This is the Iron Will Report for the week ending January 12th.
In this week’s report, a new Chinese lab made virus proves to be 100% fatal; the bank of Canada attempts to trademark the phrase digital Canadian dollar; B.C. wants to give free fentanyl to minors without parental consent; Anthony Fauci admits the six foot distancing rule has no foundation in science; and police warn that posting videos of thieves caught in the act could violate their rights.
Those and nine more stories that mainstream media won’t report and our government doesn’t want you to hear.
Scientists in China, experimenting with a coronavirus closely related to the virus that causes COVID-19, found that it had a 100 percent kill rate in a small mouse study, according to the researchers’ announcement on Jan. 4th.
The scientists, including a doctor trained by the Chinese military, cloned a pangolin coronavirus and infected modified mice to "assess its pathogenicity," they said in a preprint paper published on bioRxiv.
Of the four mice infected with the virus, all began to lose weight five days post-infection. Shortly thereafter, they exhibited symptoms including sluggishness and white eyes. The results suggest a risk for the virus to quote "spill over into humans".
Justin Kinney, an associate professor at the Simons Center for Quantitative Biology at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory in the U.S., said the research described in the paper does not seem to fall under the category of gain-of-function because the Chinese scientists did not purposefully enhance the virus to be more pathogenic or transmissible.
"The research is still very dangerous, though," Mr. Kinney told The Epoch Times via email. "I am especially concerned that the paper does not say what biosafety level the work was performed at. Coronavirus research in China is often done at a biosafety level that is inadequate for working with potential pandemic pathogens that might be transmitted by air.”
Justin Goodman, senior vice president of the White Coat Waste Project, a U.S. nonprofit, said the new study added to the body of evidence showing Chinese scientists have been conducting "dangerous and deadly tests on mice."
Hopefully, we can only imagine what would happen if such a virus escaped into a human population who’s immune systems have been severely compromised.
The Bank of Canada has quietly taken steps to trademark the phrase “digital Canadian dollar” despite public claims it has no interest in the scheme. The Bank in a Christmas filing under the Trademarks Act staked ownership of any “digital dollar” launched in Canada.
“Whether and when a digital dollar will become needed is uncertain,” the Bank said in a statement last November 29. “Ultimately the decision to go ahead with a digital dollar belongs to Canadians through their representatives in Parliament”.
Those would be many of the same represents Klaus Schwab claims to control.
The claims were filed by Bank lawyers under the Act section 9 that allows any “public authority” to claim exclusive perpetual rights to everyday phrases without notice or objection. All other applicants must serve public notice subject to challenge.
The Bank has studied digital currency since 2014 when it ordered the Royal Canadian Mint to disband a Bitcoin alternative called MintChip.
According to the Bank of Canada Report Unmet Payment Needs And A Central Bank Digital Currency published in August of last year,
“Acceptance and use of a central bank digital currency could be challenging because most Canadians have access to several methods of payment. Overcoming such barriers could require significant and sustained investment by the central bank”.
Or as I covered in last week’s special report on Central Bank Digital Currencies in Canada, a manufactured cyber attack that erases all accounts and wipes out everyone’s cash, leaving the door open for forced CBDC’s and universal basic incomes.
According to November statements on the Payments Canada website, 55 percent of Canadians say they have no desire to go cashless while only 13% have abandoned cash. Of those who still use cash, 21% listed anonymous transactions as a motivation. Despite more than half of Canadians who say they have no desire to go cashless, 49 per cent think it is likely that Canadian stores will go completely cashless in the next 10 years compared to 31 per cent who think it is unlikely.
Silicon Valley is banking on cultured meat taking off, providing animal-free "meat" to satisfy the carnivorous appetites of the world’s more than 8 billion people — most of whom eat meat.
But what started out with grandiose fanfare and backing from billionaire investors like Bill Gates and Jeff Bezos is falling flat.
The dream of creating cultured "chicken" breasts or animal-free "beef" fillets is turning out to be nothing more than a fairy tale. While lab grown meat has been approved for sale in the U.S. by both the FDA and the USDA, here’s what one industry insider had to say.
