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November 2019


News & Links
May 26, 2021May 2021

Posted by HippieChick58
LINKLetters From An American 05/25/2021
A year ago today, 46-year-old George Floyd was murdered in Minneapolis as then–police officer Derek Chauvin knelt on his neck for 9 minutes and 29 seconds. As bystanders begged Chauvin to get up, a teenage girl walking by had the presence of mind to video what was happening. Thanks to that girl, Darnella Frazier, we all could hear Floyd telling Chauvin, “I can’t breathe.” Floyd’s murder sparked more than 4700 protests across the nation that popularized both the idea that policing ...
News & Links
May 25, 2021May 2021

Posted by HippieChick58
LINKLetters From An American 05/24/2021
A new Gallup poll today finds that 53% of Republicans think that Trump won the 2020 election. But only 26% of Americans identify as Republicans. Journalist Richard Hine crunched the numbers and notes that those percentages boil down to about 14% of Americans who think Trump is still president. They are a minority, but they believe the former president, who continues to insist that he won the 2020 election despite all evidence to the contrary. --------- On Sunday, President Alexander ...
News & Links
May 24, 2021May 2021

Posted by HippieChick58
LINKLetters From An American 05/23/2021
Frederick Douglass wrote his autobiography three times, but to protect the people who helped him run away from enslavement, he did not explain how he had managed to get away until the last version. Douglass escaped from slavery in Baltimore, Maryland, in 1838. In his twenty years of life, he had had a series of masters, some kind, some harsh, and one who almost killed him. But by 1838, he was a skilled worker in the local shipyards, earning good money for his master and enjoying a measure of ...
News & Links
May 24, 2021May 2021

Posted by HippieChick58
LINKSouthern Baptists are forcing out followers who don’t pledge allegiance to Trump / LGBTQ Nation
The departure of prominent leader Russell Moore shows opposing LGBTQ rights isn't enough. Now, morality means supporting whatever Trump says. White evangelicals have always been the core of Donald Trump’s support. Once they got over their unease with his fungible approach to morality, conservative Christians found in Trump the political warrior — or mega-bully — that they have long been seeking. The only thing they disliked about him was that he curses. After acting like a political ...
News & Links
May 23, 2021May 2021

Posted by HippieChick58
LINKNew Revelations from Former Nuns Suggest Mother Teresa Led a Cult | Hemant Mehta | Friendly Atheist | Patheos
Mother Teresa was one messed up human.
News & Links
May 22, 2021May 2021

Posted by HippieChick58
LINKSen. Ted Cruz insulted a ‘woke, emasculated’ U.S. Army recruitment ad - The Washington Post
Sen. Ted Cruz insulted a ‘woke, emasculated’ U.S. Army ad. Angry veterans fired back. The first half of the TikTok video shows a muscular Russian man with a shaved head doing push-ups, jumping out of a plane, and staring down the scope of a rifle. The second half shows a brightly animated U.S. Army ad telling the true story of Cpl. Emma Malonelord, a soldier who enlisted after being raised by two mothers in California and graduating at the top of her high school class. The U.S....
News & Links
May 22, 2021May 2021

Posted by HippieChick58
LINKBREAKING NEWS! FFRF wins lawsuit against praying Texas judge - Freedom From Religion Foundation
The Freedom From Religion Foundation has won its court challenge to stop a Texas judge from conducting courtroom prayer. U.S. District Judge Kenneth M. Hoyt today ruled in favor of plaintiffs FFRF and local attorney “John Roe.” They had sued Montgomery County Judge Wayne Mack over his divisive and unconstitutional practice of opening each court session with chaplain-led prayer. Mack, as a justice of the peace, has jurisdiction over minor misdemeanor offenses and lesser civil matters. ...
News & Links
May 22, 2021May 2021

Posted by HippieChick58
LINKLetters From An American 05/21/2021
Tonight, in Fulton County, Georgia, a judge allowed 9 Georgia voters and their experts to inspect copies of the 147,000 mail-in ballots cast in that county to make sure that officials did not accept counterfeit ballots. Georgia officials have already done three separate audits of the ballots from the 2020 vote, including a hand recount, and found no widespread fraud. But supporters of former president Trump insist that he actually won the 2020 election and that it was stolen from him by fraud....
Love & Relationships
May 22, 2021May 2021

Posted by HippieChick58
LINKVaccination badges are coming to Tinder, Hinge, OKCupid, Plenty of Fish and other dating apps
Dating app giant Match Group is partnering with the White House to promote vaccines for a limited time. Singles using Tinder and other popular Match Group-owned dating apps will soon be able to display their vaccination status as a badge on their profiles. The new feature is part of Dallas-based Match’s effort with the Biden administration to promote COVID-19 vaccines to the American public. Match Group sees COVID-19 vaccinations as a necessary step for singles to be able to date ...
News & Links
May 21, 2021May 2021

Posted by HippieChick58
LINKFacebook won’t take down AIPAC ad targeting Rep. Ilhan Omar - The Washington Post
Facebook has refused to remove a widely viewed attack ad that links Rep. Ilhan Omar to Hamas, even after her aides told the tech giant the message is inaccurate, hateful and threatened to subject her to death threats. The controversy could further inflame tensions between Facebook and Democratic lawmakers, who say the social media company has failed to police its platform against known, viral falsehoods and refused to heed their cries about the real-world consequences of online speech. The...
News & Links
May 21, 2021May 2021

Posted by HippieChick58
LINKBiden Court Reform Commission Meets, Supreme Court Raises With ‘LOL, We’re Banning Abortions’
Because the universe is engineered for maximum nihilism, the same week that the United States Supreme Court decided to take up a direct assault on Roe v. Wade, the Biden administration’s Supreme Court reform commission held its first meeting. That juxtaposition either amounts to Biden bringing knife to a gun fight or the Handmaid’s caucus throwing gasoline on what was moments before dying embers of judicial reform. Which it turns out to be is mostly in Biden’s hands. The first meeting ...
News & Links
May 21, 2021May 2021

