, at this stage, according to news accounts, they had taken...
Barnie2years replies on Aug 4, 2019:
@MsHoliday,The illegal choke hold was the issue. They did not shoot him, or tase him. Had he allowed them to peacefully cuff him as the other photo shows the El Paso man doing, he would be alive. While I am not defending obvious differences in police tactics in arresting white and black people, this one is not it. They were not sure this guy was the shooter, he did not resist and presented no threat unless you have video that can prove otherwise. I am 100% sure that white suspects are treated differently at the start of an arrest and I am convinced that is responsible for so many cops being killed by whites during traffic stops rather than blacks, though I have not been able to come up with that statistic. But violently resisting arrest is not going to help no matter what your skin color or gender.
MSNBC Live- Just heard Tim Ryan, Representative from Ohio, call for Congress to return and have the ...
Our_existence comments on Aug 4, 2019:
tRump IS an accessory to mass murder. This is not a joke. It is law!
Barnie2years replies on Aug 4, 2019:
Inciting to violence is a crime far worse than obstruction of justice. He uses dog whistles to get his message across, which are harder to prosecute. What is needed is one of these fanatics to name him specifically in their rankings and manifestos. That would be hard to deny.
Illegally selling a couple cigarettes vs killing 20 and injuring 26... WhitePrivilege
Barnie2years comments on Aug 4, 2019:
As much as I hate to say this, you have a guy that was throwing the cops around like rag dolls when they first tryed to detain him compared to the shooter, who calmly surrendered, was unarmed at this point and did nothing to draw fire. Plus, at this stage, according to news accounts, they had taken...
Barnie2years replies on Aug 4, 2019:
This is the first I came up with for 2018. While they don’t breakdown by race of the attacker (they do the race and gender of the officer), interestingly and maybe not surprisingly, the largest number occur in the South
Kentucky Democrats Sell $200K in "Moscow Mitch" Merchandise in 48 Hours
Barnie2years comments on Aug 3, 2019:
I didn’t see a link to the store. I’d order something for sure!! 😊
Barnie2years replies on Aug 3, 2019:
Found it! Order coming tonight.
An impeachment inquiry has begun | TheHill
Barnie2years comments on Aug 2, 2019:
I just heard on NPR that Pelosi is still trying to put a hold on it. Old news?
Barnie2years replies on Aug 3, 2019:
@NoPlanetB, until they get this thing rolling it will be next year already. And he never stops campaigning.
Polarization of red and blue thinking is doing a number on this country.
DharmaBum50 comments on Aug 1, 2019:
An admirable pursuit. On a smaller scale, I belong to a local branch of the Drinking Liberally organization. My friend Jim, the head of that branch, has proposed inviting red-thinkers to one of our monthly meetings for the purpose of civil debate over beers. So far, no rightwing takers.
Barnie2years replies on Aug 2, 2019:
@JulyEveningStarr, the point being (and why I made the distinction) is that there are radical elements in all three. These are dangerous to not only the non believers, but to the liberal and moderate branches of each group. But they do it in such a way as to shame those who are less radical into lending support. Not sure what that has to do with what I posted though?
Climate Change: rising sea levels This issue is already being faced in many of the world’s ...
OldHippieAtHeart comments on Aug 1, 2019:
This being the only planet that we have to live on, I would recommend we take care of it. Another question might be, what would the amount of an excise tax be needed to cover the damage the oil companies have done to the world?
Barnie2years replies on Aug 1, 2019:
It’s the same as toxic waste dumps: the companies spend decades polluting with little oversight, make millions of $ for the top management and owners. When they start to feel heat coming on, the stash the money in legal protected hiding, declare bankruptcy and let taxpayer Super Funds come in and try to clean up the mess. Or just cover it over quick, sell the property for development and by the time people start getting sick, they are long gone and almost impossible to prosecute, again leaving the owners and taxpayers to deal with it (think Love Canal). We are not good at being preemptive with this or with the changes taking place due to climate change. Developers will continue to build in areas they should not, and be long gone or untouchable by the time the flooding hits. Owners and taxpayers get stuck paying for relocating the people to safe housing.
Polarization of red and blue thinking is doing a number on this country.
Barnie2years comments on Aug 1, 2019:
Good luck, you will need it! The lines are being drawn to almost the extent they were just before the Civil War. Only they didn’t have the wonders of the Internet and social media to fan the flames. But they did quite well with gossip and newspapers.
Barnie2years replies on Aug 1, 2019:
Actually, if you watch the PBS Ken Burns Vietnam documentary, you realize just how close we were to losing our country back then. It actually gives me hope for the future.
Y'all this is to hysterical to not share.
ZantiMisfit comments on Jul 31, 2019:
People will pay money for anything!!
Barnie2years replies on Aug 1, 2019:
@Heidi68, they are paying for the facial. I am sure the ingredients are donated freely! 🤣
Polarization of red and blue thinking is doing a number on this country.
DharmaBum50 comments on Aug 1, 2019:
An admirable pursuit. On a smaller scale, I belong to a local branch of the Drinking Liberally organization. My friend Jim, the head of that branch, has proposed inviting red-thinkers to one of our monthly meetings for the purpose of civil debate over beers. So far, no rightwing takers.
