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The current economic system is headed for collapse. The globalists want to replace it with CBDCs and social credit scores. I and others believe they will fail in that goal.
But that does not change the fact that we are headed for a major crash. One so severe it could make the Great Depression look like a minor economic slump.
In November, we released my three -part series with financial experts. Adrian Spitters, Bryce Wade, and Warren Keane. That series,
titled "How to Profit in the Coming Economic Collapse", ranked in the top ten of my now almost 400 interviews or views. You can see that series at ironwellreport .com.
But the picture is constantly changing. Rampant inflation. which is not the 4 % or 5 % the government claims, but well into double digits when food prices and rising energy costs are taken into account.
Unbridled immigration, combined with falling house prices, a looming wave of foreclosures as people must soon renew their mortgages at much higher interest rates.
A federal government. government which has run up more debt and printed more money than all previous governments combined; and, of course, the globalists' plans to release more viruses and engineer cyberattacks,
while attempting to destroy our food and energy supplies, all contribute to the building pressure upon our wallets. The writing is on the wall for any with the courage to look at it.
And so Adrian, Bryce and Warren have kindly agreed to quarterly updates, not just to give us all a clear picture of the evolving crisis, but more importantly,
to offer solutions. In part one of this second series, we discussed the changes in the global situation over the past three months. In part two,
we focus especially on the problems facing Canadians. And in part three, once again, we cover solutions. Solutions that are not just for those who can afford to invest hundreds of thousands,
but also for those who have little or nothing, with which to secure themselves and their families in the coming crisis. crisis. It has been said that capitalism is a means for the uneven distribution of wealth;
socialism is a means for the even distribution of poverty; and communism is socialism with a gun held to your head. In a Canada where Trudeau's government is working for outside powers that want to subject us all.
to their own special brand of communism. These interviews contain the information you need to be informed, and above all, to be prepared.
All right. Bryce, Adrien, Warren, thank you so much for taking the time for this series.
And here we are, part three, folks, this is where it gets good. This is, you know, we've given you all the bad news, but it's not all bad because there are ways to protect yourself. Adrienne, I'm going to let you start off,
please. So everybody's talking about the stock market and doing well. I think, you know,
right now, if you look at this pie chart, it's... it's smoke and mirrors. What we're seeing is that there's just only a handful of stocks, the apples,
the Microsofts, Alphabet, Amazon, NVIDIA, Tesla, are basically carrying the S &P 500, which is what most people are measuring, you know, the success of the market in. And the rest of the market,
all those very, very thin lines represent most of the other stocks. They are not doing that well right now. It's basically just the big seven stocks,
which is called the Magnificent Seven. There is talk now amongst a number of experts that we're going to experience something called the crack up boom, which is they're going to allow the market to run its course and go higher,
partially, especially in the state. states because we're in a presidential election cycle. So the government's going to do everything to make sure that the market rises higher. Now what it's really doing is they're supporting the big stocks that are already flying.
So we will see a run up in the market probably till at least after the US election. That just puts the market in even bigger danger. Now, the good news is, in a sense,
is that we're going to see a run up in the big stocks you have a good portfolio manager or somebody that really understands the markets and are able to pick stocks in that gray area there,
there's a lot of good companies that are undervalued right now that just haven't been performing in the market. Those are the stocks that are gonna survive the next crash and we will probably are being set up for a significant correction.
correction. It doesn't mean that the whole market goes down, the overpriced stocks go down, but because they represent the index, basically 50 % of the index, you're going to see a massive correction in the index itself.
And then a lot of the sleeper stocks that are undervalued will survive. They may go down a little bit because people panic, but then those companies will come back.
They're not going to disappear. So that's the good news with a potential bad news scenario. So if you're buying index funds, ETFs, etc., you're going to be in a world of hurt. So that's the first thing.
And so before you move on, Adrian, I want to insert an observation here and a potential question. You're talking about these magnificent seven, I'm looking at them. I don't know who owns NVIDIA. Of course, Tesla is owned by Elon Musk.
These others, they're all owned by known globalists. Yep, exactly. And they're pumping their own stock. Right. So here's my thought, is they're hardly going to let their net worth crash.
So would these actually might possibly be good investments to just take you back along? No, because you got them, you got Bezos is actually unloading stock.
Okay, so they're, they're, the corporate elites are selling their own stock and then letting letting the small investor through ETFs own these stocks. It's a it's the old pump and dump.
Okay. They're getting out while everybody else is getting in and a lot of this activity is done through ETFs Blackstone, State Street, Vanguard, Blackrock for sure.
Half the way, they're basically taking client money, putting them at the ETFs. and buying these Magnificent Seven and pumping them up, allowing the Bezos of the world and Apple CEO to unload his shares to protect their wealth.
Okay. But now, once again, before we move on, because you said something else that was very important, you're feeling that they're going to continue to prop up the stock market up until the election. Let's assume that Trump wins because it's certainly looking...
looks that way. But the truth is, and please correct me if I'm wrong here, but as far as I understand it, governments don't control the stock market any more than they can. They control the economy.
That's all controlled through debt and all of that from the banks. So what I would see is going to happen here is if Trump wins, because they hate him,
and we had Yuval Harari, who is the president of the United States, who is the president of the United States, who is the -me to Klaus Schwab's Dr. Evil, a few weeks ago at the WEF annual meeting, came right out and said,
"If Trump wins, it is the death blow to our agenda." And so my feeling would be, if he wins, they're going to crash the market. On the money. You're on the money.
There's going to be possibly a cyber attack, something to cause the market to close. and cause panic. And then the market's going to open lower. All right,
please continue. So we're being set up for, like I said, it's a trap. And if Biden wins, the market's going to crash anyways, because it doesn't matter in the first year,
markets tend to correct after a presidential election allows the leader to do all the dirty work they want to do this the stage for the next four years. So it's normal to see a market correction in that regard.
Especially if Trump gets in, yeah, watch out. They're gonna do something to make Trump look bad, right? So now, what I'm gonna talk about next is the great taking.
A lot of people are asking about what do we do about the great taking? Is all hope lost? First of all, First of all, let's talk about why the great taking, why they're setting us up for,
they're taking away all our assets, and why they want to hold all the assets themselves, the elite, is because we have this - And I think you need to give people a very quick summary of what the great taking is for those who don't know.