Posted by HippieChick58
LINKLetters From An American 05/20/2021
President Joe Biden is trying to model a normal presidency as he stabilizes the nation after the drama of the past four years, rebuilds from the devastation of the coronavirus pandemic, and deals with crises around the world. Today, Biden signed into law a bill to combat hate crimes, especially against Asian Americans, sparked by Covid-19. After former president Trump began blaming China for the coronavirus pandemic—calling the virus the “kung flu” for example—hate crimes against ...
1 comment
News & Links
May 20, 2021May 2021

Posted by HippieChick58
LINKNATO increasingly sees its soldiers’ phones as a liability | The Economist
Viktor kovalenko, a Ukrainian conscript defending the eastern city of Debaltseve from pro-Russian forces, once emerged from a shelter and, despite standing instructions not to do it, switched on his phone to call his wife. Soon “shells started exploding around me,” he recalls. Similar attacks killed others in his battalion. The year was 2015, and the enemy was learning to direct artillery fire to transmitting mobiles. Since then, phone use on the front line has sharply fallen but still ...
News & Links
May 20, 2021May 2021

Posted by HippieChick58
LINKLetters From An American 05/19/2021
The news grabbing the headlines today is the congressional fight over the creation of a bipartisan independent commission to investigate the events surrounding the January 6 insurrection. House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) made demands of the Democrats that he evidently expected Democrats to refuse, enabling him to object to the commission by claiming it was partisan. But the Democrats agreed to his conditions, forcing him to object in such a way that it was clear he is simply ...
1 comment
News & Links
May 19, 2021May 2021

Posted by HippieChick58
LINKTexas Becomes Third State To Pass Free-Range Kids Law –
It looks like some sanity has arrived. Hats off to Texas: Over the weekend, it became the third U.S. state, after Utah and Oklahoma, to make reasonable childhood independence the law of the land. Now parents who live there cannot be investigated for neglect simply for giving their kids some -fashioned freedom. Amazingly, the bill became law on the th anniversary of "Take Our Children to the Park and Leave Them There Day," a holiday created by Free-Range Kids and once considered so ...
News & Links
May 19, 2021May 2021

Posted by HippieChick58
LINKThe Mormon Church's secretive $100 billion fund scored a 900% gain on GameStop - and boosted its Tesla bet by 39% | Markets Insider
The Mormon Church's $100 billion fund made a 900% gain on GameStop last quarter. Ensign Peak Advisors' stake surged in value from below $900,000 to $8.7 million. The church fund also boosted its Tesla stake by 39% after growing it 3,500% last year. The Mormon Church was a surprise winner from the GameStop short squeeze, racking up a 900% gain on the meme stock last quarter, regulatory filings show. Ensign Peak Advisors - the secretive $100 billion investment arm of the Church of ...
News & Links
May 19, 2021May 2021

Posted by HippieChick58
LINKNon-Theistic Groups Met With White House Staff, And This Christian Nationalist Just Can’t Deal With It | Americans United for Separation of Church and State
May 19, 2021 by Rob Boston William Donohue, president of the Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights and a man who lives in a perpetual state of outrage because not everyone believes in his religion, is angry again. This time, Donohue’s all worked up because Melissa Rogers, head of the White House Office of Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships, met recently with several non-theistic groups. “It would be one thing if White House staffers in domestic policy or civil rights ...
News & Links
May 19, 2021May 2021

Posted by HippieChick58
LINKLetters From An American 05/18/2021
Today President Joe Biden traveled to Dearborn, Michigan, to sell his $2.3 trillion American Jobs Plan. Visiting Ford’s Rouge Electric Vehicle Center, he tested an electric version of the classic F-150 pickup and urged Americans to use the race to dominate the market in electric vehicles as a way to create jobs. The American Jobs Plan provides $174 billion to switch the nation’s car industry away from fossil fuels and toward renewables, and Ford’s electric F-150 could help sell the idea....
May 18, 2021May 2021

Posted by HippieChick58
watergolf72 Heeeee'ssssssss back!! I remember his face, not the user name he used before. I noticed him because he visited my profile. Just joined today. Nothing suspicious about this incarnation yet, except I remember his face. I ...
Trolls, Scammers & Nigerian Russian Wives:Report Them Here
May 18, 2021May 2021

Posted by HippieChick58
watergolf72 Heeeee'ssssssss back!! I remember his face, not the user name he used before. I noticed him because he visited my profile. Just joined today. Nothing suspicious about this incarnation yet, except I remember his face. In ...
News & Links
May 18, 2021May 2021

Posted by HippieChick58
LINKLetters From An American 05/17/2021
Hi folks: This apparently only went out to a few people last night. I’m sending again in hopes it does better this time around: I’m wiped out from grading, but I wanted to note that on this day in 1954, the Supreme Court handed down the Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas, decision, declaring racial segregation in public schools unconstitutional. A unanimous court decided that segregation denied Black children the equal protection of the laws guaranteed by the Fourteenth ...
News & Links
May 17, 2021May 2021

Posted by HippieChick58
LINKLetters From An American 04/16/2021
Representative Liz Cheney (R-WY), whom the Republican House conference dumped as chair last week after she refused to kowtow to former president Trump, said some interesting things to Chris Wallace on Fox News Sunday this morning. She reiterated that House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy has information about conversations with Trump surrounding the events of January 6 and should be subpoenaed if he will not talk about those things voluntarily (and, by implication, under oath). Cheney is ...
May 17, 2021May 2021

Posted by HippieChick58
Sooo, I just got a friend request on FB from an AF General William Ramsey. Yes, a four star Air Force General sent me a friend request on FB. Me, who used to be an Army Private. Do ya think he's legit? EDITED I googled AF 4 stars, and searched by ...
News & Links
May 17, 2021May 2021

