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[] If my religion is so weak and susceptible....
Willow_Wisp comments on Apr 17, 2021:
My favorite Yoga has fruit on the bottom. Yes, I was raised in Alabama. No, I don't think Yoga is bad, I just have doubts that it's the panacea advocates think it is. The only real danger here is the Christian Conservatives that made it illegal in Alabama in the first place. It's like sushi, ...
Moravian replies on Apr 17, 2021:
I have practised Yoga on and off for years also Chi Gung and Tai Chi. I don't think any of them have been called a panacea but I found them useful, As for being a gateway to any religion. Laughable.
Bernie Madoff, infamous Ponzi schemer, has died - CNN
Moravian comments on Apr 14, 2021:
He played on people's greed. Anyone with half a brain should have seen how it would end.
Moravian replies on Apr 15, 2021:
@barjoe Sentencing is certainly much more draconian in the USA where the running of prisons is a lucrative business. I was thinking about the situation in the UK where a life sentence can be as little as 20 years.I do not agree with the death sentence partly for the reason I gave and because it is more about revenge than justice.
Bernie Madoff, infamous Ponzi schemer, has died - CNN
Moravian comments on Apr 14, 2021:
He played on people's greed. Anyone with half a brain should have seen how it would end.
Moravian replies on Apr 14, 2021:
@barjoe And since 1973 . 150 people have been released from death row because they were innocent of the crime. I wonder how many innocent people were executed.
Bernie Madoff, infamous Ponzi schemer, has died - CNN
Moravian comments on Apr 14, 2021:
He played on people's greed. Anyone with half a brain should have seen how it would end.
Moravian replies on Apr 14, 2021:
@barjoe I have a friend who invested over £500.000 he inherited from his late father in London and Capital bonds. They were guaranteeing an 8% return when the bank rate was around 0.2 %. Of course it went belly up and he will probably lose all or most of it. It has affected him badly and he has spent the last 18 months investigating the company and trying to get the perpetrators in court with out success. He was very naive as were the people who fell for the Madoff Ponzi scheme. If it looks too good to be true then it probably is. One thing interests me. He was sentenced to 180 years in prison when the sentence for murder i s normally less than 25 years. Looks like money ,means more than someones life.
At least the US is waking up for the absurd mandatory use of MASK & mandatory vaccines, criminal ...
Cast1es comments on Apr 13, 2021:
So you are advocating truck and motorcycle rallies , emenise church services , and overcrowded spring break activities , maskless and vaccineless , in order to spread this killing disease around more ? My only problem with that is , not only do you take yourself out of the entire system , you also ...
Moravian replies on Apr 13, 2021:
@luckytobealive Don't ask me. I live in a civilised country.
At least the US is waking up for the absurd mandatory use of MASK & mandatory vaccines, criminal ...
Cast1es comments on Apr 13, 2021:
So you are advocating truck and motorcycle rallies , emenise church services , and overcrowded spring break activities , maskless and vaccineless , in order to spread this killing disease around more ? My only problem with that is , not only do you take yourself out of the entire system , you also ...
Moravian replies on Apr 13, 2021:
@luckytobealive We must have our freedum. Even if it kills us
The scene is Afghanistan, Wal,and Bluey are members of the Australian S.
bobwjr comments on Apr 9, 2021:
Military humor
Moravian replies on Apr 12, 2021:
@Triphid The Desert Rats (1953) directed by Robert Wise • Reviews, film + cast • Letterboxd They crawled their way across the blazing sands of Africa… to turn disaster into victory! Richard Burton plays a Scottish Army officer put in charge of a disparate band of ANZAC troops on the perimeter of Tobruk with the German Army doing their best to dislodge them ‎The Desert Rats (1953) directed by Robert Wi…
The scene is Afghanistan, Wal,and Bluey are members of the Australian S.
bobwjr comments on Apr 9, 2021:
Military humor
Moravian replies on Apr 12, 2021:
Religion is responsible for the deaths of billions of people.
Moravian comments on Apr 11, 2021:
Are you serious ? The UK is more religious than the USA. Come on. The USA is a peaceful country ?, Ask the citizens of Iraq, Vietnam, Cambodia,Afghanistan, and on and on.
Moravian replies on Apr 12, 2021:
@Krish55 A very poor attempt to equate violence with religion.
The scene is Afghanistan, Wal,and Bluey are members of the Australian S.
bobwjr comments on Apr 9, 2021:
Military humor
Moravian replies on Apr 12, 2021:
@Triphid WW2 was a totally different situation to WWI and many countries played their part in defeating fascism, including the Anzac troops and the desert rats were the 7th armoured division of the British army
The scene is Afghanistan, Wal,and Bluey are members of the Australian S.
bobwjr comments on Apr 9, 2021:
Military humor
Moravian replies on Apr 12, 2021:
@Triphid Indo China = Vietnam, Cambodia Laos. Long after WW2
I see on the news that QE 2 is back on the market, well I think that was the gist of it, a bit rusty...
Willow_Wisp comments on Apr 11, 2021:
I attended my bosses birthday party in the ballroom of the QEII. It was nice, amazing woodwork. We had prime rib as the main course. The band was billed as female impersonators that performed Pointer Sisters music. The lead was Uretha Franklin. Everyone had a blast, there was a raffle.
Moravian replies on Apr 11, 2021:
I bet the raffle prizes were substantial.
The scene is Afghanistan, Wal,and Bluey are members of the Australian S.
bobwjr comments on Apr 9, 2021:
Military humor
Moravian replies on Apr 11, 2021:
@Triphid Very true but blame the politicians who sent them. The only politician with an ounce of integrity and common sense was Labour PM Harold Wilson who refused to join the USA in their adventure in Indo China despite severe pressure being exerted from across the pond.
