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UPDATED: CALL TO ACTION - On March 2, 2024, Paul Fischer, a witness to Human Trafficking charges was unlawfully and criminally assaulted in his home and tasered 4 times by RCMP CST. James Quigley and his partner CST. Murrat Saykili for trying to protect his son from a reported pedophile. Both RCMP Officers unlawfully Trespassed onto Mr. Fischer's property in order to assault and kidnap him. CST. Quigley is one of multiple Chestermere RCMP officers named in the ASIRT and are subjects of investigation in criminal investigations regarding Human Trafficking and High Treason. Mr. Fischer was then unlawfully arrested and kidnapped by Chestermere RCMP and AHS in a conspiracy to have him as the witness labelled mentally unfit in retaliation for filing criminal complaints against RCMP, AHS, CFS and others including Ric McIver, Rebecca Schulz, Mike Ellis and Mickey Amery.
Mr. Fischer was promptly released by Dr. Lloyd Maybaum on March 6, 2024 after personally serving Dr. Maybaum with the missing May 2, 2021 Alberta Children's Hospital Report which was unlawfully removed from AHS information systems, but which RCMP have had in their possession for the last 2.5 years, which outlines Mr. Fischer's 12-year-old son's disclosures of being horrifically abused of being starved and poisoned by his mother who was flagged for 'Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy' and his son's grandparents who Mr. Fischer reported for sexually abusing his son as part of an alleged pedophile ring within the Jehovah's Witness religious group in 2018 to Whitecourt RCMP and whose care he is currently in due to CST. Quigley and CST. Saykili's criminal actions to unlawfully assault and abduct Mr. Fischer in order to facilitate the Human Trafficking of Fischer's son and unlawfully return him to the care of his abusers.
Chestermere RCMP Officer CST. Murrat Saykili told Peter Lougheed ER Doctor Hannah Park, who was assessing Mr. Fischer for his injuries from being assaulted and tasered, that he was 'delusional' for continuing to report his son's ongoing abuse to RCMP and falsely claimed that the May 2, 2021 Alberta Children's Hospital Report, outlining his son's abuse, did not exist. Based on that bold faced lie by Chestermere RCMP and the unlawful removal of that document from AHS information systems Fischer was unlawfully held against his will for 5 days in the Peter Lougheed Psychiatric Ward. However, Alberta RCMP have had that May 2, 2021 Hospital report in their possession for the past 2.5 years, but have done nothing to protect this innocent child from being horrifically abused despite knowing full well that the child is being abused.
Mr. Fischer was maliciously charged by Alberta Crown Prosecutors with Assaulting a police officer and resisting arrest. Mr. Fischer denies the charges and states that he did not assault any police officer which was the excuse they used to assault, unlawfully arrest him and kidnap him in the first place in order to take him to the Peter Lougheed Psychiatric Ward where they had him unlawfully held against his will as retaliation for previously filing a criminal complaint against the officers who then showed up at his door that night. Video from the incident that night confirms that Mr. Fischer did not assault any police officer.
In fact, Mr. Fischer made a desperate phone call to 911 that night, just prior to them banging on his door where they assaulted and kidnapped him, asking for protection from these corrupt Chestermere RCMP officers who he had already reported for crime one month earlier.
Mr. Fischer's son has sustained permanent injuries and now has serious mobility issues due to the ongoing and horrific abuse which is being facilitated and aided and abetted by RCMP, AHS and CFS.
AHS and the LUNA Center is involved in unlawfully removing the official May 2, 2021 AHS medical report, where Mr. Fischer's son disclosed being horrifically abused by those he reported in an alleged pedophile ring to Whitecourt RCMP in 2018. That May 2, 2021 hospital report was unlawfully removed from the AHS information system to coverup the ongoing abuse of Fischer's now 12-year-old son in order to cover up the alleged pedophile ring involving the Jehovah's Witnesses that Fischer reported in 2018 to Whitecourt RCMP.
According to Mr. Fischer two Jehovah's Witness 'Elders' work inside the Whitecourt RCMP detachment, one (Real Goudreau) as a Sheriff transporting prisoners and the other (Daryl Furlong) as a prisoner guard.
There are now multiple active criminal investigations being carried out by both Canadian and United States law enforcement into multiple RCMP and others including Chestermere Staff SGT. Kathy Klassen along with Ministers Ric McIver, Rebecca Schulz, Mike Ellis, Mickey Amery, Alberta and Saskatchewan RCMP, Alberta NDP members, AHS and CFS in regards to the shutting down of the Chestermere ASIRT and the evidence therein contained which outlines evidence of criminal activity of High Treason and Human Trafficking.
It appears that the corruption in Chestermere to cover up these allegations of Human Trafficking is out of control!
Please contact Premier Danielle Smith and demand her immediate action to protect this innocent child.