Barnie2years replies on Aug 1, 2019:
That should go well: alcohol and polar opposite political views. You should invite some Evangelicals and Islamists (just to distinguish them from Christians and Muslims who are much less radicalized). Neither of those drink, so they could be your designated drivers! 😄
Secular Churches Rethink Their Sales Pitch - The Atlantic
kodimerlyn comments on Jul 22, 2019:
Unfortunately, people are lazy. They WANT to have fun and enjoy the company of others, but only if someone else does the work. It's shitty but that's the way it is. I don't think it needs to be that. I see people gathering in my local park all the time to okay cards and dominos etc. But that's ...
Barnie2years replies on Jul 31, 2019:
Seems to me whenever you have a public gathering space, religious groups will try to move in and recuit. Maybe it’s not that way in Canada, but down here it wouldn’t be long until someone wanted to lead a prayer. They are always on the lookout for another place to spread their disease..
A friend posted this on my FB, and it is so very true.
StarvingArtist comments on Jul 31, 2019:
Perfect for explaining how I feel,,,never been politically upset before,,,but now,,,argh!!!
Barnie2years replies on Jul 31, 2019:
@Trajan61, you are the circles you run in! Yours lives inside the walls your mind is locked in. Nothing facts and figures can penetrate. So this argument would be pointless.
I posted this as a reply to another issue concerning the shooter in the Garlic Festival's buying his...
zesty comments on Jul 30, 2019:
Firearms are over regulated. Well armed free citizens would be able to take out mass murderers in a blink of an eye!
Barnie2years replies on Jul 31, 2019:
@zesty, you live in your own little world don’t you? Never saw a factual statement that you couldn’t overcome with baloney. Most any developed country in the world is safer from being killed in than ours.
I posted this as a reply to another issue concerning the shooter in the Garlic Festival's buying his...
Haemish1 comments on Jul 31, 2019:
How about treating gun ownership/use more like car ownership/use. In order to own a gun you must be trained, licensed and insured.
Barnie2years replies on Jul 31, 2019:
My point exactly! But if the AAA spent as much money on politicians and had as many anarchists members as the NRA, our nations highways would be even more of a free for all than they are. The NRA will fight EVERY rule and regulation and own a political party.
A friend posted this on my FB, and it is so very true.
StarvingArtist comments on Jul 31, 2019:
Perfect for explaining how I feel,,,never been politically upset before,,,but now,,,argh!!!
Barnie2years replies on Jul 31, 2019:
@Trajan61 Obama wasn’t putting out stupid or evil Tweets 24/7. Wasn’t running his mouth, calling in to his favorite TV mouthpieces on a daily basis. Trump is nothing but a media hound, kind of hard to compare him to an actual working president.
I posted this as a reply to another issue concerning the shooter in the Garlic Festival's buying his...
1of5 comments on Jul 30, 2019:
Actually there are guarantees of travel: *"The Right of the Citizen to travel upon the public highways and to transport his property thereon, either by horse drawn carriage or by automobile, is not a mere privilege which a city can prohibit or permit at will, but a common Right which he has under ...
Barnie2years replies on Jul 31, 2019:
@1of5, thank you. Looking through these cases, using the logic of Second Amendment fanatics, one should be able to put any vehicle on the road, drive it anyway they want. No rules, no regulations that might infringe on their right to move around. So why do we accept those rules (well most do), but feel the weapons should have no restrictions and little control over who can have them?
I posted this as a reply to another issue concerning the shooter in the Garlic Festival's buying his...
Petter comments on Jul 30, 2019:
The federal government should renew and reinforce the original "well trained militia" section and introduce two weeks continuous compulsory military service per year, plus 4 extended weekends of military exercises per year for all those who wish to bear arms. Not attending should carry the same ...
Barnie2years replies on Jul 30, 2019:
@RavenCT, I taught my son how to check every weapon in the house and make it safe. I was a hunter and the weapons were stored safely. But knowledge in safety and the dangers (they are not toys) goes a long way in preventing accidents.
NoPlanetB comments on Jul 30, 2019:
To be called an idiot from a Deplorable is an honor. I'd be worried if they supported them.
Barnie2years replies on Jul 30, 2019:
@sassygirl3869, that’s being done by the president on a daily basis. He needs to be shut down before any of his disciples can be.
I posted this as a reply to another issue concerning the shooter in the Garlic Festival's buying his...
1of5 comments on Jul 30, 2019:
Actually there are guarantees of travel: *"The Right of the Citizen to travel upon the public highways and to transport his property thereon, either by horse drawn carriage or by automobile, is not a mere privilege which a city can prohibit or permit at will, but a common Right which he has under ...
Barnie2years replies on Jul 30, 2019:
“Right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness” is not part of the Constitution but the Declaration of Independence which has no legal standing. And there are anarchiste groups in the country who refuse to license their vehicles or have drivers licenses, claiming personal sovereignty. That idea has not spread as far as the majority of gun toters...yet. But the radical Second Amendment groups are pretty close.
BREAKING NEWS - White Supremist was the perpertrator of the shooting of 2 children and one 20 year ...
LiterateHiker comments on Jul 29, 2019:
I'm not surprised. An angry racist Neo-Nazi. Why the hell did he kill children? Heartbreaking. America desperately need to tighten up gun laws and do extensive background checks. No civilians should be able to buy assault weapons.