The scene is Afghanistan, Wal,and Bluey are members of the Australian S.
bobwjr comments on Apr 9, 2021:
Military humor
Moravian replies on Apr 11, 2021:
@Triphid I have every sympathy for the poor bastards who endured the conflict but why were they there in the first place ?. The Great War was nothing but a spat between the crown heads of Europe and Britain and the Commonwealth should never have been involved in the first place.
The scene is Afghanistan, Wal,and Bluey are members of the Australian S.
Moravian comments on Apr 10, 2021:
Does the writer of this "joke" not know what the word insurgent means ?. Obviously not.
Moravian replies on Apr 11, 2021:
@Triphid insurgent [ɪnˈsəːdʒ(ə)nt] NOUN a person fighting against a government or INVADING FORCE; a rebel or revolutionary. "an attack by armed insurgents" The Americans and their allies were the insurgents not the Afghans.
The scene is Afghanistan, Wal,and Bluey are members of the Australian S.
bobwjr comments on Apr 9, 2021:
Military humor
Moravian replies on Apr 10, 2021:
@Triphid What ?. Battled the Turks in a stalemate for a few months and then ran away.?
glennlab comments on Apr 6, 2021:
It seems as if the Rev. Jackson has struck a sore spot. If you believe that 400 years of colonization of the colored countries wasn't a racist past, then I would suggest reevaluating your understanding of racism
Moravian replies on Apr 6, 2021:
Don't be ridiculous. Of course Britain had a racist past. The number of slaves transported from Africa was only equaled by Portugal,.but is the UK more institutionally racist than the USA ?. Jackson seems to think so but the Sewel report says otherwise. Of course Britain exploited the countries it colonised . That's what colonial powers do, but when it gave up it's colonies the indigenous people took over the running of the country apart from one major exception. I wonder where that is ??
Theresa_N comments on Apr 6, 2021:
I think the report is ridiculous and shows how institutional racism is endemic in GB. The US is worse, does that mean the UK can't do better?
Moravian replies on Apr 6, 2021:
Have you lived in the UK ?. have you read the report ?. Jackson makes comments like "The UK owns racism" and is "The mother of racism" Ridiculous comments. He also makes himself look a bit silly by saying "When Princess Diana was killed in a car crash she went to a blood bank for three types of blood" What ??.
Marionville comments on Apr 6, 2021:
I think there is some truth in what he says...our past was not a glorious one, but I do think it’s unfair to say that ‘racism’ was down to us and lay the blame at our door, all the European colonising countries had a hand in the slave trade and of course were in partnership with Arab and ...
Moravian replies on Apr 6, 2021:
I am currently reading a book by adventurer Levison Wood who recently treked around the Arabian peninsula. He talks about the Arabs in the gulf states involvement in slavery. They were enslaving people from sub Saharan Africa thousands of years before the UK got involved I wonder if they have the collective guilt we are supposed to have ? Judging by the situation in Qatar where tens of thousands of immigrant workers are building the stadia for the next football world cup I doubt it. The workers have their passports impounded,work in appalling conditions and over 6000 have already died. Many from heatstroke. This is little more than modern slavery. I'm sure we have a way to go in the UK but from news items I read it is not nearly as bad as in the US
whiskywoman comments on Apr 5, 2021:
why make such a big fucking deal say happy easter and be done no need to grumble and tell them about how you feel or that you don't believe as they do now self absorbed and selfish are you a polite thanks you too is all that is required and then let it go don't dwell on how stupid they ...
Moravian replies on Apr 5, 2021:
Thanks for that. It cheered me up on a miserable wintry day
Tonight’s The Night (Gonna Be Alright). - Rod Stewart , 1976. []
Moravian comments on Apr 5, 2021:
I remember singing along with this song to my girlfriend many years ago. No wonder she ditched me.
Moravian replies on Apr 5, 2021:
@Marionville If I could sing like Rod maybe I would have had a girlfriend like her.
Famous Catholic Exorcist (Loosely) Weaves a Dangerous Tale in New Book | Val Wilde | Friendly ...
Triphid comments on Apr 4, 2021:
2 things SPRING to mind here, The first being " Catholic Intellectual Tradition," which imo, MUST be a complete and Utter oxymoron IF ever there was one, The second being, imo, WTF has this Amorth been drinking, smoking, injecting?
Moravian replies on Apr 5, 2021:
"Catholic intellectual" ? the ultimate oxymoron.
Jolanta comments on Apr 4, 2021:
Nothing wrong with wishing someone a Happy Easter. After all we would not be happy if they had a go at us for being agnostics. As long as they don't try to tell us that we are wrong and they are right.
Moravian replies on Apr 4, 2021:
It's the "Christ is risen indeed" attached to the happy Easter that rankles.
Detox and detox
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Apr 1, 2021:
I just drink lemonade sweetened with stevia the lemon is proven to help clear fatty buildup out of your liver and a 99 cent store bottle makes about 4 gallons...
Moravian replies on Apr 2, 2021:
I flush mine out with a few pints of beer each week. Quality craft ale only none of the mass produced rubbish'
Couldn't agree with this more.
phxbillcee comments on Apr 1, 2021:
It's not 'very complex', except that the obstructionists make it so. Tho I personally do not hunt (can't see myself doing so unless WWWIII comes to town), I am not for banning hunting rifles/shotguns. Tho I think the risks far outweigh the potential "safety", I'm not even proposing banning someone ...
