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Famous Catholic Exorcist (Loosely) Weaves a Dangerous Tale in New Book | Val Wilde | Friendly ...
Moravian comments on Apr 5, 2021:
Those pesky demons get everywhere. Get a demon dog and protect yourself.
Who else is a naughty atheist who invites the Mormons and the Jehovah's Witness's into their home ...
Moravian comments on Jun 17, 2020:
I think you flatter yourself sir
Need Dating Advice Maybe you ladies can give me some advice.
Moravian comments on Jun 27, 2020:
So it's not a recent photo then ?
A tribute to Marie Fredriksson of Swedish Band Roxette who has sadly died today at the age of ...
Moravian comments on Dec 10, 2019:
Very sad.
My favourite Rolling Stones song is the order of the day here on my birthday….
Moravian comments on Mar 14, 2024:
Believe it or not, Susan Boyle had a minor hit with this song.
The Argumentative Theory
Moravian comments on Dec 19, 2019:
Then it's not really reasoning is it?. Reasoning :- The act or process of drawing conclusions from facts,evidence, etc. Quite different from arguing from the position of ones opinion.
This came out when I was in Jr Hi, living in the heart of the super conservative south.
Moravian comments on Aug 29, 2021:
I visited San Francisco a few years back and to walk up Haight- Ashbury was almost like a pilgrimage. The hippy dream was just that . A dream but it was fun while it lasted.
The reason women are critiqued for everything...
Moravian comments on Sep 15, 2019:
Read this somewhere recently ;- Why women are superior to men Give them some sperm and they will make a baby Give them some food and they will make a meal Give them a house and they will make a home.
I almost did not click on this little youtube video BUT I am a huge fan of Graham Norton.
Moravian comments on Jul 21, 2021:
Accurate statement
Moravian comments on Apr 17, 2020:
As have they no doubt !!
Yep 💯
Moravian comments on Jul 30, 2019:
The obverse of "bad/evil men will do bad/evil things but it takes religion to make good men do bad/evil things
Conservatives fear of diversity
Moravian comments on Sep 5, 2019:
that's why they are called conservatives. they want to conserve the past. they do not like change. Unless of course if it benefits them
If you are curious about this Pandemic and it testing read this article!!! I am only posting as ...
Moravian comments on Mar 16, 2020:
Be informed ? You are joking right ?
Anti-Vaxxer Mom Asks Advice For An Outdoor Bedroom For Her 2-Year-Old—The Internet Brutally ...
Moravian comments on Mar 10, 2019:
Some great replies. I had an outdoor bedroom when I was a kid. It was called a tent.
Call me a wishful thinker but with all the Covidiots out there I was hoping we were closer to 50% ...
Moravian comments on Jun 11, 2020:
And yet countries like New Zealand appear to have eradicated the disease, for the time being anyway,
‎Tuesday, ‎December ‎1, ‎2020 I AM & U R an - Eternal Spirit of Divine Essence - being a...
Moravian comments on Dec 26, 2020:
Quelle surprise !!. The words "sublunar" and "telurian" are actual words. I thought they came from your fevered imagination
I only heard about this Aussie band recently…but I like what I hear….
Moravian comments on Nov 24, 2023:
Very good. they remind me a bit of Golden Earring
More People Blatantly Ignoring Social Distancing Guidelines New data appears to indicate that ...
Moravian comments on May 31, 2020:
That was before mobile phones were invented
California Chillin’ ?
Moravian comments on Feb 7, 2019:
Beautiful, but ruined by that monstrosity in the foreground
If You Behaved Like God - YouTube
Moravian comments on Dec 18, 2023:
seems legit.
Posting this because it made me laugh
Moravian comments on Dec 12, 2021:
A rather prim church going friend knocked on the door and my partner answered it, I heard her say "I didn't know if you were in yet" followed by something I couldn't hear. They both laughed but she refused to repeat what she had said. When she had gone I asked what the joke was. She had said "what no man wants to hear". She went up in my estimation immediately.
DePaul University Professor Explains Why We Procrastinate Joseph Ferrari, Professor of Psychology...
Moravian comments on Jul 10, 2021:
I used to be a procrastinator but know I am not so sure.
Indoctrinating children into religion is child abuse. Prove me wrong.
Moravian comments on Jan 18, 2019:
It definitely affects their critical thinking abilities, but if children were not indoctrinated the major religions would virtually die out in 2 or 3 generations and the many who currently benefit would lose out.
Trump accuses Netanyahu of disloyalty: "F him" - Axios
Moravian comments on Dec 12, 2021:
Both "yesterday's men". Who cares.