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    UPDATE: Mr. Fischer will be attending the Calgary Courts Center, located at 601 - 5 St SW, on April 4th at 2PM in courtroom 1002 with Justice Sherry L. Kachur (who is also under criminal investigation), for an Emergency Hearing with the Court of King's Bench in regard to his son's safety where they plan on punishing Mr. Fischer for trying to protect his son.
    UPDATE: April 5, 2024 - During Mr. Fischer's court appearance, on April 4th, before King's Bench Justice C.B. Thompson to address the safety of his now 12-year-old son, Mr. Fischer was finally allowed to provide Justice Thompson and the King's Bench with the May 2, 2021 Alberta Children's Hospital report which outlines indisputable evidence and disclosures that Fischer's son is being horrifically abused by the child's mother who was flagged for mental health concerns in 2017 and 2021 and 'Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy' in 2021. In that May 2, 2021 AHS Report Mr. Fischer's son made documented private disclosures of abuse, to a hospital staff doctor and social worker, of not being fed for days at a time and being given drinks that cause him to immediately vomit up red blood and being given a mostly liquid diet while in the care of his mother and grandparents. Mr. Fischer and many others have serious concerns for his son's imminent safety. Fischer's son was fully mobile when these disclosures were made in 2021 but now has serious mobility issues due to the ongoing abuse of being starved and poisoned.
    Despite the court being given concrete evidence that the child is being abused and that the child made disclosures of being abused by his mother and the mother being unable to present any evidence to the contrary, Justice C.B. Thompson in a remarkable display of contempt for the child's safety granted a court order giving the abusing mother full and total control of Fischer's son and has now denied Mr. Fischer any access to his son. This appears to be a further attempt by the court to conceal the ongoing abuse of Mr. Fischer's son, which constitutes a criminal code offence of Human Trafficking - 279.011(1)
    Due to the ongoing abuse, Mr. Fischer's son now has serious injuries incurring significant loss of mobility and recently failing eye sight due to being intentionally malnourished, starved and poisoned for the past 4 years.
    RCMP have carried out multiple incriminating and criminal actions to prevent Mr. Fischer from being able to protect his son even going as far as taking criminal action to deny his son medical care by obstructing EMS attendants at Mr. Fischer's home from taking his son to hospital for evaluation and RCMP even applied for an EPO specifically to stop Mr. Fischer from being able to have his son's blood work tested for toxins. This is outright criminal activity being carried out by RCMP.
    The family proceedings in the King's Bench are currently under criminal investigation by both Canadian and United States Law Enforcement for the human trafficking of Mr. Fischer' son and as a part of a cover up to conceal a reported pedophile ring which involved the child's grandparents which was reported by Mr. Fischer in 2018 to Whitecourt RCMP.
    Mr. Fischer states that King's Bench Justice C.B. Thompson, opposing counsel Zara Handi and his ex-wife appeared visibly nervous and afraid, with Zara Handi even choking over her words, due to the indisputable evidence that he was finally able to provide to the court that his son is being horrifically abused. Despite their visible fear of getting caught Justice Thompson once again ruled to cover up the abuse of Fischer's son, showing that it appears these bad actors are taking instructions from higher ups to cover up the abuse of his son, which Fischer states he believes is being done to cover up his earlier reports of a pedophile ring involving the grandparents and the Jehovah's Witness religious group in Whitecourt , AB.
    It appears that Justice Minister Mickey Amery, Public Safety Minister Mike Ellis and Minister of Municipal Affairs Ric McIver has a vested interest in shutting down any evidence that would validate the crimes outlined in the Chestermere ASIRT request filed by Chestermere's highest ranking Peace Officer, Mayor Jeff Colvin, on October, 25, 2023, November 6, 2023 and again on November 17, 2023.
    According to a local Airdrie newspaper ASIRT officials have verified their receipt of the 6000+ pages of evidence, which includes Mr. Fischer's complaints, that was submitted along with that ASIRT request. The question is why is it no longer being investigated? As there is no provision to pick and choose what is or isn't investigated, which again comes back full circle to the unlawful removal of Chestermere's elected officials in order to cover up and stop the requested ASIRT investigation into multiple criminal complaints coming out of Chestermere against the RCMP and other government agencies.
    UPDATE: April 10, 2024 Mr. Fischer was finally able to speak to his son for the first time since being assaulted and kidnapped by Chestermere RCMP on March 2nd, His son disclosed to him that he does not move around anymore but instead stays sitting 100% of the time 24/7 and only moves from the sitting position when he needs to go to the washroom. So, now his son sits all the time due to mobility issues from being abused, starved and poisoned.