I will talk about that after this chart, unless you want to go there first. No, you'll go right ahead. I'm just setting up the debt situation, how bad things are. Remember the first episode, we saw those bar charts of the debt that the banks are owned,
right? Yes. Well, those are actual mortgages and actual commercial loans that they hold. But if you look back in 2008, that little blip of debt that caused the great financial crisis,
it was what's called the derivatives market that really caused the market to blow up. And the derivative are bets on bets on bets, leverage, multiple layers of leverage. It is estimate that we have somewhere between two to four quadrillion of just bets that are all set to collapse if we have one black swan event,
which could happen if the market starts to crash or something happens. That's the big thing that the elites want to... avoid having to unwind and they want to have collateral,
own the collateral to offset that. So this is just an order of default risk. So the derivatives are definitely something that's going to blow up that nobody's talking about.
Then we have debt, all the debt, commercial loans, the personal loans, all those things are going to go bad as real estate, the economy starts to go into the tank. Then you've got your bank deposits which are already at risk because the banks are sitting on a ton of bad debt.
Government bonds, well, I guess as long as the government can tax you, those bonds are going to be still worth something, but the value of those bonds are potentially going to go down if we see hyperinflation again because that's going to cause bond values to go down.
down. Paper currency, you know, what's going, what's, what's happening with that, with inflation, the value of the currency just keeps going down. That's why you need to own hard assets like commodities, which is,
you know, infrastructure owning income producing hard assets, farmland, multifamily residential. And at the bottom is the safest asset,
again, is precious metals because especially gold is. money. And just before we move on, can I get you to go back there, please, Adrian, because there's something we have to point out to the viewers.
And it's a very nice little chart. And as you say, it's only showing default risk here. You've put numbers on this. And the human mind works this way. So if you look at this, you start at the paper currency,
you get 420 ,000, 120 ,000, 200, 300. And your mind might look at that top level, the derivatives and unfinded liabilities and think, oh, well, it's just a little bit bigger than the one beneath it. But if you look at the number,
that is easily, what, three to five times everything else put together. A quadrillion is a, what is it, a thousand or a million, a thousand trillion,
a thousand trillion. So you got four times a thousand trillion. It is magnitude bigger than all the other assets. alone has the ability to completely destroy the economy 2008 the meltdown of Lehman Brothers was the beginning of the collateralized mortgage obligations on commercial on residential real estate that was collapsing the whole system Okay,
and if they didn't print the money when they did with tarp you would have seen the whole financial system collapse It didn't happen because they started printing money like crazy okay 2008 is a blip compared to the debt levels today and the level of Dedicated on the derivatives is a multiple of what it was and now we're talking about potential derivative collapsing on commercial debt not not not residential debt Yeah,
so And sorry great, I'll just make one point Just remember that every single dollar in this stupid pyramid that they built is owed at interest Yeah,
yeah, and right now the governments are at a point where they can't even make the interest payments on the debt Well, of interest is go higher. They printed money like crazy, which is caused insane inflation. Yeah.
Yeah. Yeah Yeah, and if it's risk go too high the governments basically are insolvent well Yeah already are, but they can't even make the interest payments. So,
next, I'm just going to cover the great taking because everybody's talking about that. Hold on a sec here. And really, what the great taking is, is what the book is about. There's a book by David Webb that's been going around the web that people in the know know what's,
at least read the book or watch videos about it. It's about the taking of all collateral, all of it at the end of the game, end game of the globally synchronized or synchronous debt accumulation supercycle.
This is being executed by long planned intelligent design, the audacity and the destiny and scope of which is difficult for the mind to encompass. Includes are all financial assets,
all money, all deposits at banks, all stocks, all bonds, and hence all underlying property of all public corporations, including all inventories, plants, and equipment, mines,
minerals, deposits, inventions, and intellectual property, privately owned, personal and real property finance with the amount of debt will be similarly taken as will the assets of privately owned businesses,
which have been financed with their debt, if even partially successful, this will be the greatest conquest of subjugation in world history. What they're trying to do right now with the great taking is to do what they did during the Great Depression.
They collapsed the stock market. It was intentional and they shifted out the ownership of assets from those who had to the banking elite. This is just on a grander scale.
right now, right? And as you pointed out in part one of this series, they're already setting that up. Yeah with the private central banks acquiring all of these assets and The taxpayers are gonna left be left holding the tab for it Exactly exactly now one of the things that need to be in place for this to happen And this is where CBDC is coming as well right now.
We talked about it the previous episode I believe it was the first episode that all bank transaction transactions are cleared between the banks. And the banks basically look at how much do you owe us, how much we owe you,
and then we'll just settle the difference. And the banks settle it overnight, and then the next day, all those transactions are settled within the banks. And it's quite efficient. It's only one day delay, basically.
But it works. What they're trying to do with something that's called the central clearing parties is controlled, I believe, by the the IMF or the Bank of International Settlements.
I believe it's the Bank of International Settlements where every transaction around the world is going to be clear to one central clearing agency where every bank reports to that. Ultimate goal is to have all banking,
all transactions run on an app on your phone and they can control all transactions. So that ties into your CBDCs, et cetera. So, for CBDCs to work, you have to have this CCP in place.
That's gonna be a bit of a challenge. And it's probably gonna, you know, they're not even close to that happening just yet. So we have some time to stop it. So that's what's in play is to take a system that's already working,
it just takes one day, but they want total central control. Now, one of the problems with the CCP is, and I think was brought in one of your episodes, is if there's a system that's already working, attack. They talk about cyber polygon and the banking system going down.
Yes. You have safety in the current system. You got, you know, original bank goes down because of the cyber attack, other banks are still functioning. When this happens, everything collapses.
Yes. Okay, that is the - And that's not the only method of attack, as you showed in the chart that we saw in part one with the amount of - debt that the banks are carrying,
a lot of it in assets that they can't liquidate, I mean, how do you settle transactions between banks based upon the difference of who owes who, when all the banks are broke?