Posted by HippieChick58
LINKHe Bought Health Insurance for Emergencies. Then He Fell Into a $33,601 Trap. — ProPublica
In the spring of 2019, Cory Dowd suddenly found himself without health insurance for the first time. A self-employed event planner, he had just finished a Peace Corps stint that provided health benefits, but he was still more than a year away from starting a graduate program that would provide coverage through his university. So, like countless others in an online world, he went insurance shopping on the internet. But the individual insurance market he was about to enter was one ...
1 comment
May 16, 2021May 2021

Posted by HippieChick58
Usarmygeneral9 I think we have a returning scammer. He set up a new profile a week ago. I saw him visit my profile but have not heard from him. Last time/previous incarnation I heard from him he was retired military and now active ...
May 16, 2021May 2021

Posted by HippieChick58
Usarmygeneral9 I think we have a returning scammer. He set up a new profile a week ago. I saw him visit my profile but have not heard from him. Last time/previous incarnation I heard from him he was retired military and now active ...
1 comment
News & Links
May 16, 2021May 2021

Posted by HippieChick58
LINKCitizen and Nextdoor Are Making Us All Vigilantes. Is That a Good Thing?
Public safety apps are creating a new kind of surveillance culture, absent of context. Adrian Ye downloaded the Citizen app weeks ago, looking for more information about an incident she'd read about on Nextdoor. But when she did, a notification nearly made her heart stop. "400 Feet Away: Child locked in car." Turns out, the alert was a test notification on display on the app's boarding page. But to Ye, a UX designer who has worked for companies like Apple, it was indicative of the ...
News & Links
May 15, 2021May 2021

Posted by HippieChick58
LINKLetters From An American 05/14/2021
This morning, as expected, the House Republicans elected Elise Stefanik (R-NY), Trump’s choice for conference chair, to replace Representative Liz Cheney (R-WY). This means that the four top House Republican leaders—Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA), Minority Whip Steve Scalise (R-LA), Stefanik, and Policy Committee Chair Gary Palmer (R-AL)—all voted to overturn Biden’s 2020 victory after the January 6 attack on the Capitol. Stefanik thanked “President Trump for his support,”...
1 comment
News & Links
May 14, 2021May 2021

Posted by HippieChick58
LINKS.C. woman hoarding gasoline catches on fire after crash
A South Carolina woman who was hoarding gasoline caught on fire Thursday after her vehicle crashed and burst into flames, authorities said. The Pickens County Sheriff's Office said the accident occurred after a deputy attempted to stop a 2007 Pontiac G6 with a stolen license plate. "The driver of the Pontiac turned left onto Wolf Creek Road and accelerated the vehicle in an attempt to elude law enforcement," the sheriff's office said in a statement. "The deputy then activated his ...
News & Links
May 14, 2021May 2021

Posted by HippieChick58
LINKLetters From An American 05/13/2021
Today, Dr. Rochelle Walensky, the director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, said that people who are fully vaccinated against the coronavirus can stop wearing masks, both outdoors and indoors, except on public transportation and in crowded indoor venues. The new guidelines come as cases are dropping and as the U.S. is now vaccinating children ages 12 and up. They are intended, at least in part, to encourage people to get the vaccine. The CDC guidelines do not override federal, ...
News & Links
May 14, 2021May 2021

Posted by HippieChick58
LINKWe need paid family and medical leave -- and a new bill in Congress would give it to us — Ask a Manager
by ALISON GREEN on MAY 13, 2021 It’s no secret that the U.S. has terrible support for workers, particularly around paid family and medical leave. No federal law requires employers to offer paid leave at all. Some states have begun to require paid sick leave, but most still don’t. But there’s now legislation in Congress (the American Families Plan) that would provide paid family and medical leave to American workers. I spoke with Senator Kirsten Gillibrand (NY) — who has been pointing...
News & Links
May 13, 2021May 2021

Posted by HippieChick58
LINKIt’s not their job to buy you cake
Working remotely for the last year has revealed just how much of office culture is accidental, arbitrary, and sexist. Fascinating discussion of going back to the offices or not, and how it wasn't all that good to begin with.
News & Links
May 13, 2021May 2021

Posted by HippieChick58
LINKLetters From An American 05/12/2021
As expected, this morning the House Republicans removed Wyoming Representative Liz Cheney from her position as conference chair after she refused to stop speaking out against the former president for instigating the January 6 attack on our Capitol and the counting of electoral votes for President Joe Biden. The Republicans ousted her by voice vote, which meant that no one had to go on the record for or against Cheney, and the Republicans kept the split in the party from being measurable. It also...
1 comment
News & Links
May 12, 2021May 2021

Posted by HippieChick58
LINKApril jobs report surprise: Is this a labor shortage or a great reassessment of work in America? - The Washington Post
Hiring was much weaker than expected in April. Wall Street thinks it’s a blip, but there could be much deeper rethinking of what jobs are needed and what workers want to do on a daily basis. From Wall Street to the White House, expectations were high for a hiring surge in April with potentially a million Americans returning to work. Instead, the world learned Friday that just 266,000 jobs were added, a massive disappointment that raises questions about whether the recovery is on track. ...
May 12, 2021May 2021

Posted by HippieChick58
Don't wake the fishies.
News & Links
May 12, 2021May 2021

Posted by HippieChick58
LINKThe Satanic Temple Takes on Corporal Punishment in Schools | WGCU PBS & NPR for Southwest Florida
After a viral video showed a six-year-old being paddled by a principal in Hendry County, questions about corporal punishment come up. There is just one religious organization stepping up in kids' defense: The Satanic Temple. In 1977, the US Supreme Court found that the Eighth Amendment clause prohibiting "cruel and unusual punishments" did not apply to school students and that teachers could physically punish children without parental permission. With that as the federal stance, it’s up to ...
1 comment
News & Links
May 12, 2021May 2021

Posted by HippieChick58
LINKLetters From An American 05/11/2021
Tonight, in a speech that claimed every piece of the Republican landscape since 1980, Wyoming Representative Liz Cheney launched a broadside against the Republican leaders who have shackled the party to the former president. “Today we face a threat America has never seen before,” Cheney said. “A former president who provoked a violent attack on this Capitol in an effort to steal the election has resumed his aggressive effort to convince Americans that the election was stolen from him. ...
Uncommon words and their meanings.
May 12, 2021May 2021