Barnie2years replies on Jul 30, 2019:
@ShadowAmicus, this is the problem in a nut shell! Any weapons or accessories (high capacity magazines, bump stocks, laser sights) have to be banned nationally to be effective. Cities like New York, Chicago etc. have strong gun laws, but because gun access is just a short drive away to a nearby state or sometimes just outside the city, they are highly ineffective. Which of course the NRA is fond of pointing out. The second problem is that there is such a glut of these weapons and accessories already out there in the hands of people who are borderline schizophrenic, any kind of ban at this point would take decades to actually make a dent in the killing sprees. But throwing your hands up and doing nothing, as promoted by gunaholics is not an answer either. Having drivers licenses, regulations and DUI laws does not stop people from driving illegal, stupid and drunk, but I don’t recall people saying all these regulations should be eliminated! The most common response to this by gunaholics is that unlike the Second Amendment, there are no Constitutional guarantees to transportation. Given the odd, conservative, interpretation of the Second Amendment, which completely negated the “militia” wording, I’m guessing a clause could be found to deny driving laws as well, but that’s an argument for another time.
BREAKING NEWS - White Supremist was the perpertrator of the shooting of 2 children and one 20 year ...
ShadowAmicus comments on Jul 29, 2019:
Always knew that eating garlic was antisocial - just shows how drastic the reaction can be
Barnie2years replies on Jul 30, 2019:
Shouldn’t laugh, but this is funny! 🤣
What's your country's signature meal?
Heidi68 comments on Jul 27, 2019:
Burger, fries & a coke? Maybe but ..... Nothing beats a yummy steak, baked potato, salad & sweet tea 😀
Barnie2years replies on Jul 28, 2019:
I’m with you 100%!!
How did you deal with the empty nest syndrome?
ShadowAmicus comments on Jul 28, 2019:
Get out and do the stuff you dreamed of - spend their inheritance and die a smiling, worn out penniless woman
Barnie2years replies on Jul 28, 2019:
@Heidi68, I don’t know what’s up. I follow a lot of people, but I go days sometimes without any alerts showing up. Then I will get a whole bunch at one time, the nothing again for days. Not sure if is the site or something I am doing.
I’d be afraid to have this on the back of my car! Crazy as they are, they would probably ...
LiterateHiker comments on Jul 28, 2019:
With bumper stickers taped to my rear car window, I am figuratively giving the finger to Republicans: **Keep your theology Off my biology** -and- **Washington State Democrat** In the past, my Democrat bumper stickers were keyed down to the metal. I figured conservative zealots are less ...
Barnie2years replies on Jul 28, 2019:
I have two Pete 2020 stickers a “I’m secular and I vote” among others. I figure they don’t really bother the hotheads. I stayed away from the ones that the radicals might find more offensive. I promote those positions on Facebook and here.
How did you deal with the empty nest syndrome?
ShadowAmicus comments on Jul 28, 2019:
Get out and do the stuff you dreamed of - spend their inheritance and die a smiling, worn out penniless woman
Barnie2years replies on Jul 28, 2019:
@Heidi68 😄 I didn’t recognize the new picture! I hadn’t seen any posts show up from you for a while Heidi68.
How did you deal with the empty nest syndrome?
Jnei comments on Jul 28, 2019:
Lots of my friends who are a similar age to me, and my sister, are going through this at the moment - I never had children (I wish I had, but c'est la vie) so I'm not having to deal with it, but based on their experiences you have two options: 1. Have wild parties every week and/or 2. Get *a lot* of...
Barnie2years replies on Jul 28, 2019:
I would venture to guess that there are more than those two options! 😄
Just heard Trump lie "I am the best thing to happen to Puerto Rico.
SeaGreenEyez comments on Jul 22, 2019:
He's a monumental mental case. What's weird? No one seems to care. Ivanka & Kushner just let him be fucking insane in public. It's so bizarre. I really did expect her to be a constant fixture with him. I'm guessing she's been promised the throne so she's just busy getting ready for the ...
Barnie2years replies on Jul 23, 2019:
@starwatcher-al, unless the corrupt Barr Justice Department continues to cover up for Trump and his family.
Just heard Trump lie "I am the best thing to happen to Puerto Rico.
SeaGreenEyez comments on Jul 22, 2019:
He's a monumental mental case. What's weird? No one seems to care. Ivanka & Kushner just let him be fucking insane in public. It's so bizarre. I really did expect her to be a constant fixture with him. I'm guessing she's been promised the throne so she's just busy getting ready for the ...
Barnie2years replies on Jul 22, 2019:
@SeaGreenEyez,it’s a private office of a different kind! Bars on the window and looks from the outside. I am so hoping Epstein has some major incriminating video of Trump or Jr that actually doesn’t get buried by Barr & co. It won’t matter to the Trumpettes, but should embarrass the Evangelicals at least a little bit.
Just heard Trump lie "I am the best thing to happen to Puerto Rico.
SeaGreenEyez comments on Jul 22, 2019:
He's a monumental mental case. What's weird? No one seems to care. Ivanka & Kushner just let him be fucking insane in public. It's so bizarre. I really did expect her to be a constant fixture with him. I'm guessing she's been promised the throne so she's just busy getting ready for the ...
Barnie2years replies on Jul 22, 2019:
You may be right. Junior is already planning on getting his feet wet by running for mayor of New York! Seems to be a thing for bored millionaires. 😁
I have a question for the people that are 100% certain that no gods exist. How are you THAT certain?