And this is where they go then to what they did in the 1930s, they had a bank holiday, and then the government comes in and says, "Okay, these are the banks that are going to be allowed to go back in business," and all the assets from all the other banks will live in the hands as collateral for the banks that survived." And surprise when that happens,
the banks that will be allowed to continue will be the ones that are owned by the private central banks and the globalists. Exactly. Participating banks, and if you want to know the level of risk, just go to the, I think it's strategic partners or partners of the world economic form and look at the bank banks that are not members,
RBC, TD, BMO in Canada are members, Scotiabank is not a member. So you want to look at, you know, if you're not a member, you're probably one of the targeting banks that are not going to survive.
Right? So that, I think is your first line of defense. Look at which banks are members. At least your money's going to save there because they are hoping to survive what's coming because they're going along with the web and they're playing along with the web.
Hopefully that they are part of the solution except it's if they do survive. My guess would be it's only going to be temporary because of course the WF wants to get rid of the commercial banks get all banks so they can have direct control.
Yeah, it's all going to be through the Bank of International Settlements as George Gammon illustrated in one of his. his His his videos I think late last year now We have some time.
I think George Gammond says that right now they're not ready planning to collapse the market yet and He talks about on this video and it's all about going back to the charts I showed you back in the first episode is that they if they were ready to collapse the market the market right now,
they would have allowed the bank runs to continue because we were on the precipice of everything collapsing just like in 2008. And they're going to continue to prop up the current system until we're ready to replace it.
And I think they're waiting for the system to be in place. Things are not ready yet because they brought in the bank term funding program. at the very time and then the run stopped.
But now they're ending the term program so I don't know what's going to happen if they're going to allow a correction to happen or what they're going to do, but something's going to happen. But then there's also talk about, you know, we're going to see what we call a crack -up moment.
The mark's going to do well at least till the election and then maybe set us ourselves up for a major, major correction, okay? And this is what David Webb has to say about the great taking.
The people behind the great taking, the web, they're all idiots. They're ideologists, you know, ideologues. If the people behind the great taking persist in their insane schemes, they will never be be found.
It will be quite simple to follow the collateral to those who have arranged to take it. Perhaps they aren't such masterminds after all. We will come to know who is behind the hybrid war against humanity,
several times in conclusion. We will come to know who controls the Bank of the International Settlements, the Federal Reserve and all central banks globally and hence all political parties,
governments, media and armed forces. We will come to know who controls the CIA and we will finally know who has been behind the assassinations.
Let me close with John F. Kennedy's own quote. "Our problems are man -made, therefore they can be solved by man." So what I'm trying to say is that there is some hope here that if we are collectively waking up humanity,
we can put a stop because they represent 0 .001. % of the population. So it's a very small handful of people that are controlling the narrative and we just need to wake enough people up to stop that narrative.
So that's the hope. They're nowhere near to implementing what they're planning on implementing. So we have time. I mean, that's my message of hope. Now,
order of asset destruction, what do you need to do? to do to protect yourself? The stuff in red you don't want to own because that's going to collapse first. And then, you know,
T -bills, cash, et cetera, GICs, precious metals as money, your substitute for money. So if you're going to own T -bills,
cash, and GICs just by gold, put the money in gold as a place to park money. money. The next level that's safer is your single -family property with a mortgage is obviously safer.
That's quite in orange, your personal residence with a mortgage, cash flow of physical assets with debt, farmland, multifamily rentals with debt, and then single -family property is,
I would say debt -free because one of the things I would suggest is sell your home, take the money, buy income -producing multi -family residential. You're participating with an asset that's more fair valued and you're making income.
So that's actually a better option. So you read yourself and then own an asset that generates rental income through a proper way, not buying residential property and trying to compete in a market that's way overvalued.
You're participating with an asset that's way overvalued. Your personal address is debt -free obviously is safer because the only risk you have there is the government imposing net zero requirements that are going to cause you having to outfit your house.
That's going to cause you to have to borrow money that you can't afford to borrow. So they're going to find ways of making it harder to own your own home and then ultimately cash flow of physical assets that are debt -free.
So if you get to get together with a bunch of people, buy an apartment building. and have a property manager manage it, but buy debt free. And then that would be safer. And then,
you know, farmland, whether you buy with a group of people or yourself, and then ultimately, your ultimate safe haven is Silvergolds, either physical, vaulted or offshore.
And Warren hasn't talked about offshore as a safe place to park money at either. Yeah, so let's throw it over to Warren. But now I just want to finish with this one quote.
Oh, yeah. Yeah, sorry. Right. Which you want me to talk about is the if the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currencies, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations,
then that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all the property until their children wake up homeless on the cut on the their fathers conquered. I believe that the banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies.
The issuance of power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people to whom it property belongs, Thomas Jefferson. All right.
Thank you, Adrian Ford, and that very good summary. Warren, I'm going to kick things back to you because you said something in part two that really struck me in it.
It's got multiple layers to it. Governments can't print precious metals. Yeah. Okay. Thank you. Adrian, before I forget, send me that last slide.
That last slide was very powerful. Wow. That was so amusing. Okay. That bankers didn't. more dangerous than armies. It really makes sense. Okay, so what Will was saying there,
that we look at precious metals as financial sovereignty. Why is it sovereign? Because recognized by governments all around the world is money. Every country in the world recognizes gold and silver today in U .S.
dollars. And they can't print it. Right now, now, this is, you know, we're one of the problems where we've got to where we are as the government's printing out of thin air.
They've removed the gold backing of the US currency in 1971. And so we have a fiat currency. Incidentally, ladies and gentlemen, we've had 700 plus fiat currencies in the world.
They've all gone to zero. So what's happening now is nothing really new. from that angle. And this is a real big difference between gold and silver.
We cannot, you just can't just print it. Governments, that's one reason why they don't like it. They can't control it in the same way. And so this behooves you and I to own some of it because it's recognized as money around the world.
And... And I guess, you know, Adrian's just given us some great examples there and research of how precarious the system is in.
And precious metals are primarily, their use has been protecting your purchasing power. However, there's a few times in history that you can actually grow your wealth.