Moravian replies on Apr 1, 2021:
Anyone ,with the proper police checks, can own a shotgun or sporting rifle in the UK. They must be kept in a secure gun cabinet which is inspected periodically, People who like shooting at targets with handguns can do so but the guns must be kept securely at the gun club/range. Assault rifles in the hands of Joe public ?. Don't be silly.
Uphill both ways...
jeshuey comments on Mar 31, 2021:
That's just silly. We didn't have skis, besides it was uphill both ways.
Moravian replies on Apr 1, 2021:
I remember it well. A 2 mile walk from the age of 4. Sometimes the snow was so deep it was over my head, Now mom gets the massive SUV out for the school run if they are more than 100 yards from the school
Charles Schulz knew what he was talking about.
Willow_Wisp comments on Mar 31, 2021:
Education is never given it's taken. Sure public schools present educational opportunities but teachers can't learn for you, it's up to you to open your mind enough to let the information in. I went to school in rural Alabama, yes they tried to blow smoke up my ass, not because they were dishonest...
Moravian replies on Mar 31, 2021:
Maybe in most western countries not so in some third world and Islamic countries
Surely the silliest thing that humans can do is to think they can know the future, see the future, ...
Moravian comments on Mar 30, 2021:
Of course details of the future cannot be predicted but general trends can be forecast quite accurately, For example several people, including Bill gates forecast the current epidemic and the onset of climate change has been forecast for over 100 years. The problem is that we are more comfortable ...
Moravian replies on Mar 30, 2021:
@Mcflewster Let's hope so but is climate change really being taken seriously. Sectarian wars are common,toxic nationalism is becoming more common and rampant consumerism abounds. A ship gets stuck in the Suez canal and the world almost grinds to a halt. Crazy.
A recent international report has come to the startling and baffling conclusion that Christians and ...
bookofmorons comments on Mar 29, 2021:
The whole premise of Christianity is based on fantasies and a belief that satan is everywhere and the end of time is nigh
Moravian replies on Mar 29, 2021:
Nothing more than a doomsday cult that got lucky when it was chosen as the state religion of Rome.
Anyone who can pull the sword from the stone has the pick of the village virgins.
Paul4747 comments on Mar 29, 2021:
Why the virgins? Wanting to have a virgin is basically a sign that you want someone who can't tell that you don't know what you're doing. From my perspective, it's like asking to have my car serviced by someone who's never greased an axle in their life. I prefer someone who's had their hands on ...
Moravian replies on Mar 29, 2021:
No penicillin back in the day
Anyone who can pull the sword from the stone has the pick of the village virgins.
phxbillcee comments on Mar 29, 2021:
& here's your choices...
Moravian replies on Mar 29, 2021:
Yup. Sometimes there is a reason why they are virgins
Anyone who can pull the sword from the stone has the pick of the village virgins.
Robecology comments on Mar 29, 2021:
Biological roles are changing and evolving. This was applicable in the middle ages...not now. Don't fear the equality trend...embrace it. You and I can still work on building your/our muscles and playing sports without fear of women or LGBT folk "moving in" on you/us. Oh...and back ...
Moravian replies on Mar 29, 2021:
I can understand a female athlete being upset if a trans male beats her in a sporting event but in the case of South African Caster Semenya it is not quite so clear cut
Pastor: I’m Holding Services Because I Have Machines That Shoot Down Viruses | Hemant Mehta | ...
think-beyond comments on Mar 27, 2021:
Seriously, though, a long time ago there was Royal Rife, who invented a microscope that could see viruses and bacteria. He sat for 3 days watching a bacteria morph into a virus that causes cancer. Then he was able to determine the frequency of its vibrations. (Everything, including you and me, and ...
Moravian replies on Mar 29, 2021:
@think-beyond This is an article in the Sunday Times if you can access it' I agree that big pharma can be a problem for example the opioid overdose epidemic in the USA and to a lesser extent here but they have come good with the speed that they have produce the Covid vaccines. There is certainly a place foe alternative medicines and therapies but as an arch sceptic I am very wary of everything I read. I have practiced Pilates and found it beneficial but homeopathy ?. Don't get me started.
Pastor: I’m Holding Services Because I Have Machines That Shoot Down Viruses | Hemant Mehta | ...
think-beyond comments on Mar 27, 2021:
Seriously, though, a long time ago there was Royal Rife, who invented a microscope that could see viruses and bacteria. He sat for 3 days watching a bacteria morph into a virus that causes cancer. Then he was able to determine the frequency of its vibrations. (Everything, including you and me, and ...
Moravian replies on Mar 28, 2021:
@think-beyond If you are interested in this there is a book you may like. It is "The perfect Predator" by Steffanie Strathdee and Thomas Patterson. Steffanie is my cousin and is professor of epidemiology at San Diego university. It is the story of how her research helped to save her husband who was dying from a superbug contracted in Egypt. Many bacteria are now resistant to antibiotics and she heard about "phage treatment" where bacteriophages , tiny viruses, are used to attack and kill bacteria. The story is about how she manged to get health professionals including those in the US navy to develop and use this treatment to cure her husband. I had never heard of Royal Rife but apparently all his claims of curing diseases using his machines have now been totally discredited.
A damn good comment this, goes straight to the roots of racism!
FrayedBear comments on Mar 26, 2021:
Only the first slaves in the British colonistion were Irish or British criminals. Prior to that the main slave owners were the Egyptians, the Greeks, the Romans but most of that was on land.