Barnie2years comments on Jul 22, 2019:
How can you be certain that none of us actually exist and that we are all not actually a dream of some alien being acting out as it’s mind directs us? How can you ignore the tons of evidence that we were not only visited, but created, by alien beings as a science/genetic experiment? There are far ...
Barnie2years replies on Jul 22, 2019:
@Leeshi, and I explained why I am 100% sure. Saying that you leave the question open in case someone finds more than allegorical proof is the equivalent of saying you can’t believe anything because there is some minute chance that some how you might be proven wrong.
I have a question for the people that are 100% certain that no gods exist. How are you THAT certain?
AnneWimsey comments on Jul 22, 2019:
Ohferpetessake...had any prayers answered lately, have ya?
Barnie2years replies on Jul 22, 2019:
I always say nothing fails like prayer. If not, every Sunday football game, or for that matter every sport, would end in a tie. Every war would stop because no one died, and we would not need modern medicine, because everyone could be cured by prayer. SMH 🙄
Sorry,but I'm thinking there's too much hate here. .
Athena comments on Jul 19, 2019:
During the fight to end slavery, there was hate. When MLK Jr. fought racial inequality, there was hate. When women fought for the right to vote, there was hate. When people stood up for gay rights, there was hate. Good things happened as a result of people fighting for the right ...
Barnie2years replies on Jul 20, 2019:
The trolls will just continue to throw out their predictable garbage no matter how many facts and figures you show. I have a limit to how many times I will respond, then I just put 🤣 icons on their spew and move on.
I am in love with this woman and we've been seeing each other for 3 years now.
josh_is_exciting comments on Jun 29, 2019:
I understand getting stuck in ruts of thinking that bring you to the conclusion that you've determined the "only" way, but particularly when you're talking about something with such finality as ending your life, you have to consider that you're probably being too firm about what's really the "only" ...
Barnie2years replies on Jul 19, 2019:
I vote your’s the best answer! 👍
Huskygirl4ever comments on Jul 18, 2019:
That's what's coming sooner or later I knew that when they elected him president
Barnie2years replies on Jul 18, 2019:
This was obvious to anyone who is not addicted to con men (preaches, used car salesmen, TV shills, etc.) There was no doubt in my mind his only reason for running was to eliminate democracy and install himself and his family as money sucking forever royalty. In order to do that, you have to create fear and boogeymen, which you mistreat to show how powerful you are, even though realistically they are no threat. The gypsies and news were never a threat to Germany anymore than undocumented aliens are a threat to the US.
I wonder what would happen if Twitter banned Trump from posting tweets.
RonWilliam53 comments on Jul 17, 2019:
His nazi followers would burn Twitter HQ to the ground. personally, I feel his own ignorance, as displayed on Twitter, will drive independents away from him.
Barnie2years replies on Jul 17, 2019:
We can always hope! 👍
Robecology comments on Jul 16, 2019:
We will. DJT and most Republicans will be removed in 2020.
Barnie2years replies on Jul 16, 2019:
Hope you are right!
To those lovely sluts
LiterateHiker comments on Jul 14, 2019:
Don't call women "sluts." It's derogatory and belittling.
Barnie2years replies on Jul 14, 2019:
Pool Report from MSNBC, Rachel Maddow, Reporter accompanying the VP to McAllen TX border patrol ...
silverotter11 comments on Jul 13, 2019:
Many, most I would think on this site are aware this administration under this president cares only for the rights of white wealthy people. No one deserves anything resembling humane treatment if they are brown. trump does not care about poor whites either but they are too ignorant and brainwashed...
Barnie2years replies on Jul 13, 2019:
Our Reality Show mentality paved the way for Donald. His mistreatment of the contestants on his Apprentice show and elevation of the most despicable was just the encouragement he needed to move him into the White House using the same strategy.
BD66 comments on Jul 10, 2019:
The Nazi's killed 21,000,000 innocent million people? Trump has killed how many innocent people? Maybe a couple dozen through drone strike errors. So far your ...
Barnie2years replies on Jul 11, 2019:
@BD66, or you can live in Fox News world, where life is beautiful all the time! And lies and fact checking are for the “fake news” teams, they just disturb the flow of “great words” from your leaders mouth. And don’t pay attention to what’s going on behind the headlines. Wait until it’s too late. Thanks for your input, good luck with your trolling.
BD66 comments on Jul 10, 2019:
The Nazi's killed 21,000,000 innocent million people? Trump has killed how many innocent people? Maybe a couple dozen through drone strike errors. So far your ...
Barnie2years replies on Jul 11, 2019:
Hitler didn’t kill all of them his first two years in office Mr. Human Calculator. The object here is to stop Trump and his Nazi/Christian fan club before they can implement their “Final Solution.” Or would you rather wait until Liberals and Atheist are being hauled away to camps with the asylum seekers to form a resistance?
We have survived other rogue presidents, with enough work and determination we will survive this ...
Charles1971 comments on Jul 10, 2019:
Name a previous president in modern times that was anywhere as vile, ignorant, bigoted, corrupt, and self-serving as Trump? None. GW Bush was an incompetent dolt but I don't believe he was a bad human being. You'd have to go back to Nixon forty-five years ago to even come close to Trump. Trump is ...