And this is one of them and we expect expect my, now I'm very wary of giving prices, price predictions, because if they don't work out,
you know, it's not that good for my clients. However, I am sticking with the facts. One big overriding factor is the central banks around the world are buying more precious metals than they have since ever recorded time,
actually, I'll just share the screen for a sec. second so I'll just take you through a few slides here of the problem or what's going on with with the smart money what are they doing as far as precious metals and then some solutions that I can suggest that we offer at New World Precious Metals.
So first of all what are they doing? They are and who are they? They are the central by banks around the world. I call them the architects of the financial system, the institutional banks such as JP Morgan,
Goldman Sachs, Wells Fargo, Bank of America, and billionaire investors like me, the Warren Buffets of the world, these ultra -rich investors. They've always had a percentage of their portfolio of precious metals.
We can see this rising now. We see higher ratios. like that 30%, 40%, for example. This is where I started going into my no -brainer -free moment here in this,
is that central banks, they started increasing their acquiring of precious metals after the mortgage -backed security crisis in 2009,
especially in 2013. That was a big increase that year, but it's carried on. And now we're at-- record amounts. Now, I could update my presentation because 2023 was a recurrence of 2022.
They broke the records of how much precious metals they're having. We could weave a macro, a global macro theme into that too, is that there is at the same time central banks are buying record amounts of precious metals.
They are shedding their US treasuries and bought and their reliance on the U .S. dollar in effect. So we're seeing this de -dollarization at the same time. Yeah,
institutional banks like JPMorgan are doing it. So this slide here, this is from the World Gold Counts. So that's the independent body around the world telling us that the statistic,
they report the inflows of outflows, the Silver Institute is the equivalent independent body for precious metals and they're telling us that, you know, this is record amount since 1967 and what happened after 1967?
We saw an 800 % increase in gold during that 70s precious metal bull run. Well, the question really is to you and I these gentlemen is some,
if they're doing this, they they being the central banks, the architects, the leading edge of this financial system as we know it, they're doing this.
So again, do what they do, not necessarily what they say. And so this is where I get to this no -brainer, I call it this no -brainer moment. Now my next slide looks like it's going to have some problem with the display.
So I'm going to... Oh, there it is. Okay. Okay. So now I'm going to talk about the solutions we have. One of them, and I'm going to bring this one up first, just for a quick second, is that many Canadians have their wealth stored in registered,
tax -sheltered, Canadian registered accounts. I know this because this is what I do day in and day out, is help people to acquire precious metals. We are brokers at New World Precious Metals.
We have three solutions. I'm going to talk about this one briefly and then the other one which I think is the best overall. This one is basically allowing Canadians to hold physical precious metals inside an existing registered account such as an RRSP,
a TFSA, a RIF, and also what Adrian was talking about with pensions. Often pensions are in something called a lira, a locked in registered account.
And we can also provide the service where you're holding physical precious metals in those accounts. And what I'm showing you here is press trade.
Press trade is the only financial institution that does this. We work alongside them. We've been doing this for eight years, actually. So, with a lot of Canadians, this is a one -off. for them to get precious metals while still retaining the tax sheltering that is offered by these registered accounts.
But the overall solution that I really, oh yeah, here's our lake there that you can look, we are on the Questtree website listed as their broker. But the really,
the last solution I want to get to, okay now I've got another book, another slide. here I wanted to not scroll through to this because we don't have time So I'm gonna bear with me folks just for a minute.
I'm just gonna get to this last slide Okay, the last two slides. So this one is one of the three things we offer at New World Presses Metals We have this international wholesale account,
which we believe is the best overall value But you do need to have unencumbered cash in other words. You can't take a registered account and move it into this. This is not a Canadian government account.
This is an international wholesale bullion account, and I'll close with the details on that. The next thing we have is this registered account,
which I talked about, allowing holding physical precious metals in a Canadian tax -sheltered registered account, such as an RSP TfSA. We are up! and so on.
And we also offer that service to our friends in the USA, 401 (k )s and IRAs. They are actually, this is a lot more common in the United States to hold precious metals in those accounts than Canadians.
We've just got to wake up and realize precious metals are money. And we also deliver precious metals at home. home to you. Okay, so again,
I'd like to close out with this, the overview of our international wholesale program. Now, why I put emphasis on this, there's a lot of reasons, because it's the best overall value from different angles.
I'm an investor and myself, most people in our company are investing, our investors of this platform, but in particular, particular, because what we're talking about today,
you know, is a lot of its government overreach. I mean, that stuff that we just looked at from Adrian, it sends chills down my spine. I don't know about you. But this program offers us a lot of autonomy outside the government.
And so I'll just go through the benefits with you. So first of all, this is physical precious metals. Remember that they're getting a wholesale price You can sell at any time. You can buy at any time.
You can sell at a little back up. You can sell at the proceeds. So instead of going, say, down in a coin exchange and selling your gold or silver, you can sell through us,
as your brokers, and that money can be put in a bank account, but that bank account could be inside Canada or outside Canada. It is truly internal. You can take physical delivery of your coins and bars.
It's only 99 .99 % bullion, it's called LBMA approved, which is really what you want if you're investing in precious metals. That's London Bullion Market Association,
that's a standard around the world for bullion. And you can look in your account 24 /7. Now, this is vaulted for you. but this particular vault,
it's state -of -the -art. They say they're actually the most secure precious metals vault in the world, believe it or not, but UL Class 3 is what they offer with armed guards,
seismic detection, and they're actually in Canada, they have an IROC approval, which is a financial designation, so it's a very state -of -the -art vault. So another thing this offers is you can borrow against your holdings.
And why is this offered? Well, because they have your precious metals as collateral, they will lend you up to 80%. So think of it as a light of credit where you don't have to stand in line and get approved by a bank and go through an application.
There is no application. Again, we'll say prices lower fees. Now, this is what we do as a company. We are very transparent. That's what the fees are.
Now, you can pair those fees of the purchase price of 5 % to 7 % above spot, conveying that if you bought gold or silver at an exchange and you're paying 10 % to 30 % above spot price.
And there is storage fees. The storage fees are one thing. .4 % per annum. It includes that's fully insured and talk about that insured by Lords of London. There is no other management fee besides that storage fee.
They have been in Canada. Now they are PMI or Precious Metals International. You can look them up online but they've been in Canada for 23 years.