Upside Foods, a leader in the lab-grown meat market and one of two companies allowed to sell cultured meat in the U.S. has resorted instead to "growing just minuscule numbers of chicken skin-type cells in small plastic bottles, then scraping them out gram by gram to compress and mold them into a single forkful of meat."
To make fake meat, cells are taken from a living organism. They’re then manipulated to grow quickly and consistently. While myoblasts, which are the type of cells that grow into muscle cells are used, they’re the most difficult for fake meat companies to grow and "immortalize." A regular cell extracted from an animal, known as a primary cell, won’t replicate forever. Eventually, it stops, entering a phase known as senescence.
"The chicken doesn’t even include immortalized cells; it’s made of primary fibroblast cells that at some point will stop replicating and at best grow only into connective tissue. This means that to make more chicken, scientists will eventually have to go back to an embryo and remove more cells, a process that, even when it works, also kills the embryo. One of the foundational principles behind cultured meat is the ability to produce food without killing animals. This isn’t such a big deal with chicken, where it only kills an egg, but with other types of meat such as beef or port, it kills a potential animal.
Inside reports from employees, uncovered by The Wall Street Journal, claim that the bioreactors are plagued by contamination and rodent DNA was once found in a chicken cell line.
Adding to the controversy over lab-grown meat, when Upside tested its fake meat products for heavy metals, some samples contained 20 times more lead than conventional ground chicken, along with about eight times more cholesterol compared to conventional chicken.
The other myth that’s part of the fake meat narrative is that it’s better for the environment than real meat. Even with the use of renewable energy factored in, lab-grown chicken would have the same carbon footprint as conventional chicken, according to a report by CE Delft, an independent research and consultancy organization that has been at the forefront of addressing sustainability challenges for over 40 years. Some studies have concluded that lab grown meat is actually 25x times worse for the environment than real meat.
Sustainability, animal rights and human health are all buzzwords being floated around fake meat. But this isn’t about saving the planet or animals, and it’s certainly not about making people healthier. The reason why Silicon Valley is willing to invest billions into fake food is because it knows that whoever controls the food supply controls the population.
The World Health Organization’s appointment of a Canadian LGBT activist to its transgender guidelines group has sparked outrage on social media.
On December 18, the WHO announced that University of Alberta law professor and trans activist Florence Ashley, a man who has adopted a feminine appearance, will be part of a guideline development group which will create transgender health guidelines.
The WHO said in a press release. “The guideline will focus in five areas: provision of gender-affirming care, including hormones; health workers education and training for the provision of gender-inclusive care; provision of health care for trans and gender diverse people who suffered interpersonal violence based on their needs; health policies that support gender-inclusive care, and legal recognition of self-determined gender identity,”
Here’s what ‘Florence’ had to say about gender assessments to determine if people really do identify as the opposite gender:
Note that this was their own study published in the journal Psychology of Sexual Orientation and Gender Diversity, so of course completely free of bias.
Many readers responded to the post to condemn Ashley’s appointment and call for the WHO and United Nations to be defunded
In response to the backlash online and on alternative media sources, Ashely mocked those concerned, saying, “lol, go cry about it”.
While the appointment is disappointing, it should not come as a surprise, given the WHO’s “Comprehensive Sexuality Education “ program.
According to Conservative MP Leslyn Lewis, the Trudeau Government has been lobbying the World Health Organization to change their definition of a pandemic to include climate change.
On Monday, Lewis posted a message on social media showing a portion of a response from the Trudeau Liberals to her inquiry about their activities and input with the WHO.
“As countries prepare to finalize the World Health Orgnaization’s Global Pandemic Accord in May, the Liberals have been lobbying the WHO to include climate change in the definition of a pandemic emergency,” she stated on X.
The WHO’s pandemic treaty is set to be finalized in May, and Lewis has expressed concern that it will legally bind countries to the will of the unelected organization.