Barnie2years replies on Jul 11, 2019:
Going backwards; Bush was not president, he was just a puppet for Cheney and the neo-cons, a somewhat dopey front man. Nixon was a paranoid self loather who let fear of not being elected overrule his love of country. The rest of the presidents mentioned in this article (if you read it) held the office long before 24 hour news cycles and hordes of spin doctors, so to say that none of them approached Trump in their malfeasance is at best a guess, and unfounded. Many did exactly what Trump is doing, or worse. Joe average citizen would have had little idea of what was actually going on in Washington. Most were circumventing congress in one way or another (like Trump), taking profound steps to alter the country (Louisiana Purchase, Native American relocation, the draft, stacking the Supreme Court and some others not even mentioned here). So we have survived these Presidents, we will survive this one. There may be bloodshed in between, the sides have become very entrenched in their own bunkers, which usually doesn’t end well for those in the middle. But we have come back from the Civil War, the routing of Veterans from the Mall, the Teapot Dome scandal, the Panama Canal scandals...I have faith our Constitution will survive a mediocre business con man.
I'm anxious.
creative51 comments on Jul 8, 2019:
I feel for you. Families can be very stressful. I have my own family issues, slightly different than your's but quite upsetting none the less. Love yourself, be and feel positive about yourself. I would not attend the event, it has too many downsides. I believe you are in or near Muskegon. If so, go...
Barnie2years replies on Jul 8, 2019:
@Ms_McSteven, nothing wrong with tears and don't worry about what other people think. Sometimes a good cry in a peaceful environment, taking into account that your issues are a part of the natural universe and for every down, there is somewhere an up (spend time looking for that, rather than focus on the down). And who give a shit if some strangers think you look like a basket case.
I'm anxious.
Ms_McSteven comments on Jul 8, 2019:
Thanks for all the suggestions everyone. I haven't decided on anything for certain, but I'm leaning toward going to the party until I start feeling uncomfortable, and then taking a little road trip with some good music. It's free food, and I've now identified 3 or 4 people who I can hide ...
Barnie2years replies on Jul 8, 2019:
Free food at the cost of a few minutes of BS is not a bad deal! Just do your best to steer any conversation towards innocuous subject matter (weather, women's soccer team, etc) and remind yourself that all these people have their own problems they are dealing with.
God hears me?
Bogz comments on Jul 8, 2019:
I’ve had similar experiences. One time this random woman starting talking about crystal stones and energy etc I said I didn’t believe in any of that stuff. She said everyone believes in something. I said I believe you’re pissing me off! She soon got the idea and left me alone....
Barnie2years replies on Jul 8, 2019:
Hope you were making that face when you said it!! 🤣
Who says it can't happen here? Read this list of Trump attrocities.
Athena comments on Jul 8, 2019:
His election happened in a democratic country and he continues to have devout supporters. If education were more accessible to many of these people (including exposure to diversity, as part of that education), his election would have been less likely. The corruption involving H.Clinton, ...
Barnie2years replies on Jul 8, 2019:
Clinton was definitely a factor, and a really poor choice for the Democratic Machine, since they overrode the popular vote in many states (see Fahrenheit 11\9). She came pre packed with baggage, both her own and her husband’s, for the Right to attack. She herself is probably the opposite of charismatic, coming off cold and aloof much of the time. We will never know if Bernie could have done better, but he had people (including me) energized much more than she did.
Who says it can't happen here? Read this list of Trump attrocities.
snytiger6 comments on Jul 8, 2019:
To paraphrase Sinclair Lewis, "When Fascism comes to America it will come waving the flag and carrying a cross."
Barnie2years replies on Jul 8, 2019:
This book was scary in it’s similarities to our current situation.
[] How trump's big fourth was a fizzle?
Namaste comments on Jul 5, 2019:
I watched none of it.
Barnie2years replies on Jul 5, 2019:
I didn’t even watch the news yesterday just so I wouldn’t have to hear about it.
I went off to a 40's & 50's singles group yesterday afternoon.
Barnie2years comments on Jul 2, 2019:
I belong to a motorcycle group called the Retreads here in the States. We have chapters around the country and in Canada (thus our International designation). You must be 40 to join, but most of our members are closer to double that. I was just on a ride with about 17 of us, we rode around 700 miles...
Barnie2years replies on Jul 2, 2019:
@MsDemeanour, me too. The red Vulcan 900 to the right side of the group picture is mine. Just traded in my Kawasaki 1500 Nomad I bought new in 1999. I’ve been riding since I was 15 (now 67).
I went off to a 40's & 50's singles group yesterday afternoon.
Barnie2years comments on Jul 2, 2019:
I belong to a motorcycle group called the Retreads here in the States. We have chapters around the country and in Canada (thus our International designation). You must be 40 to join, but most of our members are closer to double that. I was just on a ride with about 17 of us, we rode around 700 miles...
Barnie2years replies on Jul 2, 2019:
@MsDemeanour, don’t know if they ship them down your way, but they are really popular with the ladies and older riders in my group. Never talked to anyone who wasn’t happy with theirs.
Summer Hiking Pennsylvania has some beautiful state parks that are reasonably close to my house.
Barnie2years comments on Jun 27, 2019:
I love Ricketts Glen. I’ve walked it dozens of time, at least once barefoot and once when the upper half was snowed in. I walked the 5 mile round trip with two five year olds. It is a beautiful place to hike, but requires more stamina than I now have. The last time I was there, I couldn’t make ...