This is not a new thing. thing, but it is becoming more attractive now because of all the government overreach. It is outside the banking system. We like that. I mean, I don't have anything against the banks in particular.
Nothing's personal, but we all know that there's fragility in the whole system. And so this is outside the banks. From us, our company, all we do is precious metals.
I'd like to qualify or add to that. that is that we're not financial advisors But we are precious metals experts and we have a monthly newsletter that comes out But this solution With all the things we do I think it is overall the best value for Canadians.
It's audited twice a year It's a key point here. Not only is it insured, but the holdings are audited twice a year by a Canadian accounting firm So it's it's allocated. It's insured it's outside the banks,
you can have it outside the country. It is a fully international platform. So thank you very much for the time. I think I should turn it over to someone else at this point and I hopefully, hopefully that was useful.
And folks, there's gonna be a link directly beneath these videos to Neural Precious Metals where you can contact them to initiate communicating with them. them and walk you through all of this.
Now, Warren, I understand you have to go. You've got a meeting coming up in a few minutes. So thank you very much for your time. I'm going to continue on for a while here with Adrian and Bryce. Yeah,
thanks for your time. Thank you to you. Well, thank you to Bryce and Adrian. And yeah, it's great. It's like education here. And I think that this is I'm glad to be a part of this.
Thank you very much. All right, gentlemen. So we're going to continue on because obviously there's other things that we can do here to protect ourselves other than just buying precious metals. Adrien,
because you are, Warren said he's not a financial consultant. Well, you are. So I want to move to you next. And please tell us other things that people can be doing,
possibly with comments on precious metals as well. but give people a broader spectrum. I don't remember. Did I show this? Basically,
a lot of action is get out of debt. First thing, just get out of debt totally because that's what they're going to use to enslave us. Then next is to load up on precious metals.
Get rid of your treasure bills, bank deposits, put that into into precious metals, but whatever. form suits you best, whether it's physical bolted or offshore, then own physical assets debt free.
That's the goal. If you can get your house paid off, do so. If you have extra money by investment properties, preferably multi -family rental apartments by yourself,
if you got the assets to do it or do it through a group of people. So those are basically things you can do. And I think Bryce is going to talk about this,
but you need to get together with like -minded people to start putting solutions together where you are able to maybe collectively buy land,
start growing food, start putting food away. So it's not only just putting - precious metals as a commodity for trading, you're going to need food, you're going to need to be self -sufficient to some way.
So those are some of the recommendations I have right now. And may I jump in with something here, Adrian, and suggest to people that if you're in a situation where you've got a home,
but you've got a mortgage on it, and you can see that when interest rates go up, when you have to renegotiate that mortgage, you're going to be in trouble. If you have enough. enough equity downsize because it's much better to be in a smaller home that you can keep than a big one that you're going to lose because you can't continue to pick the mortgage payments.
That is excellent because two things. If we're going to go the way of the UK where they're going to force you to house immigrants in your unused bedrooms,
why would you want to have a home that accommodates that situation? You might as well downsize to a home that is basically what you need. And a town home or an apartment might be a better solution.
Or move in to a basement suite with your kids. And, you know, for the older generation, you don't need a lot of space. So maybe you can live with your kids if they're okay with that.
But get out of that as much as possible and get away from government reliance. - And the other thing to keep in mind is that if you lose your home and now you're forced to rent, you're no better off because the rents aren't gonna go down due to the pressure on the market.
And we discussed that in an earlier part of this series. - Yep, exactly. So you wanna own a small property, if that's all possible,
and then whatever's left over, or you wanna stay invested in. income producing real estate and /or park it into gold and silver because when things start collapsing, gold and silver is going to skyrocket because it's going to protect you against a devaluing dollar or a devaluing market.
There was a graphic that Bryce had put into the notes that were sent to me and it kind of pairs up with the story. inverted pyramid you showed earlier, which has to do with the risk and what assets are going to be destroyed first.
And obviously, the farther you go across that line, the safer you are. So I just want to make just as a recap of that, what are the assets that a lot of people have that they shouldn't have?
that they should be moving into something that is much more stable, that's not likely to be dissolved when all of this happens? Well,
again, egg deposits, T -bills, let me see if I can pull up the order of destruction charts that I had here.
When I was at the beer echo just hopped in. while he's figuring that out. So when I was at VREC Andy Shetman Who is very knowledgeable in this space? What was there was somebody asking my question like what do I do when everything's falling apart?
And this is a piece of what I was going to talk about which is when all things go to hell in a hand basket It comes down to what is the closest and most necessary to survival that does well,
right food resources manufacture manufacturing, that you know, of required technology, management of required technology, like somebody that can build something,
somebody can fix something. So you're now thinking in a way that's intrinsic value beyond just monetary value. So it's your question about monetary value. Anything that's connected to things that are superfluous,
irrelevant, unnecessary, not useful, are probably gonna be worthless to some degree or not. Because when everybody thinks... about survival Well, what does that come down to? What do I need to to protect my family keep food on the table right food itself is gonna be very valuable And I've been saying this for years now because I've recognized this coming if you invest into anything that produces food You'll probably be
okay because a hundred percent of people need to eat And yes, there's a war on farming and that's a difficult and you're you're in for a fight if you want to do that but But that is one of the reasons that they're under attack is because it is so valuable,
right? So if this is a fight that you feel you want to take on and, you know, ensure your own survival, having a homestead somewhere, having a farm that produces food, you know, so that is always going to be valuable when people are starving,
right? And just, I think somebody else mentioned as well, is that, you know, stuff that's going to be worth more than more than gold and silver. stuff like seeds, stuff like, you know, a tractor that functions properly,
you're going to need these baseline skills and assets and technologies to survive, right? And I'll dig in a little bit more and it's like, Adrian's figured it out. I think you were referring to that pyramid chart that was on Miro,
but I don't can't seem to find it. It's right here, bottom center. set. But that's the one I already went through it was that there was another one and There was some discrepancies and so I took it down because there was an order of Destruction that I disagreed with that the author who put that together.
So it's not there So I'm gonna share this screen again, which gives us the same thing. Might as that one line that was that was in That pyramid that that didn't make sense to me so So I'm just gonna share screen right now.