The government responded to Lewis, indicating that “the new instrument should be inclusive and defined by an all-hazards approach in alignment with the International Health Regulations. There are other global health threats that are currently building and/or could result in a global health emergency … which may be scoped out of an instrument with too narrow a focus”.
In other words, Trudeau’s government acknowledged that they are in support of broadening the scope of the pandemic treaty to such that it directs countries not just on infectious disease outbreaks, but also on health impacts from supposed climate change.
An October 2023 order paper response by the Trudeau Government to Lewis shows a similar message.
In it, the Government of Canada stated that “other global health threats, such as climate change, can impact pandemics, and we incorporate these broader considerations in our domestic pandemic, planning, preparedness and response activities”.
Last month the Slovakian Prime Minister Robert Fico vehemently denounced the unelected WHO, calling it a Big Pharma creation that seeks to control governments.
The B.C. government has quietly been working with British Columbia Centre on Substance Use to create protocols, approve, and offer taxpayer-funded "safe supply" of fentanyl for minors under the age of 19 without requiring parental consent, according to a newly released National Post article. 19 is the legal adult age in B.C.
The article states the organization has a contract with the B.C government and they told the Post that the protocol was created quote “to further support clinicians prescribing safer supply across the province.”
The 67-page protocol, titled "Fentanyl Tablet (Maintenance Program) - Prescribed Safer Supply Protocols," does not mention parents at all.
The protocol eligibility says that "For participants who are youth age under 19 years, two-prescriber approval is strongly recommended." Which just means two doctors, not parent.
As I reported in August of last year, at a Commons debate on May 18th, Conservative MP Dr. Stephen Ellis said,
“The market is being flooded with opioids. The Liberal government is giving them hydromorphone for free, and they are selling it to buy fentanyl. If they are not doing that, then they are taking that hydromorphone, crushing it and injecting it,”
“We know that when people show up in emergency rooms with heart valves that are infected, it is because of the injections. There are spinal cord abscesses that a person gets almost only with intravenous drug use. This is what is happening with this “safe supply”. Let us be honest. It is not safe; there is nothing safe about this.”
Steven Ellis served in the Canadian Air Force for nine years, attaining the rank of Captain. He worked as a family physician in Truro, Nova Scotia for 22 years until 2021, when he entered politics.
Documents show the Liberals did no economic assessment of the single use plastics ban.
The plastics industry is earmarked to provide nearly 40 billion dollars annually to the Canadian GDP by 2025.
The Liberal government of Justin Trudeau reclassified the sterile inert petrochemical byproduct as a Schedule One toxin in Canada, along with lead, mercury, and asbestos, which are definitely not inert.
Thankfully, the federal court recently ruled the ban on single-use plastics unconstitutional.
However, in a continued Liberal theme of disregarding legal judgments against them, environment minister Steven Guilbeault promises to continue his unscientific forced inconvenience on the Canadian public and the proxy war on oil and gas that the ban is.
Despite being a flagship environmental policy of the Trudeau government, according to the proactive release website of previously filed access to information requests, there are zero documents which studied the economic impact of the ban on the plastics industry.
The anonymous filer asked Environment and Climate Change Canada in November 2023 for all records showing discussion of, or the studying of, the economic effects of the plastics ban from September 1st, 2022.
There were zero documents returned.
More than a third of a million foreign students were allowed to remain in Canada as permanent residents in the past three years, the Department of Immigration disclosed this past week. The number coincided with the highest federal immigration quotas in Canadian history.
“In the past three years over 627,000 former temporary residents became permanent residents,” the department wrote the Commons public accounts committee. “This includes over 355,000 former international students,”. The figures covered the period from 2021 to 2023.
The department also disclosed it stepped up processing of permanent residency claims by foreigners already in Canada when immigration fell during pandemic lockdowns.
“After 2021 the transition rate of temporary residents was 40 percent in 2022 and 45 percent in 2023”.
Cabinet’s current Immigration Levels Plan set quotas at 485,000 people this year and 500,000 in 2025. Canadians oppose current quotas as too high, according to in-house 2023 research by the immigration department.