Barnie2years replies on Jun 27, 2019:
@thinktwice, we went up in April one year. Started from the bottom where it was fine. Half way up we started to run into ice and snow, but too stupid to stop. By the time we got to the top, there was a foot or so of snow on the ground, no tracks, and the trail signs were covered. No compass, un insulated shoes, my wife at the time said to just leave her there to die! We set out blindly to find the ranger station up top. Made it there, our feet were frostbite, the rangers couldn’t believe we made it up! I have pictures, the Falls were beautiful! One of the rangers drove us back down to our car after our feet thawed out! Wouldn’t want to do that again!
Summer Hiking Pennsylvania has some beautiful state parks that are reasonably close to my house.
Beowulfsfriend comments on Jun 27, 2019:
Years ago at Ricketts we had a bear and her cub come tbrough.
Barnie2years replies on Jun 27, 2019:
Camped up top a few times. Once we heard a bear growling but thankfully didn’t see it. We were in a tent!
Would you ever eat human meat?
indirect76 comments on Jun 16, 2019:
I’ve had Taco Bell so I guess human flesh can’t be that awful.
Barnie2years replies on Jun 16, 2019:
Funniest answer so far! Well done! 🤣
Canadian police chief gives $575 ticket to driver who tossed a lit cigarette out his car window
Barnie2years comments on Jun 13, 2019:
They apparently just established that the California Ranch Fire, the largest fire to hit California, was started by a farmer trying to plug up a wasp nest with a metal stake. Seems far fetched, right? Seems he is allergic to wasp stings and there was an underground nest on his property. He took a...
Barnie2years replies on Jun 13, 2019:
@LiterateHiker, let's see... At $10 a week for 52 weeks a year, he should have it paid off in 692,308 years, not including interest. At least the $575CA ticket is likely to be paid off. There is no way the kid will ever pay off his $36 mil debt.
My oldest child graduates today.
Barnie2years comments on May 31, 2019:
She will always be your daughter, no matter where she is or how old. As the first, she had to set the bar. Sounds like she did a great job! Can’t say the same for myself, but my parents never stopped loving and supporting me. Just do the same!
Barnie2years replies on May 31, 2019:
@Donotbelieve each one is its own accomplishment! And now you have a new human to help form into the best she can be once again.
John Starette on Facebook: Someone asked "Why do some British people not like Donald Trump?
Renickulous comments on May 29, 2019:
Lololol "trump isnt funny" a fact? you keep stating subjective opinions as fact. While pointing to 0 policies acting as a knowledgeable source. You just said "I dont like him" but in 500 words.
Barnie2years replies on May 29, 2019:
It says millions of people all over the world recognize Trump as a person of little moral standing. That’s in addition to the millions in this country who recognize a con man when they see one.
Budapest has very clean streets and I am sure it has a lot to do with people like this gentleman.
Petter comments on May 26, 2019:
How about Switzerland?
Barnie2years replies on May 26, 2019:
@Petter, more like a sign of the times in general.
Budapest has very clean streets and I am sure it has a lot to do with people like this gentleman.
Petter comments on May 26, 2019:
How about Switzerland?
Barnie2years replies on May 26, 2019:
People clean up after themselves in most European countries, though not as much as they used to.
My grandma had her appointment with the super specialist today and we got really really bad news.
Barnie2years comments on May 24, 2019:
Ultimately, you have to respect your grandmother's wishes. Watching a slow dying process is difficult, but at least it allows you to say your goodbyes. Those who die suddenly, in an accident or a health issue, there is always the feeling of not having said how you feel or being able to express your ...
Barnie2years replies on May 24, 2019:
@LadyAlyxandrea, could be the way you phrased it in your post.
It Turns Out Christians Have More Abortions Than Any Other Religious Group In America - MTV
freedom41 comments on May 24, 2019:
That shows one of two things. They are more open minded than we give them credit for or bigger hypocrits than we thought. However I think the 2nd option is more true than the first one.
Barnie2years replies on May 24, 2019:
I vote for hypocrites! :)
So, now the religious zealots are claiming that you don't have to believe in God to know right from ...
Duchess_Nyx comments on May 21, 2019:
In a post that showed the life size "grain of rice" abortion models someone commented that they were disturbed by even that image. My reply was about how it is our brain's to protect us and anything visually off and unfamiliar is instinctually disturbing to help keep us safe/tell us something is ...
Barnie2years replies on May 21, 2019:
In that case, you could show them a picture of a cancer cell or a tumor and tell them it was a fetal cell, the would have no idea what the difference was. It is the idea, not the fact that upsets them. The average woman often sheds many fetal cells over their lifetime. Every sperm/egg meeting is not successful, many fertile eggs do not attach, miscarriages are frequent, especially in the early stages. Are women who abuse drugs or alcohol going to be imprisoned too for child abuse? This is a slippery slope towards women losing ground on the strides they have made over the past decades. And Trump and many other Republicans don't like women voters anyway, In a recent poll in PA, 60% of women voters said they would not vote for Trump, compared to 43% of men! After they are done with Roe v. Wade, the next one they will try to overturn is women's voting rights.
So, now the religious zealots are claiming that you don't have to believe in God to know right from ...
mojo5501 comments on May 20, 2019:
I wish I could find a quote I came across recently on FB. It was along the lines of "It's easy to support the unborn. It's easy to talk about the sanctity of life because it's potential and not real and asks nothing of you while it's an abstract concept." But when it comes to the health of real ...