Posted by HippieChick58
lede /lēd/ Learn to pronounce nounUS the opening sentence or paragraph of a news article, summarizing the most important aspects of the story. "the lede has been rewritten and the headline changed" This was a new word for me today. I was reading ...
May 12, 2021May 2021

Posted by HippieChick58
Usarmygeneral9 I think he is a returnee scammer. I an not 100% certain, but the pictures look familiar. He was on about a week ago. Says he believes in Satan, 100% sure. 61 years old and says he is open to having kids.... HA! No ...
1 comment
Trolls, Scammers & Nigerian Russian Wives:Report Them Here
May 12, 2021May 2021

Posted by HippieChick58
Usarmygeneral9 I think he is a returnee scammer. I an not 100% certain, but the pictures look familiar. He was on about a week ago. Says he believes in Satan, 100% sure. 61 years old and says he is open to having kids.... HA! No ...
News & Links
May 12, 2021May 2021

Posted by HippieChick58
LINKNYT: Over 100 Republicans, including former officials, threaten to split from G.O.P.
May 11, 2021 More than 100 Republicans, including some former elected officials, are preparing to release a letter this week threatening to form a third party if the Republican Party does not make certain changes, according to an organizer of the effort. The statement is expected to take aim at former President Donald J. Trump’s stranglehold on Republicans, which signatories to the document have deemed unconscionable. “When in our democratic republic, forces of conspiracy, division,...
News & Links
May 11, 2021May 2021

Posted by HippieChick58
LINK911 nightmare: Failure to dispatch leads to lawsuit after 6 killed by washed away bridge in Laurel, Indiana
I couldn't live with myself if that was my call and I didn't act on it. LAUREL, Ind. — When you have an emergency, the first thing most of us think to do is call 911. But what happens when the people taking your call don't send help? Last year six people died, when flooding washed away the Sanes bridge in the small town of Laurel, Indiana. Two of the victims were Josh Mosier's little girls. "That's the reoccurring nightmare, is seeing that and hearing them scream. And it's like I'm ...
Love & Relationships
May 11, 2021May 2021

Posted by HippieChick58
LINKLive video of man hitting on teen girl offers a glimpse of what young women experience daily - Upworthy
Friendly guy or creep? Watch and discuss.
News & Links
May 11, 2021May 2021

Posted by HippieChick58
LINKNRA bankruptcy decision: federal judge denies petition in win for New York attorney general - The Washington Post
This makes me really happy!! A federal judge Tuesday denied an effort by the National Rifle Association to file for bankruptcy protection, ruling that the gun rights group filed the case in an attempt to fend off a lawsuit by the New York attorney general. “The Court finds, based on the totality of the circumstances, that the NRA’s bankruptcy petition was not filed in good faith but instead was filed as an effort to gain an unfair litigation advantage in the NYAG Enforcement Action ...
News & Links
May 11, 2021May 2021

Posted by HippieChick58
LINKColorado Christian school seeking broad 'ministerial exception' from 10th Circuit | Reuters
A U.S. appeals court panel on Tuesday will take up the latest high-profile case to test the limits of an exemption from anti-discrimination laws for religious schools, with a Colorado Christian academy claiming it should apply broadly to "teachers, chaplains and other leaders." Daniel Blomberg of the Becket Fund for Religious Liberty, who represents Faith Christian Academy, will urge a 10th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals panel that the "ministerial exception" shields the school from a former ...
News & Links
May 11, 2021May 2021

Posted by HippieChick58
LINKOpinion | Bernie Sanders and Pramila Jayapal: We must fix the gaping holes in Medicare - The Washington Post
More than 55 years ago, President Lyndon B. Johnson signed Medicare — one of the most popular and successful government programs in our nation’s history — into law. Before the enactment of Medicare, about half of our senior citizens were uninsured and roughly 35 percent lived in poverty. Today, everyone in America aged 65 or older is guaranteed health-care benefits through Medicare regardless of income or medical condition, while the official poverty rate for seniors is now less than 9 ...
1 comment
News & Links
May 11, 2021May 2021

Posted by HippieChick58
LINKFFRF, civil rights groups say officials shouldn’t be shielded from wrongdoing - Freedom From Religion Foundation
The Freedom From Religion Foundation has joined more than 80 other organizations in calling for an end to the judicially created doctrine of qualified immunity — which shields state officials from liability for their misconduct even when they violate the Constitution. The criminal killing of George Floyd by police officer Derek Chauvin has put a spotlight on this legal doctrine. “This doctrine has hampered our ability to fight for civil rights across the legal spectrum, not just on ...
1 comment
News & Links
May 11, 2021May 2021

Posted by HippieChick58
LINKLetters From An American 05/10/2021
A poll today by the Associated Press (AP) and the National Opinion Research Center (NORC) shows that President Joe Biden’s administration is gaining positive traction. Sixty-three percent of Americans approve of how he is handling his job as president. Seventy-one percent approve of how he is handling the coronavirus pandemic; 62% percent approve of how he is handling health care. Fifty-seven percent approve of how he is handling the economy; 54% approve of how he is handling foreign affairs....
May 10, 2021May 2021

Posted by HippieChick58
Macy23 First post was boob picture. No bio. Joined today. Head's up guys, she's looking for you!
1 comment
May 10, 2021May 2021

Posted by HippieChick58
Macy23 First post was boob picture. No bio. Joined today. Head's up guys, she's looking for you!
Feline Fanatics
May 10, 2021May 2021