Moravian replies on Mar 28, 2021:
@Austin-Cambridge The landed gentry are still coining it. We have things called community buy outs in the UK where large amounts of money are given to the landed gentry for land which was acquired by their ancestors in very dubious circumstances. Most likely because they were on the right side in some skirmish. The Duke of Buccleuch is now £3,5 million better of.
It's a long way round
Petter comments on Mar 27, 2021:
Joking aside. this is a seriously worrying revelation. Doesn't the rest of the world manufacture anything? How can one sanction China, when there are few alternative sources of goods. How have big corporations, chasing greed targets, been allowed to destroy their countries of origin?
Moravian replies on Mar 28, 2021:
As you say it is greed. I can remember when virtually all the goods which came from china came out of christmas crackers . International trade is crazy. The rest of the world ship raw materials to China and China sends manufactured goods back.
Pastor: I’m Holding Services Because I Have Machines That Shoot Down Viruses | Hemant Mehta | ...
think-beyond comments on Mar 27, 2021:
Seriously, though, a long time ago there was Royal Rife, who invented a microscope that could see viruses and bacteria. He sat for 3 days watching a bacteria morph into a virus that causes cancer. Then he was able to determine the frequency of its vibrations. (Everything, including you and me, and ...
Moravian replies on Mar 28, 2021:
@think-beyond Bactria and viruses are totally different life forms and cannot change into one another,
Pastor: I’m Holding Services Because I Have Machines That Shoot Down Viruses | Hemant Mehta | ...
think-beyond comments on Mar 27, 2021:
Seriously, though, a long time ago there was Royal Rife, who invented a microscope that could see viruses and bacteria. He sat for 3 days watching a bacteria morph into a virus that causes cancer. Then he was able to determine the frequency of its vibrations. (Everything, including you and me, and ...
Moravian replies on Mar 27, 2021:
Is this a joke ? " A bacteria that morphs into a virus"
Mvtt comments on Mar 26, 2021:
The fact that reasonable people are afraid of religious people, speaks volumes.
Moravian replies on Mar 27, 2021:
@barjoe Denmark as usual are ahead of the game. Probably why it is one of the best countries to live in.. France has a serious problem with concentrations of immigrants in poor areas and to a lesser extent the UK. Integration is the answer but I think it will take several generations to sort out.
barjoe comments on Mar 26, 2021:
This is dedicated to all the Mudslums.
Moravian replies on Mar 26, 2021:
You are a brave man. Hope none of the Jihadists have your address.
BirdMan1 comments on Mar 26, 2021:
The lead says "an image," does not refer to cartoons, and one would think the teacher would know what to expect, unjustified as it is, from showing cartoons.
Moravian replies on Mar 26, 2021:
Apparently he showed the Charlie Hebdo cartoons. It was a lecture about blasphemy. I agree that he was a bit naive but the protesters in my mind are way over the top. A reprimand and apology to the Muslim community should have been sufficient.
Hmmm. Whatever could the difference be?
Tejas comments on Mar 25, 2021:
You also have a population less than the state of California. Not to mention a very non diverse country. The US is by far the most diverse country on the planet.
Moravian replies on Mar 26, 2021:
What has diversity got to do with it ?.London is one of the most diverse cities in the world . Dozens of languages are spoken in homes. London does not have a mass shooting problem because the UK has strict gun control laws
Does religion work without magical beings at its center?
Word comments on Mar 26, 2021:
Religion ... pure and faultless is this: to help widows and orphans in need and avoiding worldly corruption. James 1:27. I don't see anything specifically supernatural about helping widows and orphans while avoiding worldly corruption.
Moravian replies on Mar 26, 2021:
Are you a fruit farmer by any chance ?, Picking cherries seems to be your favourite pastime.
New Sci-Fi Looking Pistol Packs 50 Rounds Of High-Velocity Personal Defense Weapon Ammo
silverotter11 comments on Jan 13, 2021:
The average person feeling they need a gun to protect themselves really has no idea what it feels like to be under attack. My sister has 2 guns, no idea what kind but one is a pistol. She regularly goes to a range and shoots. She voted for trump, gets her news from fox, oann and I'm sure newsmax....
Moravian replies on Mar 25, 2021:
@SeaGreenEyez Paranoia !!!. I have many friends and family in the USA and none of them have any interest in guns but I was invited to a "pizza party" in Idaho. A lovely, charming hospitable generous family but paranoid. The man of the house told me he kept several loaded guns in the house when the family were growing up. A few years ago two women were raped and murdered in the neighbouring town so he was taking no chances.
3 Images... FYI: I Googled Weaponized Penguins for this group.
Willow_Wisp comments on Mar 23, 2021:
Can you handle 3.18181818 penguins? If each person in Ireland can handle 3.18181818 penguins then the island is safe. 3.181818 X 6.6 million Irish = 21 million penguins.
Moravian replies on Mar 24, 2021:
The population of Ireland is under 5 million so it is not only her arithmetic that is dodgy
I see I have been welcomed back into the fold again.
ArthurK comments on Mar 23, 2021:
Yes - once the retaliation cycle starts no one benefits. And the government usually feels they have to "win" no matter how harsh they have to be.
Moravian replies on Mar 24, 2021:
Another 14 "protesters" arrested last night. Apparently a peaceful protest got ugly when police tried to disperse the gathering. It is currently unlawful for people to gather in numbers due to lockdown restrictions. Several policemen have tested positive for Covid and others are in quarantine after a mass gathering of football supporters in Glasgow a week or so ago, I have some sympathy for the police as they are in a "no win" situation here.
Is uk safe for ex muslim ?