Barnie2years replies on May 21, 2019:
@LizBeth The crazy thing is, abortion rates are at an all time low right now. Which makes these barbaric laws the Republicans are passing even more a partisan thing than an actual caring for life of any kind. Perhaps more funding for sex education, further support of no cost birth control and equal rights for women would lower it even further. But that is not what they are interested in, this is just a smokescreen to turn the clock back 50 years. It's what conservatives do!
I want to go on a road trip alone or with someone I love, I want to get away explore places, stop a ...
Barnie2years comments on May 18, 2019:
Barnie, my dog, and I are headed for a road trip to Canada next month. First we’ve been away in about three years! Then planning a motorcycle ride to West Virginia with a few Retreads at the end of that month. Neither is the romantic trip down the Rhine I crave, but you work with what you have ...
Barnie2years replies on May 19, 2019:
@MsHoliday, thanks! With the pup I’m mostly going for visiting friends, can’t do a lot of things with the dog along. I forgot, I took a local youth hockey team up to Kitchener for a tournament one time. That was more than 30 years ago. Canada somehow feels much more European to me than the US, but still the American sprit.
I want to go on a road trip alone or with someone I love, I want to get away explore places, stop a ...
Barnie2years comments on May 18, 2019:
Barnie, my dog, and I are headed for a road trip to Canada next month. First we’ve been away in about three years! Then planning a motorcycle ride to West Virginia with a few Retreads at the end of that month. Neither is the romantic trip down the Rhine I crave, but you work with what you have ...
Barnie2years replies on May 18, 2019:
@MsHoliday, I’ve been to Toronto years ago, Montreal and Quebec City, the old part is my favorite. I speak fluent French, and they are generally kind enough to switch from Québécois when speaking with me. I rode my motorcycle up the first time and took my wife and son the second. I’ve also ridden up for a rally in Niagara Falls. This time I am stopping to visit a Slovak friend outside Toronto, he opened a restaurant. Then I meeting another friend I met online eight years ago online and we have kept in touch on Facebook, but this will be the first we actually meet in person. Which part of Canada are you in?
Petter comments on May 15, 2019:
Maybe he wants a return to the old days of isolationist American policy.
Barnie2years replies on May 15, 2019:
This is without question. He is taking us out of alliances with friends as well as foes.
I believe this to be true. Do you?
Wangobango3 comments on May 15, 2019:
"Constant craving has always been.... " I had who I wanted but lost her far too soon. Now I am searching again.
Barnie2years replies on May 15, 2019:
@MsHoliday, funny, I haven’t been on a date for three years, let alone a relationship. I don’t know where all these single women are hiding, but I must be looking in the wrong places (don’t go to bars, don’t like crowds or large gatherings, might have something to do with it).
I work in retail.
Barnie2years comments on May 5, 2019:
A coworker of mine was working a Lyft gig at a large college town. She picked up a group of dark skinned guys talking a foreign language. One of them said Allah Akbar and suddenly she was in a panic that she had a car full of terrorists and was considering calling the cops. I, and several others ...
Barnie2years replies on May 5, 2019:
@genessa, it had nothing to do with the threat feeling. It had to do with taking offense at other people trying to be nice in their own way, because it doesn’t fit the parameters of your beliefs. They say their thing, you say yours. Life’s to short for unwarranted fear or unproductive anger (annoyance?). It would be warranted if the manager was requiring the employees to say it to shoppers or each other.
Does anyone else find it interesting that the vast majority of recent weather related disasters ...
Spinliesel comments on May 3, 2019:
Earthquakes in New York - there are no connections between religiosity and weathe events.
Barnie2years replies on May 3, 2019:
Minor. Not the recent catastrophic weather hitting the central and southern states. We had tornadoes in Pennsylvania, though they tended to hit in the conservative Reddest parts of the state. And since I don’t believe in god, I am just pointing out the odd coincidence, not saying some magic invisible deity made it happen.
Our 'nice guy' father murdered our mother and sister yet the media focused on his suicide - ...
Stephanie99 comments on May 2, 2019:
I didn't sign in, here it is: Luke and Ryan Hart's father Lance murdered their mother Claire and sister Charlotte in 2016. Below, they speak about how their father was personified as "a nice guy" who "snapped" in the aftermath of the brutal killings in Lincolnshire in England. .... On July ...
Barnie2years replies on May 2, 2019:
Thank you for the copy.
Does anyone else find it interesting that the vast majority of recent weather related disasters ...
AnneWimsey comments on May 1, 2019:
Ohferpetessake...divine intervention? Really?
Barnie2years replies on May 1, 2019:
I am not saying that I in anyway believe that god is reaching down and blasting these self righteous people for being false prophets. In fact, I was pointing out the hypocrisy of their leaders, who love to blame every natural disaster on those of us who don't believe and the so called sinners, people who live their life rather than hiding behind a book of legends. And I have a tendency not to feel real sorry for those who think their god somehow is testing them rather than the fact that weather is a natural phenomenon. Just find the locations of so many of these major storms too big a coincidence to pass up mentioning.
Does anyone else find it interesting that the vast majority of recent weather related disasters ...
thinktwice comments on May 1, 2019:
I think the same observation was made by the Christians about certain liberal states...all a bunch of bunk that can be attributed to natural weather patterns and where churches and other buildings are located... ...
