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So whats the opinions of mannys contract and bryces asking price

RickyAdams 6 Feb 25
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I hope the Phillys acquire Harper. Not up on Manny's contract.

Manny got 10/300 mill. Phils offered bryce even more and were supposedly close to signing him. But hes stalling bc he wants to play on west coast

@RickyAdams I follow the Seattle Mariners but damn they got rid of many of my favorite players and I have no clue what their plan is. I grew up in Philly area on the Jersey side of the Delaware so I follow the Phils.

@silverotter11 oh no, ur the enemy. Lol jk. Im a ranger fan

@silverotter11 guess our teams r competing to see who can mess their team up worse fastest

@RickyAdams sure looks that way.

@RickyAdams I do not root for any Texas team. But you personally are not an issue. 🙂


I'm a Braves fan that hopes the Phillies get Harper. So many loaded contracts that are iffy, they might take themselves out of contention for a decade.

Xuande Level 7 Feb 25, 2019

Yea i said yesterday if phils get bryce itll be ryan howard II


neither one worth it....300 mil for a guy yhat doesnt run out ground balls.....NO.......Hrper doesnt deserve it either but will probably get it.its all fucked up

lookinhard Level 7 Feb 25, 2019

Pretty much how i feel too. Mannys a good player but got a bad attitude. And bryce has been mediocre since he won mvp award

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