“Participants said their communities need to plan for accommodating more immigration and more permanent residents,” said the department’s 2023 Annual Tracking Qualitative Research. “They pointed to a variety of things they saw around them today that they felt were not working well and need to be addressed including housing shortages”.
“It is too much too fast,” researchers quoted one focus group participant as saying. “We’re in this housing crisis,” said another. “The education system and health system are already under a great deal of stress,” added a third. Said one respondent, “People are living on the street because there’s no housing,”
Immigration Minister Marc Miller allowed 807,000 foreign students to work unlimited hours in Canada without any research on how it would impact Canadian jobseekers. Miller said foreigners were not “taking jobs away from other people” but never asked his department for data.
According to a statement from the Department of Immigration, “The information you are seeking does not exist. Right now we have nil response on the information you are requesting,”
Miller estimated 80 percent of the 807,000 foreign students in Canada, the equivalent of 646,000 students, were currently working more than 20 hours weekly.
“Have you taken a look at what impact that extension could have on permanent residents in Canada who are competing for those same jobs?” asked a reporter. Responded Miller, “My focus primarily is to make sure that the public policy that we have in place is one that reflects the ability of the student to actually do what they’re supposed to be doing, which is study, without bankrupting themselves,”
Data shows as late as 2000 very few foreign students, 22,000, were in the Canadian workforce. The number ballooned to 354,000 in 2019, according to the Statistics Canada report Immigration as A Source Of Labour Supply.
Quite some time ago I had an interesting conversation with Dr. Paul Alexander, the Canadian epidemiologist and former Trump administration official at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services during the COVID-19 plandemic. He told me about a conversation he had with a key official at the CDC in regards to the six foot social distancing rule. He asked the official what the scientific basis for the rule was. The response, ‘There’s no science behind it, we made it up.”
And now we have the proof. Dr. Anthony Fauci confessed to lawmakers this past Tuesday that guidelines to keep six feet of separation — ostensibly to limit the spread of COVID-19 — quote “sort of just appeared” without scientific input.
Fauci revealed to the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic that the “six feet apart” recommendation championed by him and other US public health officials was “likely not based on scientific data,” according to Chairman Brad Wenstrup , who is also a physician.
Schools across the U.S. and Canada remained closed well into the second year of the pandemic as a result of the social distancing guidelines, which were disputed by both research studies and other health officials.
Dr. Ashish Jha, the dean of the Brown University School of Public Health who served as President Biden’s COVID response coordinator for 15 months, told the New York Times in March 2021. “It never struck me that six feet was particularly sensical in the context of mitigation.”
Asked about a study in Massachusetts schools that found just three feet of distance between students resulted in “similar” COVID case rates, Fauci said that in the same month the Center for Disease Control and Prevention was “very carefully” reviewing the data and would “likely” update them.
A top White House adviser to two presidential administrations and the highest paid public servant in the U.S., Fauci’s transcribed interview before the House COVID panel quote “revealed systemic failures in our public health system and shed light on serious procedural concerns with our public health authority,”
Researcher Steve Kirsch recently published a Substack article showing that morticians are still seeing large numbers of cases of deceased with long fibrous white clots in their veins.
For more information on this see my interview with undertakers John O’Looney and Richard Hirschman titled Beyond Died Suddenly: The Undertakers.
The good news is that in 2023, just 20% of cases had these novel clots, down from 30% in 2022.
Said Steve, The CDC and FDA are still ignoring this. They still don’t want to know, even though nearly 80% of the embalmers surveyed are reporting seeing them.
These clots were never seen before the Covid vaccines.
20% of deaths is roughly around 600,000 Americans a year. While Canadian data is not available, simple math suggest that equals about 60,000 Canadians.
A new study suggests COVID-19 and the Covid vaccines have something in common, other than the fact that they are both bioweapons. The study found that both can make diabetes worse.