Moravian comments on Mar 18, 2021:
Safe from what ?
Moravian replies on Mar 24, 2021:
@AimlessBoy Probably one of the safest countries in the world but I cannot speak for some members of the Muslim "community". Assad Shah, a Glasgow shopkeeper was killed by an extremist from England because he wished his customers a happyEaster. Good luck.
Our right to life outweighs your unnatural psychological attachment to firearms. []
PadraicM comments on Mar 23, 2021:
I still want to be able to keep and bear nuclear arms. What part of "shall not be infringed" do people not seem to understand? (Applies to the US only)
Moravian replies on Mar 23, 2021:
Very few guns in the UK but Boris is planning to increase our stockpile of nuclear warheads by 30%. Hail Boris. We are saved.
Won't you please give (a )...
Charlene comments on Mar 22, 2021:
Not at all funny..
Moravian replies on Mar 23, 2021:
@Charlene It's in very poor taste but it may make you think about which western country supplied the land mine which blew his legs of in the first place and what we can do about that.
Anonymous No More, the Man Who Documents Pastors’ Expensive Sneakers Speaks Out | Hemant Mehta | ...
Moravian comments on Mar 22, 2021:
A Harley Davidson cruiser worth more than one of his parents tithes ?. How much more ? A top of the range Harley costs over $20,000.
Moravian replies on Mar 23, 2021:
@Barnie2years That makes it even worse. I wonder how much they give to the church.
Mormon church indoctrinatIon []
Moravian comments on Mar 22, 2021:
It's their "holier than thou" attitude that annoys me. I saw Brandon Flowers of the Killers being interviewed and it was as if he had a monopoly on morality. ffs any self respecting rock star should be throwing TV sets from a hotel window surrounded by groupies while smoking the finest Morrocan ...
Moravian replies on Mar 22, 2021:
@Krish55 I bow to your superior knowledge. I gave it up when skunkweed came on the scene.
Church and state
Killtheskyfairy comments on Mar 22, 2021:
Gays are less than 4% of population. I’m more concerned about how they keep women down as 51%. That’s pure evil!
Moravian replies on Mar 22, 2021:
@Leelu Brainwashed ?
Church and state
Killtheskyfairy comments on Mar 22, 2021:
Gays are less than 4% of population. I’m more concerned about how they keep women down as 51%. That’s pure evil!
Moravian replies on Mar 22, 2021:
Do they ?. Certainly it would appear that the Roman Catholic church is a sexist organisation but last year 51% of deacons ordained in the Church of England were women and 25% of ministers in the Church of Scotland are women so if the churches do keep women down many women are complicit.
Well played Ireland Just before the Scotland Italy game Jeremy Guscott said Scotland's place is ...
Marionville comments on Mar 20, 2021:
Scotland still have to play France. France are 7 -0 up against Wales at present.
Moravian replies on Mar 20, 2021:
Scotland played 4 11 points England played 5 10 points. Quite a game in Paris, France have to beat Scotland and I think they need a bonus point for the championship
I experienced proof of prayer today.
Moravian comments on Mar 20, 2021:
Was the prayer by any chance on a cellphone to Spectrum to report the fault ?. That type of prayer tends to work best.
Moravian replies on Mar 20, 2021:
@Sgt_Spanky He's bound to have wifi. He probably emailed them
Looks like I have been blocked fro the leftist BlM group.
altschmerz comments on Mar 20, 2021:
What is BIM?
Moravian replies on Mar 20, 2021:
@altschmerz Thanks. That's the one. Never mind, plenty more groups to post on.
Looks like I have been blocked fro the leftist BlM group.
altschmerz comments on Mar 20, 2021:
What is BIM?
Moravian replies on Mar 20, 2021:
@altschmerz Thanks. I can't remember the exact title. I thought it was leftists an BLM and something else. It had a photo of a woman beside the title. It's not important but when blocked before it has been obvious why, Individuals can be a bit sensitive and the conservative group blocks anyone who disagrees with their political views.
Looks like I have been blocked fro the leftist BlM group.
altschmerz comments on Mar 20, 2021:
What is BIM?
Moravian replies on Mar 20, 2021:
It's meant to be BLM
Looks like I have been blocked fro the leftist BlM group.
LiterateHiker comments on Mar 20, 2021:
Instead of whining about "cancel culture," learn from it and move on. Did you make offensive comments?
Moravian replies on Mar 20, 2021:
I'm not whining about anything.Just curious. No I don't make offensive comments
Being a young man in the 21st century.
girlwithsmiles comments on Mar 20, 2021:
It’s difficult being self aware, especially when you’re young and still getting the confidence that it’s ok to be yourself, or what that would look like. Funny how this chap doesn’t talk about his friends or support network in his article. Not talking about things can lead to confused ...
Moravian replies on Mar 20, 2021:
Caitin Moran, a journalist and author who I greatly admire has an interesting piece in today's Times. She says that women have to conform to a virtual curfew as it is not safe for them to go out on the streets after dark. She suggests that maybe there should be a male curfew to balance things up. She also comments that in her social circle there is one man who is known to be abusive to women. She has asked other males in the circle to cut him out which none of them will do. She insists that men do more to call out their mates on inappropriate behaviour before it gets more serious. This sounds laudable but how do you get lads to do this. Woman also have a part to play. When the so called leader of the free world is a man who thinks it is ok "To grab a women by the pussy" and he is put into office by as many women as men it makes me wonder.
Be a lady they said.
Killtheskyfairy comments on Mar 18, 2021:
So in your opinion, no one should complain about their lived experience because someone else always has it worse? Wow! If we used that model for other targets of discrimination, it would get ridiculous fast. A woman pointing out the insanity of messaging to her sex should just STFU because some...