Barnie2years replies on May 1, 2019:
Actually, that was kind of my point, and the goofball Evangelists got it backwards. They were blaming the hurricane that hit Texas and Louisiana on the Liberal/homosexual/Atheists in the country. But strangely, the hurricane hit two of the most religious dominated, Right Wing, bat-shit crazy heterosexual states and punished them as it were. It would be like blaming your neighbor after you got robbed, even though you were the one running your mouth off around town about how you keep tons of cash in your home. Might want to be a bit more introspective and wonder if maybe your praying to the wrong god.
Does anyone else find it interesting that the vast majority of recent weather related disasters ...
Xuande comments on Apr 30, 2019:
I mean ... I'm not a Republican but California is like perpetually on fire.
Barnie2years replies on May 1, 2019:
OK, so I go back to “the majority of natural disasters.” California had major droughts for several years, along with other parts of the west coast, which set up conditions for fires. Compare that to weather related disasters in states from Nebraska to Texas, through Oklahoma, Missouri and the south eastern states, in recent months. We had 13 tornadoes here in PA last month in one day. But even they were in Trump voting, highly religious areas of the state. And took out a church or two.
Does anyone else find it interesting that the vast majority of recent weather related disasters ...
jlynn37 comments on Apr 30, 2019:
They are continually spouting how god is punishing 'merca for various sinful ways. It never occurs to them that god is punishing 'merca for their own transgressions.
Barnie2years replies on May 1, 2019:
That was my thought! They blame the “sinful” ways of the nation, yet they are the most religious oriented. Is that how god works? The country sins, he punishes the believers? Meanwhile the much more Atheistic New England states just have to live with rough winters.
Does anyone else find it interesting that the vast majority of recent weather related disasters ...
Xuande comments on Apr 30, 2019:
I mean ... I'm not a Republican but California is like perpetually on fire.
Barnie2years replies on May 1, 2019:
That is the odd one out! Also why I said the majority and referred to natural disasters. Fires are often man caused.
Wangobango3 comments on Apr 30, 2019:
What worries me more is Sinclair Broadcasting Network. They force their affiliates to insert False or misleading news items into their nightly News programs. It's a real propaganda machine. Wiki has a list of stations controlled by Sinclair.
Barnie2years replies on Apr 30, 2019:
I stopped watching my local Sinclair station for just that reason. Right Wing Trump propaganda machine disguised as news. Slightly more subtle than Fox, just as misleading.
Around 85,000 children in Yemen in the last 4 years have died from starvation.
Freedompath comments on Apr 17, 2019:
One billion pledged for rebuilding the of today! Speaking of worshiping graven images! I think the landmark is important...but where are even a few dollars given easily and immediately, to save a starving population?
Barnie2years replies on Apr 17, 2019:
Republicans have spent the past decade or more trying to cut back on our international aid, and more of them have been elected by voters who favor keeping their money in their own pocket rather than keeping humans who don’t look or speak like them and live on the other side of the world alive. While our conservative government has no problem shipping weapons all over the world 💣🔫🧨💲there is just not much of a cash return on shipping food.
Around 85,000 children in Yemen in the last 4 years have died from starvation.
PalacinkyPDX comments on Apr 17, 2019:
Btw, most of those Saudi jets which have been devastating Yeman were purchased from the US.
Barnie2years replies on Apr 17, 2019:
And Trump just vetoed the bill that would have attempted to reign them in but cutting their American weapons bonanza.
I don't really care about Notre Dame burning as long as people aren't hurt.
grammy comments on Apr 15, 2019:
It wasn't built by slaves nor had people tortured there. It is a medieval Catholic cathedral filled with gorgeous artwork in all mediums. It was built on the ruins of two earlier churches, which were themselves predated by a Gallo-Roman temple dedicated to Jupiter. It just is an amazing place.
Barnie2years replies on Apr 16, 2019:
I don't really care about Notre Dame burning as long as people aren't hurt.
grammy comments on Apr 15, 2019:
It wasn't built by slaves nor had people tortured there. It is a medieval Catholic cathedral filled with gorgeous artwork in all mediums. It was built on the ruins of two earlier churches, which were themselves predated by a Gallo-Roman temple dedicated to Jupiter. It just is an amazing place.
Barnie2years replies on Apr 16, 2019:
@Donotbelieve, on your next trip to Paris! It is right next door to the cathedral. I will see if I can find a link.
I don't really care about Notre Dame burning as long as people aren't hurt.
Barnie2years comments on Apr 16, 2019:
That puts you in line with the Afghan Taliban who destroyed centuries old, historical statues because they did not represent their beliefs. I am not sure what your sources are for the torture and slaves. Hunchback of Notre Dame? If that’s the criteria for destruction, every plantation mansion in ...
Barnie2years replies on Apr 16, 2019:
“I wonder how many people in history were killed and/or tortured there, thousands? How many slaves were used to build it. When I look at it I see nothing but oppression.“ Your words, not mine. So one would assume that you “would not care” if someone was responsible for the fire (as of now, it appears not to be), don’t care when other historical buildings and other historic religious artifacts are lost, be it deliberate or acts of nature. I don’t care if you interpret that as “hysteria”. I was really just wondering where your killed, tortures and built by slaves information came from. And how the loss of 800 years of history can be brushed off as “so what.” Even as an Atheist I can appreciate the science of architecture, the craftsmanship on thousands over many generations, the dedication to making something so intricate at a time long before any of the modern tools and technology existed. Not hysterics, just sadness.


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