A study by Lixiang Zhai and 11 co-authors, first posted in pre-print on December 27, found negative effects of mRNA COVID vaccines on people who are diabetic or prediabetic.
“Diabetes is associated with an increased risk of Coronavirus disease 2019 vulnerability and mortality,” the authors note.
“Here, we showed that 61.1% of patients with type 2 diabetes, but not healthy controls, exhibited aggravated insulin resistance towards the booster shots of the COVID-19 vaccine”.
The authors said a correlation analysis showed the spike proteins that result from the COVID-19 vaccine boosters impair glucose control and insulin resistance.
The researchers also injected mice with the vaccine once a week for five weeks and found parallel problems.
“Interestingly, we showed mice after the fourth dose of COVID-19 vaccine exhibited impaired glucose tolerance examined by an oral glucose tolerance test. Serum insulin level or bodyweight, is significantly elevated in mice with weekly COVID-19 vaccination, indicating an increased risk of cardiovascular diseases and metabolic disorders,”
“Second, the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein induced by the COVID-19 vaccine is known to cause systemic immune responses and the production of IgG antibodies of the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein by the host, which may affect the function of insulin signaling pathways and lead to insulin resistance”.
Oddly, despite their findings, the study authors remain in favor of the vaccines.
In a hopeful article recently published at DrTrozzi.org we have a number of wins to celebrate. Among the 22 Wins of the Week listed by Dr. Trozzi and Vaccine Choice Canada founder Ted Kuntz are the following:
The British Columbia Court of Appeal has ruled that the Case Regarding Vaccine Passports Should Be Heard.
A BC Arbitrator Rules Purolator Unjustly Terminated Employees Who Refused COVID Vaccines – The arbitrator has also ordered Purolator to compensate the employees for any lost wages and benefits.
Tennessee’s Attorney General has filed a lawsuit against BlackRock charging that the firm "has been using aggressive strategies to push controversial environmental, social, and governance goals across the assets it manages." This is the first time a global asset manager is being sued for allegedly leveraging investors’ money to pursue political goals.
A group of 3,000 doctors and medical professionals are suing the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services over a mandate that forces physicians to provide "gender-affirming" care to children. This includes prescribing hormone treatments and puberty blockers and performing surgery such as removing girls’ breasts.
Alberta Premier Danielle Smith promised to enshrine into law protections for people in Alberta who choose not to be vaccinated, as well as strengthen gun rights, and safeguard free speech by beefing up the provincial Bill of Rights. Smith told podcaster Shaun Newman, "I can give you my commitment that no one is going to be forced to make a medical choice that they don’t want to."
As of January 1 Saskatchewan is no longer collecting the Federal Carbon Tax on home heating. Hopefully this will lead the way for other provinces to do the same.
And finally, A peer-reviewed study published last week in Cureus shows that a key 2022 study by Dr David Fisman that was used to justify draconian policies against the unvaccinated was based on flawed mathematical risk models that offer no scientific backing for such policies. Of note is that The Canadian Medical Association refused to publish these findings in the CMA journal, revealing their lack of commitment to science.
The full list of wins of the week is available at DrTrozzi.org
More than 260 Hollywood stars and industry figures are condemning the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences for its decision to exclude Jews in its DEI standards for the Oscars.
Celebrities including David Schwimmer, Debra Messing, Julianna Margulies, and Mayim Balik have signed an open letter demanding the Academy include Jews, saying “an inclusion effort that excludes Jews is steeped in antisemitism and misunderstands it”.
This year’s Oscars will be the first to implement the Academy’s new diversity rules, which apply only to the best picture category. Eligible movies must prove that they meet the Academy’s complex list of requirements that cover race, gender, and sexuality.
The open letter, which was first reported by TheWrap, was spearheaded by the group JITC Hollywood Bureau for Jewish Representation.
“Jewish people being excluded from the Motion Picture Academy’s Representation and Inclusion Standards is discriminating against a protected class by invalidating their historic and genetic identity,” the letter states. “This must be addressed immediately by including Jews in these standards”.