Moravian replies on Mar 18, 2021:
@Killtheskyfairy O ye of little faith ;-) ;-)
Be a lady they said.
Canndue comments on Mar 18, 2021:
Your premise is messed up on many levels. Mixed messaging and mistreatment abounds for all genders (perhaps more so for women) Your “ I felt bad because I didn’t have a shoe, until I saw a man that didn’t have a foot” approach is cute, but nothing but bullshit. Each experience is ...
Moravian replies on Mar 18, 2021:
@Lauren Shocking statistics. I know here domestic abuse is considered something shameful and to hide away. I think the police and the courts have to be more proactive and at the first signs action has to be taken' I read a great book written by a kid who grew up in Dundee with a drunken abusive father and how he coped with it and is now married with his own children and happy' His mother eventually left and the father had a succession of girlfriends . One had her own flat nearby but she kept coming and staying with him to be physically abused. I had to shake my head at that. What is it that makes women stay with abusive men when they have an easy escape route ? Conditioning, insecurity, loneliness ?
Be a lady they said.
Killtheskyfairy comments on Mar 18, 2021:
So in your opinion, no one should complain about their lived experience because someone else always has it worse? Wow! If we used that model for other targets of discrimination, it would get ridiculous fast. A woman pointing out the insanity of messaging to her sex should just STFU because some...
Moravian replies on Mar 18, 2021:
@Killtheskyfairy I'm not insulted. I was deliberately provocative to get a response and I am not disappointed
Be a lady they said.
AnneWimsey comments on Mar 18, 2021:
I have had every single one of these said to me in your life, many of them more than once. Meaning, I cannot win beingmyself, ever.....everything about me is wrong! I am sure it is an eye-opener for older women especially, it was for me the first time i read it!
Moravian replies on Mar 18, 2021:
@AnneWimsey Too bad. Sorry it has been so tough for you. Judging by the suicide statistics young men feel the pressure as well. In the UK suicides of young men heavily outweigh other groups. Society has a lot to answer for.
Be a lady they said.
MattHardy comments on Mar 18, 2021:
I'd say you sounded illogical and willfully ignorant. Please don't complain that's offensive as it's the dipshits I tell to fuck off who really deserve to be offended. What do others think?
Moravian replies on Mar 18, 2021:
Thanks Matt. Love you too ;-)
Be a lady they said.
Charlene comments on Mar 18, 2021:
Your last paragragh says quite a bit about you as a man, doesn't it?
Moravian replies on Mar 18, 2021:
@Charlene So I have to apologise for an accident of birth now ?. So you think what make up you wear is more important than being stoned to death for showing some independence
Be a lady they said.
AnneWimsey comments on Mar 18, 2021:
I have had every single one of these said to me in your life, many of them more than once. Meaning, I cannot win beingmyself, ever.....everything about me is wrong! I am sure it is an eye-opener for older women especially, it was for me the first time i read it!
Moravian replies on Mar 18, 2021:
That's interesting. Who said them to you ?
Be a lady they said.
Canndue comments on Mar 18, 2021:
Your premise is messed up on many levels. Mixed messaging and mistreatment abounds for all genders (perhaps more so for women) Your “ I felt bad because I didn’t have a shoe, until I saw a man that didn’t have a foot” approach is cute, but nothing but bullshit. Each experience is ...
Moravian replies on Mar 18, 2021:
The reason I said that is because I thought it was written by a Turkish woman where president Erdogan is doing his best to turn the country back into an Islamic theocracy where there are more important things for women to worry about than what makeup to wear' I too feel for women who suffer in a male dominated society in the west but I feel more for women in Afghanistan who are killed because they try to show a bit of independence.
Be a lady they said.
Charlene comments on Mar 18, 2021:
Your last paragragh says quite a bit about you as a man, doesn't it?
Moravian replies on Mar 18, 2021:
And what is that ?
Be a lady they said.
Killtheskyfairy comments on Mar 18, 2021:
So in your opinion, no one should complain about their lived experience because someone else always has it worse? Wow! If we used that model for other targets of discrimination, it would get ridiculous fast. A woman pointing out the insanity of messaging to her sex should just STFU because some...
Moravian replies on Mar 18, 2021:
"some old misogynist " Love it ;-). Of course there is a bit of pertinent stuff in her diatribe. The original was written by woman in Canada I think but copied by a woman living in Turkey before my friend copied it. So there is no mention of women being forced to wear the veil, or of child marriages or of arranged marriages but what makeup to wear is so important. And who are "they" Men, parents, other women, society in general ?. The blog is entitled "Writings of a furious woman" She appears to be so furious that the good points she makes are lost in a load of trivia.
Be a lady they said.
oldFloyd comments on Mar 18, 2021:
I believe you are correct, now can you change "they" ?
Moravian replies on Mar 18, 2021:
Change "they" to what ?. I'm not sure who "they" are
Be a lady they said.
girlwithsmiles comments on Mar 18, 2021:
The video is more transparent: When I was studying therapy one of my tutors said people will ask you about your experiences. But you have to ask how much pain is enough? Do you have to have been abducted and held in a cellar for years to understand ...
Moravian replies on Mar 18, 2021:
Interesting comment about how cultures develop or stagnate, Certainly there is pressure on children in Muslim families to behave in a certain way, both male and female but it looks to me that the Westernisation of Islamic countries such as Iran,Turkey and Pakistan has ceased or even reversed.