Posted by HippieChick58
LINKWhat cats’ love of boxes and squares can tell us about their visual perception | Ars Technica
It is a truth universally acknowledged—at least by those of the feline persuasion—that an empty box on the floor must be in want of a cat. Ditto for laundry baskets, suitcases, sinks, and even cat carriers (when not used as transport to the vet). This behavior is generally attributed to the fact that cats feel safer when squeezed into small spaces, but it might also be able to tell us something about feline visual perception. That's the rationale behind a new study in the journal Applied ...
News & Links
May 9, 2021May 2021

Posted by HippieChick58
LINKCapitalism Is A Misanthropic, Dystopian Religion
Capitalism is a misanthropic, dystopian religion. By "capitalism" I mean this or any other possible system wherein mass-scale human behavior is driven by the pursuit of capital. By "religion" I mean organized collective faith-based belief system. In times past the dominant religions had names like "Christianity" or "Islam", which were used to promote doctrines that shaped societies, dominated civilizations, and built entire empires. Theocratic institutions labored on behalf of the powerful to...
General & Hellos
May 8, 2021May 2021

Posted by HippieChick58
LINKLetters From An American 05/08/2021
Mother's day to those that have borne children and those that have been important in a young person's life. Those of us who are truly lucky have more than one mother. They are the cool aunts, the elderly ladies, the family friends, even the mentors who whip us into shape. By my count, I’ve had at least eight mothers. One of the most important was Sally Adams Bascom Augenstern. Mrs. A., a widow who had played cutthroat bridge with my grandmother in the 1950s, lived near my family in ...
May 8, 2021May 2021

Posted by HippieChick58
Anthony Started following me, and the pictures just look too darn good. I ran a couple of the pictures but they didn't pop. Not much of a bio, but does say he is 99.9% certain there is a god. He is a widower, it is surprising how many ...
1 comment
May 8, 2021May 2021

Posted by HippieChick58
Anthony Started following me, and the pictures just look too darn good. I ran a couple of the pictures but they didn't pop. Not much of a bio, but does say he is 99.9% certain there is a god. He is a widower, it is surprising how many ...
1 comment
News & Links
May 8, 2021May 2021

Posted by HippieChick58
LINKRansomware attack leads to shutdown of major U.S. pipeline system
OOPS!! A Palm Beach attorney rejected a request from the city's residents to evict… A pilot recruit was blindfolded and strapped to a target as fighter jets… A ransomware attack caused a major East Coast fuel pipeline operator to shut down its entire network on Friday, according to two U.S. officials familiar with the matter. The attack on top U.S. fuel pipeline operator Colonial Pipeline appears to have been carried out by a criminal group, but federal officials and the private ...
1 comment
News & Links
May 8, 2021May 2021

Posted by HippieChick58
LINKWhy you (probably) shouldn't panic about the falling Chinese rocket
A large section of a Long March 5B rocket is predicted to reenter Earth’s atmosphere on May 8 or May 9. Here's what you need to know. This weekend, a spent, 100-foot-long Chinese rocket is set to plunge through Earth’s atmosphere. A substantial portion of the 22-ton launch vehicle—the core stage of a Long March 5B rocket—will be obliterated as it descends, although large pieces of debris could survive the fall. Based on the rocket’s trajectory, estimates suggest that reentry ...
News & Links
May 8, 2021May 2021

Posted by HippieChick58
LINKJudge: Texas Gov. Cannot Block Atheist Holiday Display in State Capitol | Hemant Mehta | Friendly Atheist | Patheos
In 2018 the Freedom From Religion Foundation won a major lawsuit against the state of Texas. Yesterday they did it again. Because there was a nativity scene in the Texas State Capitol in 2015, FFRF applied to put up their own display. It was a "secular Nativity" featuring the Bill of Rights, three Founding Fathers, and the Statue of Liberty. There was also a sign that wished everyone a "Happy Winter Solstice." unfortunately, Governor Greg Abbot demanded it be removed.
News & Links
May 8, 2021May 2021

Posted by HippieChick58
LINKLetters From An American 05/07/2021
Josh Marshall at Talking Points Memo articulated today what many have been reluctant to say: What is at stake in the Big Lie and all the Republican efforts to keep it in play—the shenanigans in the secret Maricopa County, Arizona, recount; the censuring of Republicans who voted to impeach the former president; the expected removal of Wyoming Representative Liz Cheney from a leadership role in the party; and so on—is not the past election of 2020, but the upcoming election of 2024. The ...
News & Links
May 7, 2021May 2021

Posted by HippieChick58
LINKTop CDC official resigns from post following reassignment - POLITICO
This article leaves sooo many questions unanswered. Nancy Messonnier, a senior Centers for Disease Control and Prevention scientist who was the first U.S. official to warn of the severity of the coronavirus pandemic last year, is resigning from the agency. Messonnier’s resignation comes two weeks after she had been reassigned within the CDC from her position heading the agency's Covid-19 vaccine task force, as first reported by POLITICO. Following her reassignment, Messonnier went on ...
General & Hellos
May 7, 2021May 2021

Posted by HippieChick58
1 comment
Trump Pinata
May 7, 2021May 2021

Posted by HippieChick58
OMG!! Absolutely!!!
News & Links
May 7, 2021May 2021

Posted by HippieChick58
LINKLetters From An American 05/06/2021
Today President Biden traveled to Lake Charles, in the Republican-dominated state of Louisiana, to build bipartisan support for his $2.3 trillion American Jobs Plan. The proposed law is designed to create good jobs while it rebuilds America’s badly neglected infrastructure. Biden stood in front of the Calcasieu River Bridge, built in 1952 and twenty years overdue for renovation, in a state hit 30 times in the past ten years by natural disasters that cost up to $50 billion in damage. ...
News & Links
May 7, 2021May 2021

Posted by HippieChick58
Today President Biden traveled to Lake Charles, in the Republican-dominated state of Louisiana, to build bipartisan support for his $2.3 trillion American Jobs Plan. The proposed law is designed to create good jobs while it rebuilds America’s badly...
Uncommon words and their meanings.
May 6, 2021May 2021