Today is Scotland’s National Day.
Moravian comments on Nov 30, 2019:
It's awfy posh you ken. Nae for the likes o' country loons like me.
A blond is on ‘Who wants to be a millionaire’, the first question is: What is the name of the ...
Moravian comments on Mar 27, 2019:
ha ha, poor blondes get a lot of unfair jokes made about them but I watched a quiz show called pointless on BBC last night. One of the questions was name a country without the letter W.O.R.L and D in them. Two sisters answered with Ganges and Alaska. Both sisters were Blondes.
Show some respect! EDIT: This meme is a satire folks.
Moravian comments on Feb 5, 2020:
I have seen several similar "memes" over the years and they still make me feel a bit sick. When did invading other countries and having some of your young men killed have anything to do with freedom. Remember the heady days of the summer of love when ordinary young people objected to the body bags coming back from south east Asia and demonstrated against the wars. Now that a soldier in a bunker in New Mexico can murder people in Iraq by remote control there much less danger of harm , apart from to the mental health of the drone operator of course.
Strange how prevention works
Moravian comments on Jun 23, 2021:
You should put this on the Covid group and no doubt our resident anti vaxxer conspiracy theorist would convince himself that it is fake news or something similar.
Kushner Struggles to Answer Immigration Questions
Moravian comments on May 15, 2019:
I find this puzzling. How can the USA call itself a democracy when the president can place unelected family and friends into positions of authority ?. It looks more like a third world dictatorship.
I only read the first three pages of the Bible about incest, from what I recall?
Moravian comments on Jul 29, 2021:
I'm not sure what bible you read but I'm afraid you got it wrong. Surprisingly, since he is totally against contraception, god only had one son. The devil is actually an angel who tripped and fell from heaven Regarding the silver I think god runs a betting shop because if you give a stake (seed money)to the bookies runner (the pastor) you may win and get it back ten fold
Yeah, what's up with that?
Moravian comments on Aug 13, 2021:
That's pretty rich from someone coming from the home of Macdonalds, Burger King , Taco Bell, Wendy' and on and on and on.
Yes look back at the history they are lying to you about climate change, sea rise, CO2 etc.
Moravian comments on Oct 9, 2023:
Oh dear. The insularity of Americans knows no bounds. A localised weather phenomenon disproves all the data on global temp. increase. But what about the European medieval warm period from 900 to 1300 when vineyards were common in England, but wait a minute, what about the frost fairs on the Thames in London from the 7th century to the last one in 1814. You are just making yourself look more stupid by the day
Nostalgia is not all it's cracked up to be
Moravian comments on May 25, 2021:
The '60's were cool, the '70's were the decade that fashion forgot, the '80's well? and from then on , I don't know I have lost interest.
If you're a Brit.
Moravian comments on Mar 23, 2024:
It's not quite the same since teabags were invented. I remember my mother and her buddies having tea and then she would read the tealeaves left in the cup.
Here's a question I've been thinking about.
Moravian comments on Jul 13, 2019:
What about the billions of people who use the oil on a daily basis . Should they face justice as well ?
An aquaintence I know is 100% for declawing cats.
Moravian comments on Oct 4, 2019:
Sure. So long as the owner has his/her fingernails pulled out.
Kent State students and the Gen Z/Millennial generations overall are showing that the most prominent...
Moravian comments on Feb 28, 2019:
How can "not having a religion" be a religion ?
What's the fucture of humanist atheist and secular classes???
Moravian comments on Mar 31, 2019:
The situation in Turkey appears to be similar to that in the USA. Trump is playing the religious right to his advantage and Ardogan is doing the same with Islamic fundamentalists . You have my sympathy Take care.
Do you think that " I have found god" should mean the same as "A get out of Gaol/Jail free" card.
Moravian comments on Dec 10, 2019:
So believers have their sentence shortened ? In the case of Muslim fundamentalists I think the sentence should be lengthened
Actually did that to my car
Moravian comments on Jun 8, 2021:
Adjust the valves ?. Sure you are not thinking of an early pre transistor radio ?
Without all his ill gotten gains
Moravian comments on Apr 24, 2023:
but,but he only got $1 million from daddy and built this huge business empire by sheer hard work. Or so a Trumpist told me.
Hey guys ♥️ got back last night from a wknd to Annapolis , one of my favorite towns in USA , ...
Moravian comments on Jul 26, 2021:
Sounds like a poltergeist which I believe means noisy ghost. Hope it didn't spoil your weekend.
Freya or Frigg is also the source of the name for Friday but let's just pretend that the Dead God on...