Where's my share button? Can you see it now? - Yes, yeah. - Now, instead of being top to bottom, it's bottom to top. So if you start at the bottom, obviously cryptocurrencies are something that's gonna collapse if there's an internet cyber attack.
You can't exchange your money. So that's a high risk thing. As long as we have internet communications, yeah, you're gonna be okay. But I... But I personally, I'm not a fan of crypto because of that very,
very reason. Derivatives. You've got futures contracts, options contracts on the market, all those things that you play around with on the market to increase the returns and the bets you have,
those things are definitely going to collapse. You don't want to own those things. And again, we go back to GICs, T -Bills, Cash. Look at gold and silver as a bet. your replacement for those assets.
So if you're going to park money in what you think is safe, just buy gold and silver. It's a proxy for cash, because gold is money. To some extent, stocks and bonds are the next level of risk,
especially if you look at what the plan is with the great taking. Now I'm not saying that you should be unloading stocks and bonds. You need to have a... assuming that we can avert the great taking before it happens by 2030.
There's money to be made in the stock market more so than bonds is in that you need to have an investment manager, a portfolio manager that is an active portfolio manager buying those good quality stocks because even in a bad market,
good stocks will do well. Obviously, you don't want to be at an index, Michel. or ATF because you're going to own the high -flying stocks that are grossly overpriced.
So that's at risk. So you don't want to be buying ETFs because you're buying the good, bad, and the ugly. You just want actively manage securities if you're buying stocks and bonds. Personal residents with a mortgage,
that's the next level of safety. safety. And then as you keep going up from the bottom, multifamily rentals versus single family homes, obviously I'm favoring multifamily rental property because it's income producing and the value,
the price that as an investor you pay for a building is far, far cheaper per door than you are paying for a home because the multifamily residential property is priced based on the net return or what they call the cap rates.
rate. So you're not overpaying for those properties. Whereas you're home, you're competing with people who are trying to to buy the home to live in and they over with all the people that try to get in there,
they're over overbidding it. So there's a huge risk. And like in the other session, we talked about that we could see as much as a 70 % correction in the real estate market to bring bring the price of homes in line with income.
So that's a great risk. You don't see that as much in the multifamily reddolls because there's a huge pool of renters thanks to Trudeau that are going to keep those properties fully occupied.
Fireland, if you can personally own it, ideally get a small section of land that you can grow your own food, but greenhouses greenhouses on it, maybe buy land collectively with a group of people so that you can start taking care of yourself,
but these are like cash flow of physical assets that you want to own. Then your personal residence, debt -free, whether in many cases, I think Will is correct that you should have basically the size of property that you need.
If you're retired, consider buying a townhouse, a smaller town. or consider an apartment or a condo for yourself.
You have a place that you can live in. You don't have to share it with anybody else if the government goes down that route. And then, you know, so you're protecting yourself. Then the next thing would be, again, if you have the cash to do it,
to buy your own multifamily building or together with a group of people and buy a building that cash flows as an investment, that up that is free. farmland that's debt free. So in the green boxes,
these are, again, the same as I said in the orange boxes, where you buy multi -family and farmland with debt. Ideally, if you can do it without debt, you're better off. And then your ultimate safe payment is physical gold,
whether it's - I know that we're revisiting this chart, Adrienne, but I wanted to do that because I like simple basic rules that - kind of form an umbrella over all of this.
And if I'm understanding this correctly, what we're saying here is we know there's a crash coming. We don't know exactly when it's going to happen, but it's going to be soon. And so the overarching principle here is get out of risk,
get away from risk and get into things that are stable and safe, and it's time to stop gambling. gambling. Yep. All right,
thank you. Basically, this chart shows the order of destruction, again, like that pyramid, but in reverse. Get out of the red stuff. You could own some of the...
If you don't have a lot of... If you can't pay off debt, then the orange layer is something that you could own if structured correctly that you can earn income, but then you have the debt situation if inflation inflation takes off,
the debt gets out of line, you're going to be in trouble. Ideally, the green box is the best place to be with those assets. Right. Reducing risk as much as possible. Yeah. Yeah. Okay.
All right. Bryce, we're going to give you the last word. And I know you've touched on this talking about things that people can do, but I think what I really want to focus on here at the end of this interview is certainly there's there's things here that can be done if you have a lot of assets,
but there are a lot of people who don't. There's a lot of people who just don't have much of anything. And so what do we do give to those people to work with that's going to help them get through what's coming?
Sure. I like your idea of kind of putting everything under an umbrella. I like working in frameworks. So it's not generally about the specifics, but about the overarching. overarching Strategy that you really use right and there's a couple of really simple rules of thumb that you can use to identify in your own Life in your own world and your own community.
What do I need to do now? Right all of the things that we've talked about are very large scale large number big problems that we can't deal with individually everything that we talked about today is The only thing you can really do to defend your defend against is to take care of yourself in your community locally,
right? And to do that, I'm just gonna share my screen and I'll go over this kind of briefly. So the start of this at the top here is questions,
answers, actions, and results. This is a very simple framework that you can use to identify a problem, figure out what you want to do about it, and then... then try to identify what actions need to be taken,
right? So you identify a result that you want. I wanna protect my house or whatever from crime, let's say. Well, what actions do I need to take? Well, I gotta ask a bunch of questions of myself. What am I gonna deal with?
Who is the threat? Who am I defending against, right? So all of the questions that you ask will give you answers. Those answers will give you a bunch of actions that you can take and do to give you the desired result,
right? So that's a-- framework right very simple one I use this one a lot with my clients right the next level here is this is the basics, okay? This is the basics of civilization food water shelter energy communication and collaboration right this collaboration part is what is the essence of?
civilization like we are not lone wolves, you know kind of stomping through the ether and We're collecting it where we're a collection of people right that we're supposed to be working together,
not killing each other, right? Obviously that's not working to all these days, but here we are, right? And so the reasoning behind this is really simple, right? Once you figure out what is required for you in your physical location and everybody on the planet right now is a part of one group or another.
