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Check Your Spare Tire?

Getting ready to use my car more now with summer break. Checked the air in my tires including the spare. You check the air in the spare?

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Mark013 7 June 20

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I am going to now though


I give them a thump once in a while to make sure they have at least enough air to limp a few miles but I never actually put a gauge on them


I used to get so angry when my vehicle's warning light told me I had an inflation problem. I had my tires checked three times but the light remained on. I finally took my car in for service. That warning light was for the spare, which evidently has a sensor too.


I live in BFE. You don't want a flat & have to literally walk the north 40 to get a cell signal.



bobwjr Level 10 June 20, 2019

I probably wouldn't know what I was looking at if i did check it, I'm ashamed to say.

Deb57 Level 8 June 20, 2019

I always forget.


Don't know. What's a tire ?. We use tyres over here 🙂


Nope. Gotta get my monies worth from AAA. Besides, I hate changing tires.

1of5 Level 8 June 20, 2019
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