Moravian comments on Oct 14, 2022:
The other members of the Robertson family. What an intelligent looking bunch
An amazing song by the Stones - I'm not sure how well it is known.
Moravian comments on Aug 7, 2019:
Written about the Bush administration I believe. I'm sure they could write something even better about Trump, but maybe not while they are touring the states
It takes more than an Atheist to over throw over obiedience authority of Religion.
Moravian comments on Dec 19, 2019:
Apart from in a few theocracies we are not governed by religious authorities so anarchy has no connection with atheism. Since man has always been a tribal animal anarchy does not and cannot work.
Greta is an expert on climate change but hasn't finished high school
Moravian comments on Feb 17, 2021:
You seem to have it in for Greta for some reason. Does that mean you are one of those idiotic climate changer deniers ?
Hydroxychloroquine or chloroquine with or without a macrolide for treatment of COVID-19: a ...
Moravian comments on May 23, 2020:
I have no medical knowledge or training whatsoever but as I understand it the drug ,certainly in some cases, was used as a last resort to treat people in a very bad way so there may have been no hope for them anyway. If the drug was administered at an earlier stage in the illness would the results have been better ? Certainly trials are being carried in the UK with the drug so there must be some hope that it may be beneficial.
Fox News Op-Ed: Atheists Are ‘Bullies’ Who Try To Force Their Beliefs On Others - The ...
Moravian comments on Jan 27, 2019:
"W]e are fast becoming accustomed to “killing” our problems rather than dealing with them in a compassionate, loving, and sacrificial way." What a moron. Does he even realise what he is saying. We are killing our problems instead of sacrificing what?.
If God dropped acid, would he see people?
Moravian comments on Jul 7, 2019:
He doesn't need acid. He is all seeing already and takes a particular interest in our sexual activities.
This is currently relevant to the UK but could affect any western countries.
Moravian comments on Feb 18, 2019:
Thanks guys for voting and for your interesting comments. As the speaker in Westminster shouts "the nos have it,the nos have it". After some consideration I am for "yes". The UK has a legal obligation to let her return. She should be interrogated and charged with the offences committed. The baby can be taken into care or looked after by the parents.
COVID-19 pandemic myths are spreading faster than the virus. But Why?
Moravian comments on May 23, 2020:
Some people have vested interests in promoting conspiracy theories. A Facebook friend put the U Tube video of Dr Judy the discredited virologist being interviewed. A video which U Tube have now removed. Dr Judy has written a book on how "Big Pharma" and Bill gates are controlling our lives and stuff like that so she wants the ideas spread so that she can sell her book.
Once again the offended "God" doesn't show up but his fan club has no problem carrying out his ...
Moravian comments on May 22, 2023:
To think that Iran was once a forward looking secular country and the greed of the USA and the UK set in train the events that led to this.
Been awhile since I've seen this...
Moravian comments on Jun 8, 2021:
The name is enough to scare anyone. We had something called Dettol which served the same purpose
It looks like the Johnson government is imploding before it has begun. Is this a fair assessment?
Moravian comments on Feb 20, 2020:
I don't see any evidence of that.I think Boris's supporters like those of Trump will put up with anything he does so long as there is a perception that Johnny foreigner is kept away. It is interesting that Priti Patel, the home secretary is on record as saying that under the current laws it is unlikely that her parents would have been allowed to immigrate from India as they would probably not meet the criteria.
I have a team im rooting for in both groups, but i still don't care too much.
Moravian comments on Dec 15, 2023:
If you think women and children being maimed and killed is fun you have a warped sense of humour
Truth bomb
Moravian comments on Jun 8, 2020:
No need to crow about it
Stop the insanity now.
Moravian comments on Oct 7, 2019:
Too many people have well paid jobs in this industry and too much money is made by arms manufacturers for that to happen
Hmmm... LOL
Moravian comments on Jun 5, 2021:
Makes sense. Some very old churches in England appear to have sunk into the ground over the millenia but it is actually the ground that his risen with hundreds of bodies being buried in the graveyards.
Yes what would you say ?
Moravian comments on Jan 1, 2021:
Did you have to use such a big probe ?
WOW! That was fast!
Moravian comments on Apr 12, 2021:
One will certainly not be looking for a partner from the colonies. Just look at the trouble second grandson has got himself in to
Hat Shop Owner Backtracks After Promoting Star of David “Not Vaccinated” Patches | Beth ...
Moravian comments on Jun 3, 2021:
Are red MAGA caps out of fashion now then ?>
We just had a very strong downpour all morning long here in New York.
Moravian comments on Jun 20, 2019:
Great song. Hope your feet are still dry
Despite being atheist, im pretty sure I 100% believe in Tarot cards.