Posted by HippieChick58
This is not a word post, and I hope the moderators will forgive me and allow. I found this on FB and it made me smile soooo broadly! User: snuffles005 as someone who studies linguistics, i will never not laugh when someone says “that word ...
May 6, 2021May 2021

Posted by HippieChick58
Jhenry2613 Another suspected scammer, I'm on a roll today :( Profile says he's from LA. When he first contacted me his profile said he was 37, now it says 52. His pictures look like a normal guy. Not quite NNES, but not great. He ...
May 6, 2021May 2021

Posted by HippieChick58
Jhenry2613 Another suspected scammer, I'm on a roll today :( Profile says he's from LA. When he first contacted me his profile said he was 37, now it says 52. His pictures look like a normal guy. Not quite NNES, but not great. He ...
1 comment
May 6, 2021May 2021

Posted by HippieChick58
Walter537363 Profile looks benign, no NNES, not a beautiful person. He's messaging me, and the most recent message contains all sorts of NNES and reference to a diety. From his recent message: I was Once Married to a Beautiful ...
1 comment
May 6, 2021May 2021

Posted by HippieChick58
Walter537363 Profile looks benign, no NNES, not a beautiful person. He's messaging me, and the most recent message contains all sorts of NNES and reference to a diety. From his recent message: I was Once Married to a Beautiful ...
1 comment
News & Links
May 6, 2021May 2021

Posted by HippieChick58
LINKLetters From An American 05/05/2021
With Trump loyalists consolidating their power over the Republican Party, Representative Liz Cheney (R-WY) today launched the Republican opposition. Cheney is currently the House Republican Conference chair, managing committee assignments, media appearances, and certain debates in the House. Her refusal to whitewash the January 6 insurrection and to support the former president has led him to press for her removal from her position as the third most powerful House Republican. House ...
1 comment
News & Links
May 5, 2021May 2021

Posted by HippieChick58
LINKFamily of woman shot by cop during Capitol riot says it was murder
Yeah..... good luck with that. The family says she was murdered. Thirty-five-year-old Air Force veteran Ashli Babbitt was hit by the only shot fired during the riot. Babbitt had traveled to D.C. from California because of her fervent belief in the lie that the 2020 election was stolen from former President Trump. Video shows her trying to climb through a broken window into the Speaker's Lobby outside the House Chamber when a Capitol Police officer guarding the entrance fired....
News & Links
May 5, 2021May 2021

Posted by HippieChick58
LINKNew data shows how pandemic affected births in the US - CNN
(CNN)Remember that pandemic baby boom some thought we'd see about nine months after coronavirus lockdowns swept across the US? Well, as experts predicted, so far it seems to be shaping up to be more of a baby bust. New data released by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's National Center for Health Statistics on Wednesday doesn't paint the full picture, but it gives us a glimpse of what's going on. The birth rate in the United States fell in the last quarter of 2020, ...
May 5, 2021May 2021

Posted by HippieChick58
Has posted frontal nudes already. Oy, put it right out there.
News & Links
May 5, 2021May 2021

Posted by HippieChick58
LINKLetters From An American 05/04/2021
In any normal era, the big story right now would be the country’s dramatic economic recovery from the recession sparked by the coronavirus. In the first three months of 2021, the economy grew by 1.6% as economic stimulus measures kicked in and people started to buy things again. Amazon posted profits of $8.1 billion for the first three months of the year; the same months last year brought the company $2.5 billion. Supply chains are still frayed, pushing prices upward, but those problems are ...
News & Links
May 4, 2021May 2021

Posted by HippieChick58
LINKJoy Reid Takes Tucker Carlson's 'Race Lady' Dog Whistle, Throws It Back At 'Tuckums' | HuffPost
MSNBC anchor Joy Reid on Tuesday ridiculed Fox News personality Tucker Carlson’s repeated derogatory description of her as “the race lady.” “The ReidOut” host noted she spends little time watching the conservative network. “Personally, I prefer my news and information to be grounded in reality, rather than monetizing my amygdala to keep me on edge and buying MyPillows and gold,” she explained. Reid then proceeded to dismantle Carlson’s attacks on her, airing a montage of ...
News & Links
May 4, 2021May 2021

Posted by HippieChick58
LINKNonreligious Americans Are A Growing Political Force | FiveThirtyEight
In this installment of the FiveThirtyEight Politics podcast, Galen Druke and Perry Bacon Jr. speak with political scientist and pastor Ryan Burge about Americans’ declining religious affiliation and how that trend is shaping our society and politics.
News & Links
May 4, 2021May 2021

Posted by HippieChick58
LINKN.R.A. Leadership and Bankruptcy Assailed by U.S. Trustee
The National Rifle Association’s hopes of end-running a legal challenge in New York were dealt a serious blow on Monday when a Justice Department official rebuked its leadership and called for the dismissal of its bankruptcy filing or the appointment of an outside monitor to oversee its finances. Lisa L. Lambert, a lawyer in the United States Trustee’s office, which is part of the Justice Department, said the “evidentiary record clearly and convincingly establishes” that Wayne ...
News & Links
May 4, 2021May 2021

Posted by HippieChick58
LINKTrump voter in Pennsylvania convicted of voter fraud
In the wake of Donald Trump's defeat six months ago, Republicans launched a desperate search for illegally cast ballots to help justify the GOP's conspiracy theories. But despite all the hysterical rhetoric, only a handful of legitimate allegations have been raised, and some involve Republicans casting illegal ballots for Trump on behalf of dead relatives. Take Bruce Bartman, for example. The Washington Post reported this morning: Weeks before Election Day, Bruce Bartman mailed his ...
News & Links
May 4, 2021May 2021

Posted by HippieChick58
LINKLetters From An American 04/03/2021
Since the January 6 insurrection, Democrats have called the Republican adherence to the idea that Biden did not win the 2020 election “the Big Lie.” This term refers to a propaganda technique associated with Nazi politician Joseph Goebbels (although it did not actually originate with him). It refers to a lie told to garner power, a lie that is so big, so monstrous, and so outrageous that people believe it because they cannot imagine someone lying about something so important. One of the ...
1 comment
News & Links
May 3, 2021May 2021