    Update April 16, 2024: The Court of Kings Bench Justice C.B. Thompson issued an unlawful order ordering Mr. Fischer not to record any disclosures of abuse by his son in a criminal effort to conceal the ongoing abuse of Fischer's son.
    Justice C.B. Thompson engaged in human trafficking by denying Mr. Fischer any access to his son while giving full control of his son to the abuser after being given evidence that his son is being abused by his mother and grandparents in violation of criminal code 279.011(1)
    UPDATED: Mr. Fischer wrote to the Chief Justice, Ken Nielsen, 5 times about the matter of criminal activity carried out by Justice C.B Thompson. However, in response Mr. Fischer's emails about the matter were instead forwarded to a lawyer named Darryl Ruether who threatened Mr. Fischer to block all of his communications to the court if he persisted in trying to report the matter of criminal activity involving the King's Court Justice to Chief Justice Ken Nielsen. In response Mr. Fischer served Darryl Ruether with a Cease & Desist letter stating several Criminal Codes that Mr. Ruether was in violation of. Since then, Mr. Fischer has had no response from the Chief Justice, the Court or Mr. Ruether.
    Mr. Fischer then reached out to Premier Danielle Smith's constituency office to make her aware of the criminal activity being carried out within the Court of King's Bench, but Mr. Fischer has like wise been obstructed from reporting the matter to the Premier by one of Danielle Smith's constituency managers named Heather Pigott who has been refusing to provide the information to our Premier.
    It appears that Human Trafficking is alive and well within Alberta's judiciary and government and law enforcement agencies.
    UPDATE: In a strange and bizarre reversal of events: Since Mr. Fischer was tasered and kidnapped, by Chestermere RCMP James Quigley on March 2, 2024 as retaliation for reporting CST. James Quigley and other RCMP officers within Alberta for Human Trafficking, his son's health has been gradually recovering due to a temporary stoppage of the abuse and is now being consistently fed food again. Mr. Fischer believes that his son is now being fed again to try and reverse the physical damage caused by the historical abuse over the past number of years where his son was routinely starved and poisoned causing him to be unable to walk at times. Mr. Fischer has many historical pieces of evidence to show that his son has, for a fact, been starved and poisoned and that his physical condition did severely decline during the period of years between July 2021 to March 2, 2024. Mr. Fischer believes this reversal of behavior is an attempt to claim that the abuse never occurred and that RCMP never conspired to cover up the abuse. Mr. Fischer is worried that RCMP may again be attempting to alter hospital and medical records to cover up the abuse and with the lack of intervention by any government agency or elected official Mr. Fischer is concerned that this is a routine practice by RCMP when they are caught red handed involved in human trafficking.
    Additionally, there are reports that Chestermere RCMP CST. James Quigley is falsely identifying himself to the public as being in charge of Alberta RCMP's human trafficking division and is contacting individuals privately while off duty to get information so it can be covered up by the officers and court officials involved in human trafficking.
    Mr. Fischer reports that during several of his interactions with CST. James Quigley it appeared that Quigley was under the influence of narcotics. Mr. Fischer states that during his interaction with him on June 3, 2023 that he actually had to reach out and catch Quigley so that he did not fall into a window well located on the adjacent property to his own. Fischer states that CST. Quigley was extremely clumsy and unstable on his feet that day and appeared to be under the influence of narcotics.
    Where does an individual in a situation like Mr. Fischer's turn to for help? Currently, Mr. Fischer has been maliciously charged by Chestermere RCMP with 5 provably false charges and is facing significant time in jail should he be convicted of these false charges which clearly have been brought against him as retaliation to stop him from exposing the RCMP, judiciary and government agencies, like the court of King's Bench, of being involved in Human Trafficking and outright corruption.
    Mr. Fischer does not have the financial ability to fight these false charges and although having a lawyer through legal aid for 3 of the 5 charges, by looking at the information in his documents, it appears that his legal council has been compromised by the RCMP and Crown and is not working in his best interests. Which raises the question of how lawyers can properly represent litigants without conflict of interest when all lawyers are required to take an oath to the crown?