Moravian comments on Apr 28, 2019:
You are right. they certainly exist but the invention of teabags has sadly killed the ancient art of reading the tealeaves. My late mother was so good at this arcane art that no decisions were made before a nice cup of tea.t.
Humble vs Ego
Moravian comments on Jun 8, 2021:
It can be a bit confusing at times. As children in Scotland we are told "Hae a good conceit o' yersel" And "Dinnae get above yersel " so as adults we end up both having confidence and lacking confidence.
I almost piss my pant everytime I watch this.
Moravian comments on Mar 5, 2022:
A very funny guy.
I agree that making fun or otherwise criticizing someone's religion is in bad taste and can be ...
Moravian comments on Jul 22, 2019:
I used to attend a sceptics "meet up" group in Edinburgh and their mantra was "attack the idea, not the person". I go along with that.
So God is Buddha?
Moravian comments on May 4, 2021:
Fat bottomed girls make the world go round. --- Mr F Mercury
The term logos, the root word of ``logic,'' refers to the sum total of our rational understanding ...
Moravian comments on Oct 23, 2019:
I have read the book several times and really enjoyed but on reading this extract I have to disagree with his analogy.. A shrub and a tree are quite different. A shrub retains it's bushy form throughout it's life whereas a tree gradually grows to a much greater height . A young tree is not a shrub,but maybe he does accidentally hit on the truth. The study of a shrub is interesting but does not tell us anything about a tree and the study of ancient beliefs is interesting but does not really tell us much about the reality of the physical world as we now know it.
Who agrees?
Moravian comments on May 1, 2019:
I have heard this said many times but i don't agree with it. Obviously life's experiences can affect us in positive or negative ways but ask a serviceman with PTSD who narrowly escaped death in Afghanistan what he thinks.
So sadly eventually I had to block and report ( BDair ), really can't tolerate his false info and ...
Moravian comments on Jan 4, 2022:
I have thought about blocking him but he would be my first so I have resisted. I wonder what motivates him and his ilk. They can do quite a lot of damage in spreading false information but I am not a fan of censorship so just ignore it.
Moravian comments on Feb 27, 2020:
Good news
So I woke up and my dog is laying on the back patio covered in dirt with a rabbit in his mouth.
Moravian comments on May 5, 2023:
An oldie but a goodie.
May is National Bicycle Month!
Moravian comments on May 2, 2020:
As I plod round the almost empty roads my mountain bike I am frequently passed by small groups of cyclists on super lightweight road bikes. Not sure if they are complying with the lockdown rules but it is great to see them
This year really has me questioning the validity of life.
Moravian comments on Jun 5, 2020:
Sorry to hear that. I have several friends who take prescription drugs to alleviate depression and anxiety and they seem to be contented and happy most of the time. I would suggest that you see a doctor and get on to a course of drugs if you have not already done so. I believe that modern anti depressives less addictive than of old.
Moravian comments on Mar 6, 2020:
I remember years ago sitting at a table in the office canteen eating my steak and chips on a Friday (it must have been pay day) when an Irish Roman Catholic workmate sat down beside me with his fish and chips and said "how dare you eat meat at my table on a Friday". I was so gobsmacked that I couldn't think of a reply
what is an atheist? what do they believe?
Moravian comments on Apr 23, 2019:
i believe for every drop of rain that falls A flower grows etc etc
What are your thoughts?
Moravian comments on Sep 7, 2022:
Those who know that lie on your back when in trouble in water and those who don't ?
Dont blame him
Moravian comments on Jun 5, 2020:
The whole McDonald clan are probably cursing a certain Mary Anne McLeod for naming her son Donald.
Could An Old Tool, UV Light, Help Kill Airborne Coronavirus? : Shots - Health News : NPR
Moravian comments on Jul 14, 2020:
Apparently UV radiation at a wavelength of between 200 and 280 nanometres can kill some viruses so it is a possibility.The light source could be screened from customers to avoid damage to them.
Hello everyone! I'm a recovering ex-cult member and joined this site in an effort to learn more ...
Moravian comments on Apr 23, 2019:
Welcome. there are some nice people here. What was the cult if you are interested in discussing it ?.
Moravian comments on Jan 22, 2021:
I have a feeling that if you google "black cocks" you may get something entirely different
Be your own best doctor Eat healthy, excerize and most of all, sleep well.