Posted by HippieChick58
LINKLetters From An American 05/02/2021
On Friday, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) and 36 Republicans sent a letter to Education Secretary Miguel Cardona accusing him of trying to advance a “politicized and divisive agenda” in the teaching of American history. This is a full embrace of the latest Republican attempt to turn teaching history into a culture war. On April 19, the Department of Education called for public comments on two priorities for the American History and Civics Education programs. Those programs ...
Health & Happiness
May 2, 2021May 2021

Posted by HippieChick58
LINKElderly Couple Use 'Morse Code' to Escape Assisted Living Facility
A friend from my Army days sent me a link to this article. I was an 05H which is Morse Code Intercept Operator. I had never considered Morse Code could be used this way, but why not! I think they were very clever!.
News & Links
May 2, 2021May 2021

Posted by HippieChick58
LINKOfficers laughing over Karen Garner arrest are off the force - New York Daily News
Cops laughing over violent dementia arrest ‘no longer employed’ in Loveland, Colo. Police officers who laughed while watching footage of the bone-breaking arrest of a 73-year-old woman with dementia are no longer employed by the Loveland, Colo., police department. The Coloradoan reports that officers Austin Hopp and Daria Jalali, who were involved in the 2020 arrest of Karen Garner, as well as officer Tyler Blackett, are no longer on the force. A police department spokesman reportedly ...
News & Links
May 1, 2021May 2021

Posted by HippieChick58
LINK'You lose people very quickly': Talking to friends or family who are down the anti-vaccine rabbit hole
It isn't just rabid Americans who are anti vaxxers... After the border closures and lockdowns last year, Suzanne was looking forward to finally going north to see her daughter and grandchildren in Queensland. But a few days ago, a message from her daughter put her plans on hold. Suzanne, who's in her 70s, plans to get the COVID-19 vaccine as soon as possible, but her daughter says she won't see her mother if she's been vaccinated. "We were told if we'd had the vaccine, we shouldn't ...
News & Links
May 1, 2021May 2021

Posted by HippieChick58
LINKSocial media and science show how ship's plastic cargo dispersed from Florida to Norway | EurekAlert! Science News
A ship's container lost overboard in the North Atlantic has resulted in printer cartridges washing up everywhere from the coast of Florida to northern Norway, a new study has shown. It has also resulted in the items weathering to form microplastics that are contaminated with a range of metals such as titanium, iron and copper. The spillage is thought to have happened around 1,500 km east of New York, in January 2014, with the first beached cartridges reported along the coastline of the ...
News & Links
May 1, 2021May 2021

Posted by HippieChick58
LINKLetters From An American 04/30/2021
In a hearing today before a subcommittee of the House Armed Services Committee charged with investigating technology and information warfare, cyber policy and national security expert Dr. Herb Lin of the Hoover Institution told lawmakers that in the modern era we are not formally at war, but we are not at peace either: “Information warfare threat to the United States is different from past threats, and it has the potential to destroy reason and reality as a basis for societal discourse,...
News & Links
Apr 30, 2021Apr 2021

Posted by HippieChick58
LINKIdaho lawmaker resigns after a 'terrified' 19-year-old aide detailed rape allegations
Hours after a legislative ethics committee voted that he should be suspended or permanently expelled for misconduct, an Idaho lawmaker accused of rape resigned Thursday, the Idaho Statesman reported. The former representative, identified as Aaron von Ehlinger, was accused of raping a 19-year- intern. Investigations against von Ehlinger began in March after the young staffer reported he raped her in his apartment after the two had dinner. After the Idaho House Ethics and House Policy ...
News & Links
Apr 30, 2021Apr 2021

Posted by HippieChick58
LINKSupreme Court Conservatives Just Made It Easier to Sentence Kids to Life in Prison | The Marshall Project
The new ruling could worsen existing racial disparities in states that condemn teens to die in prison. For years, the Supreme Court sent a consistent message about kids who commit the most serious crimes: They’re still kids. Their bad decisions are often a product of abusive upbringings and still-developing brains. So they can’t be executed. And they can’t get life without parole unless they kill someone — and even then, “all but the rarest of children” deserve a chance at ...
Love & Relationships
Apr 30, 2021Apr 2021

Posted by HippieChick58
LINKHey, gals! If you're tired of the 'soy boy swamp,' this new 'Christian' dating site is for you!
This so much makes me want to be a troll or a scammer. Do you think I could pull it off...
News & Links
Apr 30, 2021Apr 2021

Posted by HippieChick58
LINKTed Cruz admits a bit too much about influence of corporate cash
April 30, 2021, 8:25 AM CDT By Steve Benen Three years ago this week, Mick Mulvaney spoke to a group of banking industry executives, who were likely eager to hear what he had to say. By that point, the Republican was already a highly influential figure in the Trump administration, leading both the White House budget office and the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, so when the former South Carolina congressman agreed to offer bankers some guidance, they were ready to listen. "We had a ...
1 comment
News & Links
Apr 30, 2021Apr 2021

Posted by HippieChick58
LINKLetters From An American 04/29/2021
Today marks the hundredth day of the Biden-Harris administration. In many ways, the hundred-day mark is arbitrary, a holdover from the presidency of Franklin Delano Roosevelt, who worked with Congress to pass 76 new laws by the end of his first 100 days, setting a high bar for a consequential presidency. A hundred days is not an entirely useless metric, though, because by that time, a modern president has generally set the tone of the administration. Crucial to the success of that tone is having...
News & Links
Apr 29, 2021Apr 2021

Posted by HippieChick58
LINKTLC star Josh Duggar arrested on federal charges | TheHill
What are Mama and Papa 19 kids going to say about this one? Josh Duggar, the former star of the TLC show "19 Kids and Counting," was arrested by federal authorities on Thursday. The website for the Washington County Sheriff's office shows that Duggar was arrested on Thursday and was booked around 1 p.m. He is being held without bail, according to the website. The records shows that Duggar was arrested by U.S. Marshals, meaning the nature of arrest was federal and not state related. It ...
News & Links
Apr 29, 2021Apr 2021