So a city or a town or a country or whatever, whatever the level of organization is, everybody is a part of a group. right? And there's a mathematical equation, how much of X do you require to survive for Y amount of time,
right? So I use food as a really simple example. You need 2 ,000 calories a day, roughly for every person to live throughout the year, right? And those calories have to come from somewhere,
right? So if you don't produce those locally, you have to import them. And any place on the planet that is a net importer of food is at risk. of collapse because if those trucks stop coming or nobody's paying for them or nobody's sending them anymore,
you lose, right? And so that's why this is one of the core things that you need to think about in your personal life. How long can I survive not having the store to go and pick up food on a daily or weekly basis?
That number better be better than three to six months. I hope it's more than a year for most people listening right now. But I sure it's not. So this would be the number one thing I would look at to ensure my survival through what's coming.
Make sure that you have enough food and water for you and your family, number one. Number two is kind of what we were talking about in regards to property, which is where are you going to be? You have to pick a place that you're going to try and survive all this stuff through.
Well, pick a place that you have somebody that you trust, a community that you can work with, right? And you know, if, um, best case scenario is that you own your home and you're in a group and a community That's as awake as you are and that you can work with the people around you That's the best case scenario worst case scenario is in you're in a massive city where you don't know anybody you don't trust your
neighbors and You're in a declining. Let's let's be charitable about that a declining society, right? That's worst case scenario is what most of the West is kind of in right now We got immigrants and crime off the charts right now,
right? It's it's not a good situation for a lot of cities, right? The next one here is energy our Our civilization relies on electricity and specifically oil and gas to function properly if that oil stops being pumped All diesel stops all gas stops and you're about a week or two away with the reserves that we have From total collapse of the system right and this is why I go back to the first one,
which is food and water. That's the number one thing that you need to secure. And this is why in this respect for energy, Alberta is probably going to do a lot better than most places because it is the creator of both food and energy in huge amounts,
right? So I think Alberta is going to be one of the places that does fairly well. And I'll make this point as well. If we weren't run by absolute moron communists, we would have a in a fantastic position because we have all of the resources,
we create everything that we need, we could be totally self -sufficient, right? If we get to a point where we can do that and the idiots aren't running the show anymore, then I think we'll do fantastically moving forward.
But we have to get to that point, which is what I'll cover in a second here. So communication is your ability to communicate with other people. Ham radio, text messages, whatever. I'll cover it. If the grid goes down, how are you gonna communicate with people?
We all have GPSs right now, right? Do you have a map that tells you where you are and how to get to the next town over or you have a buggo plan if things go really haywire? This is a question of what you're able to do and what you're trying to do,
right? And collaboration is kind of the cherry on top, right? No matter where you end up, no matter where you start, eventually you're gonna be in a group of people. other people trying to survive just like you are. And you have to have the ability to communicate with people,
the ability to work with other people, and have assets to bring to the table that are going to be useful to the community to survive, right? And so this collaboration of collaboration and an engine of change right here is kind of the basics of that.
You know, what we really need to do, and this is the the angle that I always try to push is you are not going to get away from this situation. alone. Being alone, being out in the middle of nowhere,
yes, you can survive maybe to the end of this segment, but you're not going to thrive. And your genetics ends with you, as it were, right? For us to survive this as a society and as Western civilization,
even in humanity at large, you have to be a part of this. You cannot, and I hope that you will not, just chalk it up to somebody else's responsibility and say cross my fingers and hope it goes well and basically vote our way out of this in the sense that if I do my one vote every four years that it will be okay.
It won't. It just it won't. We've been proven time and time again that the powers that be have undermined our democracy, have tried to steal our money or steal our resources and that has been allowed because we,
the people have have given up our responsibilities and civil duties to other people that don't have the best intentions for us. You need, and I need, and we need to fix that.
You have to be a part of your local community. If you run away and say, "I'm out. I can't handle this anymore," that's defeat. That's running away. I'm not going to leave this country because I think it's going to go to hell in a handbasket.
I'm going to stay here and fight for it. I'm not going anywhere. right? So what I feel is necessary, what needs to happen is that we become a force, just like the farmers did in the Netherlands and other places,
that we say, "No more, I'm going to do something about it." And what that something needs to be is your community in whoever represents your district, get up in their face, get up in their ears and be like,
"Yo, this is something that's important. You better do something about it and you better do something that's going to do something about it." or you're going to be replaced. And I'm personally a big proponent of having an election this year because Trudeau is an absolute idiot that's just destroying the country.
So I don't think you should get a bonus or an increase in your pay for destroying the country that you're supposed to be representing, right? So what this is really about is kind of what I was saying before is you need to be a part of a community that believes that you're going to be a part of a community that believes that you're going to be a part of a community that believes that you're going to be a part of
a community that believes that you're going to be a part of a community that believes of a community that believes that you're going to be a part of a community that believes what you believe. There's going to be a lot of people that don't know this is coming, that are never going to do anything about it, that are just going to go "lottie da" and so they wake up one morning and they can't get their money out of
the bank and they can't get food from the store and all hell is going to break loose. So the only way that you can truly escape and prepare is to actually prepare for that eventuality to happen.
Because what has been proven by the WEF, by our governments, by the banks, by all these other idiots, is that they are gonna do what they're gonna do until somebody stops them. And the only way that a smaller force can stop a bigger force that's more powerful is to unify and work together.
The only thing that they fear, the literal only thing that they fear, is for us to get organized, say enough with your bullshit, you're cut, you're done, and it's over, and us to actually have the ability to enforce that.
But that's why they're doing all that. of these things to destroy our food, to destroy our ability to defend ourselves. Everything that they're pushing has the express purpose to disqualify us,
diminish us, demoralize us, and I've had enough, right? So everything that I try to push and talk about is that you, the individual that watches this, need to have skills,
assets, and resources to levy as a community against these problems. right? And even, and I'll speak to your question specifically, Will, even the most technologically unenclined can still download knowledge and save it,
build up binders of knowledge, how stuff works, how to do stuff, your skills, your skills, I'm going to make, this is an important point, the skills that manage and maintain society are all going to be in really high demand when a whole bunch of people...
of people start dying in war Or the vaccine or whatever else kills people all of the skills that that that we lose when people die Need to be replaced with other people that know them and if our population is going to be declining We're going to lose a huge amount of knowledge skills and assets,
right? Which means that anybody that has those skills knowledge and assets is going to be Extremely valuable. I want as many people to survive this as possible possible, right? And the oligarchy has made it abundantly clear that they don't want a lot of people to survive this.
