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Damn I am pissed off at (most of) the "professionals". After 55 years of this shit I finally committed getting help only end up walking out on my doctors appointments without being seen.
The fuck? The dude "specializes" in BPD but leaves me sitting in the waiting room for over 30 minutes and expects me or anyone with chronic anxiety, BPD, and PTSD to sit patiently and not get pissed off?
Fuck that noise. I left and told the receptionist to let him know I will be finding a different therapist. One that does not trigger my issues with negligence. Damn I am at my breaking point and reach out for help only to get even more of the BS that pissed me off in the first place.
How the fuck are people with mental health issues ever going to learn self respect, boundaries, coping skills...when the "professionals" appear to be arrogant narcissists? Fuck them! I get more help and support on this website than I ever did the doctors but I cannot prove my disability without them but I will not tolerate being treated like a "patient" instead of a partner in my own care.
(This rant is over, thank you for listening)

CreativelyMe 7 July 14
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Allow me to relate a story...I am on disability for my mental health issues. I had to go for a re-evaluation of my disabilities. The physical part went ok, but when I had to go for the mental part things went sideways, hard and fast.

We got to the site early, so I didn't mind waiting, at least until my appointed time. It was the 2 hours after my appointed time that gave me an issue. Anxiety through the roof, I asked the receptionist what the problem was, and was told that some people ahead of me were late and caused the doctor to be running late.

Wait, what? I'm there early, and I'm waiting that long past my appointment time because someone else was late???

Rage, pure unadulterated rage was the very next emotion in the queue. When I finally was called back, every single verve in my body was firing, all at the same time. I didn't slam the door though, no, I closed it so slowly and carefully that it didn't even click. I sat down, right leg vibrating like it was having its own private earthquake.

When asked how I was, I told the woman that I was pissed right completely off, to the point of wanting very much to commit a random act of homicide, but I had it under control. She threatened to have me locked up...until I explained exactly why we (i have DID) were pissed off, and I let my bitchy alter handle the rest of the interview.

Point to this ramble is, anyone who works with borderlines, even briefly, has to know what will trigger them, and what will happen when they are triggered.

Good job not killing anyone!

Fornax Level 5 July 14, 2018

Thanks for sharing. I definitely did give myself credit for leaving and not acting on my rage.

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Posted by CreativelyMeMy great nephew is staying with me for the Summer and having him here has shifted my mind set from bear to mama bear.

Posted by CreativelyMeMy Mothers Day Poem........... People say I don't love you but I know it's not true cuz whenever I see my psychiatrist all I talk about is you

Posted by CreativelyMeGood evening! Some BPD humor for you!

Posted by CreativelyMeGood morning everyone. A big welcome to our new members. I would love to hear how everyone is doing and a little bit about you if you wouldn't mind sharing.

Posted by CreativelyMeBPD and you

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