Moravian comments on Jan 28, 2021:
I assume you mean a "pandemic" which has nothing to do with the death rate purely that the disease is widespread. I agree with you that people should look after their own welfare but a good health service is essential as a follow up. The main health problem would appear to be as the results of obesity. The UK is just behind the USA in this and it's getting worse. We have made a small start by putting a tax on sugary drinks but there is a long way to go. The best way to ensure a long healthy life is to be careful when choosing your parents ;-)
Photographer removes our smartphones to show our strange and lonely new world
Moravian comments on Sep 18, 2019:
But how are they going to take a photo of the restuarant meal and send it to all their friends. It just wont taste so good.
I’m so happy to see the Six Nations Rugby resume their suspended 2020 season with a match ...
Moravian comments on Oct 28, 2020:
Wales - Scotland on Saturday. The last six nations game was watched in a crowded pub. That seems a long time ago. This one will be at home. Not the same.
I am wondering to what extent the prospect of Ukraine joining NATO is Russia's "Cuban Missile ...
Moravian comments on Mar 5, 2022:
Having been invaded twice in modern times Russia is understandably nervous about having NATO ( a foreign power) on their doorstep. Since the demise of the Soviet Union several of their former satellite countries have Joined NATO and the USA has been trying to get Ukraine to join also. I don't think Putin thinks for a moment that NATO is likely to attack Russia but it's a good excuse . After all the USA has previous. Korea,Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan. The USA (NATO) has either been naive or deliberately provocative in trying to get countries neighbouring Russia to join NATO . They called Putin's bluff and Ukraine has paid the price.
Flu shot?
Moravian comments on Jan 5, 2019:
All pros, No cons !
Near enough to 4 weeks since I quit smoking, going well until I went out into garden and was ...
Moravian comments on Jun 5, 2021:
Well done. Smoking tobacco must be one of the craziest things we do. I started at the age of 12 and kicked the habit at around 25. Best thing I ever did. .
As I scroll through endless dating profiles I see a trend; 1.
Moravian comments on Feb 3, 2019:
I dated a woman I met on Match for almost three years. I gradually discovered just how religious she was but it wasn't a great problem.She was a bit judgemental and very materialistic and she dumped me because I couldn't afford to "wine and dine" her as she thought I should. I keep well clear of religious women now.
Am I the only one? ....[]
Moravian comments on Jun 12, 2020:
Nope. you have Karen for company
At least Florida man only put himself at risk...
Moravian comments on Apr 29, 2020:
Why is he cutting his grass ?. His house will be gone shortly. Reminds me of the old joke. Q why is a woman like a hurricane?. A when she comes she is wet and warm,when she goes she takes your house with her
First hike was too dangerous. Then we found Golden Larches.
Moravian comments on Oct 23, 2019:
very wise. It is only a fool who pushes on in dangerous conditions. Last winter my son and I intended to climb a local Munro ( a hill over 3000 ft). It was a long walk from the car park and we were only 500 ft from the summit when the conditions became very icy. We had ice axes but no crampons so had to turn back.It was disappointing but I did not fancy being airlifted of the hill with a broken leg or worse if things went wrong.
Grand Canyon Deaths: After latest fatal fall, tourists still drawn to the edge
Moravian comments on Apr 26, 2019:
Darwin awards all round.
How long will it be before we can stop hearing about the dead queen?
Moravian comments on Sep 9, 2022:
To the tower with you ,you treasonous cretin.
l don't know.... is there a point where the people just say ''stop'' to gov. overreach? []
Moravian comments on Feb 6, 2019:
This is prohibition and that worked well in the US didn't it.
Released on this day - 4th June in 1984.
Moravian comments on Jun 4, 2021:
I still remember years ago when he was still comparatively unknown a radio 1 DJ excitedly saying " I have seen the future of rock and roll and it's Bruce Springsteen"
Debate: Anti-Zionism is Anti-Semitism - YouTube
Moravian comments on Oct 4, 2019:
Started watching the video but can't stand that awful biased bigoted woman Melanie Phillips so gave up
Tomorrow is rum ball making day and also Keith Richard's birthday.
Moravian comments on Dec 18, 2020: Happy birthday Keef. Here's a memory from the early days.
I place people who make unsubstantiated factual assertions (i.
Moravian comments on Aug 19, 2020:
Possibly they just have a touch of cant be arseditis ?
Jimmy Carter says the US is the most warlike nation and that is costing it the progress it could be ...
Moravian comments on Apr 22, 2019:
Spot on Jimmy Carter.If the $trillions spent on waging wars around the world had been spent at home the USA really would be a world leader.
I feel guilty.
Moravian comments on Jul 23, 2019:
Why don't you get the pronouncement by Pope Francis that hell does not exist and show her that ?. It would have some authority coming from him


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