    When Mr. Fischer was asked how he plans to overcome these challenges and obstacles to protect his son, he says " I get down on my knees every night and I just pray to God, with all my heart, with tears in my eyes, to rescue me and my son from these evil people and this situation... I will never stop trying to protect my son and I will do everything in my power to expose this corruption. "
    UPDATED: (Oct. 15, 2024) To be clear: Contrary to the Whitecourt Star's false reporting, Chestermere, Airdrie, Fort Saskatchewan and Whitecourt RCMP are under criminal investigation for a number of crimes including Human Trafficking. - RCMP File#2024-157789
    We encourage anyone who can support Mr. Paul Fischer with any of these issues, including financial support, to contact him and help him stand up to expose this evil corruption within our government, justice system and law enforcement.
    Please contact Premier Danielle Smith and demand her immediate action to protect this innocent child and put a stop to the RCMP's criminal actions.
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    Some of the individuals under criminal investigation for Human Trafficking Re: #2024-157789 :
    Steven Loney – Crown Counsel
    Kerri Malcolm – Crown Counsel
    Kathy Klassen – Staff Sgt., Chestermere RCMP
    Christine Wallace – Special Investigator, Chestermere RCMP
    Joseph Stubbs – Sgt., Chestermere RCMP
    James Quigley – Cst., Chestermere RCMP
    Suhk Randhawa– Chestermere RCMP
    Eli Nadtuje - Chestermere RCMP
    Murrat Saykili - Chestermere RCMP
    Andrew Smith - Chestermere RCMP
    Lauren Weare – Inspector, Airdrie RCMP
    Troy Switzer – Acting Inspector, Airdrie RCMP
    Tyler MacPhail – Acting Staff Sgt., Airdrie RCMP
    Chris Bannerholt - Airdrie Inspector
    Theodore Zaddery, Staff Sgt., Whitecourt RCMP
    Mathew Kelley – Cst., Whitecourt RCMP
    Alex Ayres – Corp., Whitecourt RCMP
    Jenna Walker – Cst., Whitecourt RCMP
    Randy Stenger – Corp., Whitecourt RCMP
    Burton, B. – Whitecourt RCMP
    Melanson, S. (64223) – Whitecourt RCMP
    Cst. Barker – Whitecourt RCMP
    Barry Larocque – Inspector, Fort Saskatchewan RCMP
    Holly Allison – Cst. Fort Saskatchewan RCMP
    Brock Hudyma – Cst, Fort Saskatchewan RCMP
    Cst. Blais – Fort Saskatchewan RCMP
    Staff Sgt. St. Pirre – Fort Saskatchewan RCMP
    Kyle Palffy – Staff Sgt. Western AB District RCMP
    Curtis Zablocki - K Division Commander
    Brenda Lucky – RCMP Commissioner
    Susan Borsic, Q.C. – Resolution Counsel, Calgary
    A. Kirker – Justice, Family Court – Calgary
    G.A. Campbell – Justice, Family Court
    S.L. Kachur – Justice, Family Court
    D.C. Elliot – Justice of the Peace
    T.G. Rothwell - Justice
    C.B. Thompson - Justice
    J.D. Rooke – Associate, Chief Justice
    R.M. Saccamani – Judge
    Ken Nielsen - Chief Justice
    Ginette Goldenberg - Assistant to Chief Justice
    Darryl Ruether - Lawyer
    Laurie Baptiste – Case Management Officer, Calgary Court of Appeal
    Ileen Moore – Deputy Registrar, Calgary Court of Appeal
    M.G. Crighton – Madam Justice, Calgary Court of Appeal
    Zara Hande - Family Lawyer
    Lauren Thiessen - Family Lawyer, Senior Counsel, Counsel for children
    Jae Shim Law
    Evelyn Wotherspoon – PN7, Social Worker
    Marry-Louise Sarah O’Byrne – Medical Doctor, Alberta Children’s Hospital
    Jennifer Lo - Medical Doctor, Pediatrician
    Johnson O. Fatokun – Medical Doctor
    Ho Tam – Medical Doctor, Rheumatoid Specialist
    Victoria Molnar – Social worker
    Michelle Bassarab – CFS, Northern Director
    Bev Dun- CFS, Associate Northern Director
    Lisa Pashko – CFS, Case Worker
    Steve Sedley- CFS, Social Worker
    Michelle Donovan- CFS, Case Investigator
    Randi Smith – CFS, Case worker
    Kerry martin – CFS, Case worker
    Myrna Woyewoda – CFS
    Nancy Yee – CFS
    Anne Batchelar – CFS
    Vanessa Barber - CFS
    Rebecca Schulz - Minister of Children’s Services
    Mickey Amery – Minister of Children’s Services / Minister of Justice
    Searle Turton – Minister of Child and Family services
    Mike Ellis – Minister of Public Safety
    Rick McIver – Minister of Municipal Affairs
    Tyler Shandro- Minister of Justice
    Kaycee Madu- Minister of Justice
    Sonya Savage- Acting Minister of Justice and solicitor General
    Marco Mendicino- Minister of Public Safety
    Jason Kenney – Premier
    Institutions involved:
    Edmonton Courts Center
    Calgary Courts Center
    Whitecourt Provincial Court
    Alberta Court of Appeal
    Justice and Solicitor General
    Legal Aid Alberta
    Alberta Child & Youth Advocate
    Alberta Children’s Hospital
    Edmonton Stollery / University of Alberta
    Alberta Health Services
    Child and Family Services
    The LUNA Centre
    Royal Canadian Mounted Police
    Edmonton Police Service
    Calgary Police service
    College of Social Workers
    College of Surgeons and Physicians
    Legal Aid Alberta
    The Law society of Alberta
    The Alberta BAR Association
    Watchtower Bible and Tract Society
    Jehovah's Witnesses
1patriot 8 Oct 16
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Posted by 1patriotUPDATED: CALL TO ACTION - On March 2, 2024, Paul Fischer, a witness to Human Trafficking charges was unlawfully and criminally assaulted in his home and tasered 4 times by RCMP CST.