So the thing that you can do, even if you have no money, is study your face off and learn skills and assets that are going to be useful. Growing food, keeping machinery, working,
knowing electricity, how to design things, how to fix stuff, it literally doesn't matter. There's so much knowledge that we have access to because of the, because even saving that stuff,
downloading videos, downloading how -to things, just save as much as you can. Because one day, we're not going to have access to all of the data that we have now. We're not going to have GPS or whatever.
At some point, unless we make changes, all of that stuff is going to go the way of the Dodo bird. And once we get to that position, it's literally going to come down to what you have available on your physical community that's going to determine whether or not you survive.
And the questions that I want to leave you with is this. What do you need but not have? Who has the skills to keep your technology running in your community?
What problems do you have that require resources to solve and do you have those resources available to do that? Do you have enough resources to accomplish that? And can you protect what? what you have?
These are the fundamental questions that you're gonna have to ask about everything in your life and your family Some people my some of my family included are never gonna even think this is possible, right?
But I'm not trying to save everybody anymore I'm trying to save as many people as possible so that when all of this stuff happens We can pick up the pieces and survive right because that's ultimately what this is about now This is about survival right and I want as many people that watches this to understand is that time is of the essence.
They have given us the time of 2030 when they want their plan to be in full motion and fully rolled out, which means we got six years to fight back and stop it or pick up the pieces afterwards and try to survive that way.
It's going to be one of the two. All right. Adrian, you had something you wanted to add? Yeah, it's not an answer to your direct question, but for those who are concerned about going through what Bryce is talking about is to the worst,
there are states that are banning CBDCs, they're doing things proactively that are way ahead of us in the survival thing. And for those who have the financial resources,
there are ways that you can maintain permanent residency status in the US. So there is an option for those people. But the rest of us, we're gonna have to figure out how to survive and work with each other.
But there are options that I could point people to if they're interested in moving themselves or their family to a safer place that's ahead of us in stopping this madness.
Hoping. you know with what Bryce and I are doing with the BC research group we're working to help you know with the conservative party of BC I've been involved with conservative party since its revival and partly you know working with a friend that sort of got things going we're hoping to be seated to do what Albert is doing with Daniel Smith and we have a voice that's good going to change the course of at least BC
and Alberta and go the way of some of the southern states. So I'm staying here to fight. I'll do whatever I can, but I hope that we can put a local provincial government in place that's going to do the right thing and stop this madness.
I know that John Rustad is definitely on our side. And then from within the provincial politics, we can make a difference on the federal level too and stop Trudeau and stop the whole mandate.
Yes. And then I gradually mentioned John Rustad, who was the leader of the Conservative Party in BC. I had the pleasure of interviewing John in person last May. And he does have excellent ideas, very,
very smart and capable Conservative politician. politician. Yeah. And I'm going to throw in my own or in the water here on this one, folks. I don't usually, uh, my interviews are typically about what the guest thinks,
but this time around I'm going to throw in some thoughts of my own. And they really have a lot to do with what Bryce was talking about in terms of, if you're going to try to survive this on your own, well, you might survive for a while, but you're not going to survive long term,
unless you're part of a community. And there, and this is a great way for people who don't have a lot of asks. It's time to start getting together with your neighbors, your friends, anybody who's like -minded and start strategizing.
What do you have that you can provide? What do they have that they can provide? And it doesn't even have to be something monetary. Perhaps you don't have any extra money to buy extra food with.
But maybe you know how, and I'm just throwing out some examples, folks, you need to start thinking about these things. Maybe you know how to say do, can't or dry meat. All right. So this person brings vegetables,
this person brings fruits, this person brings meats. You preserve it all, do it properly so that a year from now when you open that can or that package of dry meat, it's still good and you get a percentage. Maybe you have a wood burning stove in your home and three quarts of wood out back and so you talk to a few of your neighbors,
you'll make sure they know this and say, "Okay, if the gas goes out at minus 30, come to our house until it comes back on and all we're going to ask you to do is bring along some food. Go hit the thrift stores and buy up a bunch of warm weather clothing,
which you can buy there for next to nothing, especially if you buy it in the spring or the summer. If things go bad in winter, you've got something of value to trade. Go to your farmer's markets,
get to know the farmer. farmers find out where they live and Have some goods that they might need that you can then go out and trade with them for food And I'm gonna give you one last one.
It has to do with what Bryce is talking about knowledge. I Have right here and it's in my backdrop folks It's one of the most valuable things that I own. It's a 12 volume set Popular mechanics do it yourself dictionary dictionary,
printed in the 1950s, everything you need to know about how to survive if the power goes out is in these books, how to build your own generator,
how to install a
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Posted by 1patriotUPDATED: CALL TO ACTION - On March 2, 2024, Paul Fischer, a witness to Human Trafficking charges was unlawfully and criminally assaulted in his home and tasered 4 times by RCMP CST.
Posted by bookofmoronsAnyone else see a potential Trump/Putin type connection here?
Posted by bookofmoronsAnyone else see a potential Trump/Putin type connection here?
Posted by bookofmoronsJust remember - we are all sworn to secrecy but maybe we should send some to Mexico
Posted by 1patriotWhen he says our Senate is diverse and representative of Canada, he omitted this reality.
Posted by 1patriothow liberals get rich!
Posted by 1patriotso he killing the old stock europeans off in canada. I just never thought that was what he ment in this statement. My family has been here for 125 years. my wife family has been 395 years
Posted by 1patriot great job CBC you covered all the bases. Bonuses for 1200 more of you coming soon
Posted by 1patriot[] another brain dead fucker, he just like screwing Margret Turdeau Rolling Stones’ Mick Jagger Mercilessly Booed By Crowd After Praising Justin Trudeau (VIDEO)
Posted by 1patriotCanadians can say the same about the great turd
Posted by 1patriot[streetpolitics.
Posted by 1patriot[streetpolitics.
Posted by 1patriot[streetpolitics.
Posted by 1patriot[streetpolitics.
Posted by 1patriotHere’s a reminder of the amount that each province will receive, or not receive, under the unfair federal equalization program.