Posted by HippieChick58
LINKHow Amy Coney Barrett is backfiring for the right.
A Different Kind of Supreme Court Reform Is Already Happening The left is finally paying attention to the court, and it might be having an impact. But here is where we slightly miss the point: It is this sustained and productive frustration on the left that is really new and, in theory, transformational. It signals that the court has become a big, important issue. A progressive left that often sleepwalked through the Merrick Garland blockade and had no idea how to message the judiciary in ...
News & Links
Apr 29, 2021Apr 2021

Posted by HippieChick58
LINKJoe Biden was a boring candidate. He now draws comparisons to FDR | The Economist
WASHINGTON, DC “I’m sick and tired of reading how we’re planning another ‘hundred days’ of miracles,” griped John F. Kennedy before assuming the presidency. The sentiment made its way into his inaugural address, albeit in a more stirring manner: “All this will not be finished in the first 100 days. Nor will it be finished in the first 1,000 days, nor in the life of this administration.” A recurrent trope of American politics is to scour the actions of the first 100 days of ...
News & Links
Apr 29, 2021Apr 2021

Posted by HippieChick58
LINKThe most dangerous place on Earth | The Economist
The test of a first-rate intelligence, wrote F. Scott Fitzgerald, is the ability to hold two opposing ideas in mind at the same time and still retain the ability to function. For decades just such an exercise of high-calibre ambiguity has kept the peace between America and China over Taiwan, an island of 24m people, 100 miles (160km) off China’s coast. Leaders in Beijing say there is only one China, which they run, and that Taiwan is a rebellious part of it. America nods to the one China idea,...
News & Links
Apr 29, 2021Apr 2021

Posted by HippieChick58
LINKLetters From An American 04/28/2021
Earlier today, in anticipation of tonight’s address to Congress, President Joe Biden met with news anchors. The president told them that his many meetings with foreign leaders, including Russian President Vladimir Putin and Chinese President Xi Jinping, have convinced him that the story of this moment is whether democracy can survive the challenges of the twenty-first century. As things speed up, is it possible, he asked, to achieve the consensus necessary for democracy in time to compete with...
Apr 28, 2021Apr 2021

Posted by HippieChick58
skyline A god botherer who has just PM'd me. Not much to go on except he lives in Texas and I don't, and he says he's 45, and I am so far past that. Not much to go on, but 45 and in Texas and asking me if I want to correspond to get ...
1 comment
Apr 28, 2021Apr 2021

Posted by HippieChick58
skyline A god botherer who has just PM'd me. Not much to go on except he lives in Texas and I don't, and he says he's 45, and I am so far past that. Not much to go on, but 45 and in Texas and asking me if I want to correspond to ...
Apr 28, 2021Apr 2021

Posted by HippieChick58
Patlor00 God botherer. Following women from all over the place. There are contradictions in his bio regarding religion, but maybe he just wasn't careful. I don't notice any NNES. Pictures don't look like a movie star, didn't check ...
Apr 28, 2021Apr 2021

Posted by HippieChick58
Patlor00 God botherer. Following women from all over the place. There are contradictions in his bio regarding religion, but maybe he just wasn't careful. I don't notice any NNES. Pictures don't look like a movie star, didn't check ...
News & Links
Apr 28, 2021Apr 2021

Posted by HippieChick58
LINKLouisiana's Ray Garofalo Argues for Teaching 'Good' Parts of Slavery in U.S. Schools - Second Nexus
Louisiana State Rep. Urges Schools to Teach the 'Good' Part of Slavery and Gets Instantly Shut Down A Louisiana lawmaker is in hot water this week after arguing that the state's schools should teach the "good" aspects of slavery in the United States. For over a year, Republican lawmakers across the country—following former President Donald Trump's lead—have sought to ban comprehensive history curricula like critical race theory from being taught in American schools and workplace ...


6 Like Show
Grandson! Born April 2018
17 Like Show
August 2017
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8 Like Show
1976. HS picture
24 Like Show
1980 in Germany.
14 Like Show
6 Like Show
1959, I was a year old.
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6 Like Show
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Early 80s
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7 Like Show
Xena and Zelda
17 Like Show
2010 California
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8 Like Show
13 Like Show
8 Like Show
10 Like Show
4 Like Show
6 Like Show
Lap quilt made 2016
6 Like Show
Lap quilt made from left over fabric from previous quilt, 2017
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Quilt for grandson 2018
5 Like Show
"Sister Quilt" made for daughter. 3 quilts made at the same time, all the same fabrics and same type of blocks, just different layout and different color bindings. Completed 2018
5 Like Show
"Sister Quilt" made for daughter. 3 quilts made at the same time, all the same fabrics and same type of blocks, just different layout and different color bindings. Completed 2018
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Quilt on my bed made 2016. Wall painted ombre shades of pink, also in 2016
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"Sister Quilt" made for daughter. 3 quilts made at the same time, all the same fabrics and same type of blocks, just different layout and different color bindings. Completed 2018
8 Like Show
This is the current male love of my life, he's 8 months old and soon will call me Grammy.
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Jan 2019. Quilt for 2 year old granddaughter, just learning her colors. Her mama wanted it to be a rainbow quilt.
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0 Like Show
My Christmas tree for 2019, and 2020, and 2021... and beyond!
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Quilt for Grandson's first big boy bed. July 2020
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1 Like Show
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New quilt for the guest bed, late 2020
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1 Like Show
New quilt for the guest bed.
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January 13, 2021 My newest and smallest grandchild. She arrived 5 weeks early and is now 2.5 weeks old and is less than 7 pounds. I've never held such a small baby before. She is quite perfect and very amazing. I love being a Grammy.
0 Like Show
Grand #3. Born Dec 2020
1 Like Show
Completed May 30, 2021
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