Posted by bookofmoronsAnyone else see a potential Trump/Putin type connection here?

Posted by bookofmoronsAnyone else see a potential Trump/Putin type connection here?

Posted by bookofmoronsJust remember - we are all sworn to secrecy but maybe we should send some to Mexico

Posted by 1patriotWhen he says our Senate is diverse and representative of Canada, he omitted this reality.

Posted by 1patriothow liberals get rich!

Posted by 1patriotso he killing the old stock europeans off in canada. I just never thought that was what he ment in this statement. My family has been here for 125 years. my wife family has been 395 years

Posted by 1patriot great job CBC you covered all the bases. Bonuses for 1200 more of you coming soon

Posted by 1patriot[] another brain dead fucker, he just like screwing Margret Turdeau Rolling Stones’ Mick Jagger Mercilessly Booed By Crowd After Praising Justin Trudeau (VIDEO)

Posted by 1patriotCanadians can say the same about the great turd

Posted by 1patriot[streetpolitics.

Posted by 1patriot[streetpolitics.

Posted by 1patriot[streetpolitics.

Posted by 1patriot[streetpolitics.

Posted by 1patriotHere’s a reminder of the amount that each province will receive, or not receive, under the unfair federal equalization program.

Posted by 1patriotRoad Captain writes: This is already happening in Canada and has been for some time ,,well kept secret ,MEDIA ,POLICE ,and the CORPORATE Government called CANADA are silent ,,wake up folks ,,this is ...

  • Top tags#Canada #video #government #world #DonaldTrump #god #friends #money #children #laws #hope #religious #religion #reason #media #liberal #federal #freedom #rights #book #vote #hell #climate #USA #minister #policy #wife #truth #death #Police #evidence #Song #society #liberals #ClimateChange #community #weather #earth #economic #Bible #oil #hello #kids #politics #atheism #church #fear #guns #belief #military ...

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