An amended advert for the churches Alpha course outside the village church
bookofmorons comments on Mar 12, 2021:
Clever and funny! well done
Moravian replies on Mar 18, 2021:
@bookofmorons The huge banner which was an eyesore in the middle of an attractive village has now been removed. A result !!!
How would the existence of a god confer meaning on our lives?
Moravian comments on Mar 16, 2021:
My question is, what is the point of these hypothetical questions ?
Moravian replies on Mar 16, 2021:
@Fernapple The first question OK, but the second ??? Has he been reading Greek mythology I wonder
Is that the way it works?
Killtheskyfairy comments on Mar 15, 2021:
Rudimentary understanding of biology, but okay...
Moravian replies on Mar 16, 2021:
@Killtheskyfairy Well. It takes two to tango ;-)
Is science undermining religion ?
brentan comments on Mar 14, 2021:
Science never has been able to supply meaning to life in any way other than mechanical. It also chips away at hope that any meaning might be found. I think the truth of the matter is that science is also a faith - faith that it knows or can find the answers to big questions. I think David Bohm ...
Moravian replies on Mar 16, 2021:
@brentan This can be argued till the cows come home but a survey shows that scientists tend to be less religious than the general population. This is not surprising . What surprises me is that so many scientists are religious. Cognitive dissonance at work I think. Chart showing church attendance in different countries
Is that the way it works?
Killtheskyfairy comments on Mar 15, 2021:
Rudimentary understanding of biology, but okay...
Moravian replies on Mar 16, 2021:
IVF maybe ?
He's far too young to drive anyway
OldGoat43 comments on Mar 15, 2021:
Royalty are not human.
Moravian replies on Mar 15, 2021:
Nope. Shape changing lizards I believe.
In relation to the latest situation with several countries putting AstraZeneca vaccinations on hold ...
powder comments on Mar 14, 2021:
It is still in the trial phase so new information will come to light as time goes on. A doctor in Brisbane contracted the virus and is contagious after being inoculated so please stop calling it a vaccine as immunity has not been acquired. Not saying these jabs are not an effective tool in ...
Moravian replies on Mar 15, 2021:
@Lorajay Yes and it is even more restrictive than that. We are not supposed to travel outside our local authority area unless it is for work or essential business. I live in Highland which is the biggest in the country but I visit an elderly housebound friend once a week in neighbouring Moray about a 30 mile journey. That is allowed as we are in a bubble and I am her only regular visitor.
Is science undermining religion ?
oldFloyd comments on Mar 15, 2021:
Lots of interesting conversation here, I'll just look at your last sentence and say replace god with the words "We must" and I assume you misspelled religious, and I agree. 😁
Moravian replies on Mar 15, 2021:
Attempt at irony and thanks for pointing out the typo
In relation to the latest situation with several countries putting AstraZeneca vaccinations on hold ...
powder comments on Mar 14, 2021:
It is still in the trial phase so new information will come to light as time goes on. A doctor in Brisbane contracted the virus and is contagious after being inoculated so please stop calling it a vaccine as immunity has not been acquired. Not saying these jabs are not an effective tool in ...
Moravian replies on Mar 15, 2021:
Of course they are a vaccine and none of the ones currently in use were ever said to be 100% effective. No vaccine ever is. In the UK which is way ahead of all but a couple of countries in administering the vaccine the number of hospital admissions have dropped dramatically and restrictions are now being gradually eased.
Will social pressure and perks work to get folks vaccinated?
Heavykevy1985 comments on Mar 13, 2021:
When it comes to abortion, my body, my choice. When comes to forcing people to wear masks or be injected with a vaccine, crickets. Definitely a double standard here
Moravian replies on Mar 15, 2021:
@Heavykevy1985 Wow you're a charmer You are sure going to make lots of friends here.
Excellent, close game between Scotland and Ireland.
Marionville comments on Mar 14, 2021:
I’m sad that Scotland lost...but it was a good match.
Moravian replies on Mar 15, 2021:
@Petter Iechyd da. We are all Welsh now.
Is science undermining religion ?
Leelu comments on Mar 14, 2021:
"Is Evidence Undermining Religion?" Here's the link to the program if anyone wants to see it.
Moravian replies on Mar 15, 2021:
@Triphid Was Moses mythical or did he actually exist ?. I read a fascinating book on the development of religions (It;s on my Kindle which I have missplaced ). The author equates Moses to a modern day cult leader and if you study the old testament his actions certainly bear this out. He had total control over the tribe and through "god" he kept that absolute for the supposed forty years. Only when he died and Joshua take over did the tribe move on.
Is science undermining religion ?
brentan comments on Mar 14, 2021:
Science never has been able to supply meaning to life in any way other than mechanical. It also chips away at hope that any meaning might be found. I think the truth of the matter is that science is also a faith - faith that it knows or can find the answers to big questions. I think David Bohm ...
Moravian replies on Mar 15, 2021:
@brentan Science shows us the "how" not the "why". Surely it is up to each individual to give meaning to their own life.
Is science undermining religion ?
AnonySchmoose comments on Mar 14, 2021:
I'll be damned if I ever try AGAIN to talk to a fundamentalist Catholic about the virgin birth.
Moravian replies on Mar 14, 2021:
n@Healthydoc70 Because millions of people have been indoctrinated with this mythology and it is Sunday and the BBC feel that they have to pander to those people.
Is science undermining religion ?
Leelu comments on Mar 14, 2021:
"Is Evidence Undermining Religion?" Here's the link to the program if anyone wants to see it.
Moravian replies on Mar 14, 2021:
The old guy who insisted that the earth is under 10000 year old was fun. Pity they hadn't given him some more air time.
Is science undermining religion ?
brentan comments on Mar 14, 2021:
Science never has been able to supply meaning to life in any way other than mechanical. It also chips away at hope that any meaning might be found. I think the truth of the matter is that science is also a faith - faith that it knows or can find the answers to big questions. I think David Bohm ...
Moravian replies on Mar 14, 2021:
@Healthydoc70 The question was "Is science undermining religion" Nothing to do with the meaning of life which is what you want to make it.
Is science undermining religion ?
AnonySchmoose comments on Mar 14, 2021:
I'll be damned if I ever try AGAIN to talk to a fundamentalist Catholic about the virgin birth.
Moravian replies on Mar 14, 2021:
@AnonySchmoose This possibility was mentioned in the debate but dismissed by the theists.
Is science undermining religion ?
DenoPenno comments on Mar 14, 2021:
According to the gospels the genealogy of Jesus is traced through Joseph. Some misguided people even claim at one point they use a genealogy of Mary, but this would never have been allowed. The person doing the recording simply got confused. If we are to assume a lineage through Joseph this would ...
Moravian replies on Mar 14, 2021:
before Christianity totally separated from Judaism the Jews were still looking for their saviour who had to be of the house of David. I remember debating this with a church minister on another site and he insisted that Mary also was descended from David. As a tribal chief David probably had a few wives and concubines so he would have had many offspring and it was probably quite common for cousins to marry
Is science undermining religion ?
AnonySchmoose comments on Mar 14, 2021:
I'll be damned if I ever try AGAIN to talk to a fundamentalist Catholic about the virgin birth.
Moravian replies on Mar 14, 2021:
Banging ,head, and brick wall comes to mind. The fact that the first gospel of Mark has no mention of the nativity,it came very late to the Jesus story and countless gods which predate Jesus had a human mother and supernatural father has no effect on them ?
Is science undermining religion ?
brentan comments on Mar 14, 2021:
Science never has been able to supply meaning to life in any way other than mechanical. It also chips away at hope that any meaning might be found. I think the truth of the matter is that science is also a faith - faith that it knows or can find the answers to big questions. I think David Bohm ...
Moravian replies on Mar 14, 2021:
So that's your opinion which I totally disagree with.
Will social pressure and perks work to get folks vaccinated?
Heavykevy1985 comments on Mar 13, 2021:
When it comes to abortion, my body, my choice. When comes to forcing people to wear masks or be injected with a vaccine, crickets. Definitely a double standard here
Moravian replies on Mar 14, 2021:
Wow Kevin. If you get pregnant you are going to make medical history
Hold on tight, it's going to be a ride.
The-Krzyz comments on Mar 12, 2021:
The Beatles were done anyway, and the British monarchy is an anachronistic distraction and of no real political significance. If one person, or a single relationship, exposes pre-existing fault lines, the foundation already is weak and ready to fracture. I know the meme is humorous, but too ...
Moravian replies on Mar 13, 2021:
Compared to that other American divorcee, Wallis Simpson, she has hardly even ruffled their feathers.
RonWilliam53 comments on Mar 12, 2021:
Young, pretty and white. does anyone think the resulting uproar would exist if she were a middle-aged POC?
Moravian replies on Mar 13, 2021:
@RonWilliam53 I cannot recall a case of a young black woman being abducted and murdered. The two high profile cases I can remember are Milly Dowler and Susie Lamplugh. Although two suspects are in prison convicted of other crimes no one has been convicted for their murders. OAP's are more likely to be murdered in their homes and they do make the tabloid headlines but only briefly.
Teacher Arrested At Pearson Airport A high school teacher was arrested today at Toronto's Pearson ...
Alienbeing comments on Mar 12, 2021:
There is something about this story that doesn't add up.
Moravian replies on Mar 13, 2021:
@anglophone had to google that one
MsHoliday comments on Mar 12, 2021:
Women need to be in places where decisions are made. Our only voice will be changing laws especially religious ones, and those made to oppress women and people who are not white. 💙🇨🇦
Moravian replies on Mar 13, 2021:
@Marionville The tabloids make it seem like an episode of "Line of Duty" but what has happened to the 33 year old woman who was mentioned as an accomplice at the beginning ?
Lou Ottens the inventor of the cassette tape has sadly died at the age of 94 A family spokesman said...
Lilac-JadeCanada comments on Mar 12, 2021:
To the seedee side? Hahahaha....
Moravian replies on Mar 12, 2021:
Apparently he was asked if he was upset when CDs took over from Cassette tapes and he said no it didn't bother him. Over 100 billion cassettes were sold so I hope he was adequately compensated. I still have a collection which I play occasionally but my mini discs have long since been dumped.
MsHoliday comments on Mar 12, 2021:
Women need to be in places where decisions are made. Our only voice will be changing laws especially religious ones, and those made to oppress women and people who are not white. 💙🇨🇦
Moravian replies on Mar 12, 2021:
@Marionville The fact that people expect the police to protect them and not murder them does have a bearing. The tabloids certainly are making a big thing of this.Also the fact that this guy was accused of exposing himself in public very recently and how the police handled this is pertinent.
RonWilliam53 comments on Mar 12, 2021:
Young, pretty and white. does anyone think the resulting uproar would exist if she were a middle-aged POC?
Moravian replies on Mar 12, 2021:
I don't think that is the point. A young attractive woman is much more likely to be targeted; Abduction and murder by strangers are very rare here so it is big news. Many women are killed by current or ex partners, around 80 per year so it hardly makes the news.


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