Other signatories include Michael Rapaport, Tiffany Hadish, Iliza Schlesinger, Friends co-creator Marta Kauffman, and Gilmore Girls creator Amy Sherman-Palladino.
“The absence of Jews from ‘under-represented’ groupings implies that Jews are over-represented in films, which is simply untrue,” the JITC letter continued. “There are very few films about Jews, aside from ones about the Holocaust. Moreover, when Jewish characters are featured, they are often played by non-Jews, a rare practice for other marginalized groups”.
Shortly after the Hamas October 7 massacre in Israel, Actress Julianna Margulies blasted her fellow Hollywood celebrities over their overwhelming silence in the face of rising antisemitism seen in major cities and college campuses.
Police officers are urging Canadians not to publicly share home security footage of porch pirate mail thieves, claiming it could be a violation of their privacy rights and defamatory.
Quebec provincial police communications officer Lt. Benoit Richard told citizens “You cannot post the images yourself because you have to remember, in Canada, we have a presumption of innocence”. Instead, Richard suggested calling 911 if anything was stolen.
A recent Fedex survey suggests porch thefts are on the rise in Canada, with 24% of online shoppers saying they had a package stolen from them in the past year. To combat the theft, a growing number of Canadians are installing cameras outside their home. In response to the police statement, some social media users recalled the infamous incident with porch pirate George Chahal, a Liberal MP.
In 2021, Chahal was fined $500 for removing Conservative MP Jag Sahota’s election pamphlet from someone’s home the night before voting, and replacing it with his own.
So in Canada, it’s OK for the government to freeze bank accounts on the suspicion that someone may be funding terrorist activities, (will pauses here and looks at graphic) but not OK to post videos of thieves caught in the act.
That is all for this week’s Iron Will Report. We were recently banned on Youtube so please help us spread the truth by telling others about the Iron Will Report. Your friends can get a full access 15 day free trial without providing their credit card information. They will be granted instant access.
In interviews coming out this week
On Sunday, in part two of my four part series on the Justice Center for Constitutional Freedoms, Marty Moore, who has been with the JCCF for over ten years and who oversees all of their cases, gives us details on a number of live cases including fighting for the rights of health care workers, Christian churches and Canadians denied EI after being fired for refusing the Covid shots.
Then on Wednesday, Take Back Alberta founder David Parker provides a manual for the rest of Canada on how to reform your provincial Conservative party from within, and elect government officials who will respect your rights.
I’m pleased to report that my cataract surgery last week went well. They only do one eye at a time so I’ll be getting my left eye done in early February but I already have dramatically improved vision which is making producing these reports much easier.
Posted by bookofmoronsThat explains it
Posted by godfree2Carney vs PP resumes
Posted by 1patriotUPDATED: CALL TO ACTION - On March 2, 2024, Paul Fischer, a witness to Human Trafficking charges was unlawfully and criminally assaulted in his home and tasered 4 times by RCMP CST.
Posted by bookofmoronsAnyone else see a potential Trump/Putin type connection here?
Posted by bookofmoronsAnyone else see a potential Trump/Putin type connection here?
Posted by bookofmoronsJust remember - we are all sworn to secrecy but maybe we should send some to Mexico
Posted by 1patriotWhen he says our Senate is diverse and representative of Canada, he omitted this reality.
Posted by 1patriothow liberals get rich!
Posted by 1patriotso he killing the old stock europeans off in canada. I just never thought that was what he ment in this statement. My family has been here for 125 years. my wife family has been 395 years
Posted by 1patriot great job CBC you covered all the bases. Bonuses for 1200 more of you coming soon
Posted by 1patriot[thegatewaypundit.com] another brain dead fucker, he just like screwing Margret Turdeau Rolling Stones’ Mick Jagger Mercilessly Booed By Crowd After Praising Justin Trudeau (VIDEO)
Posted by 1patriotCanadians can say the same about the great turd
Posted by 1patriot[streetpolitics.
Posted by 1patriot[streetpolitics.
Posted by 1patriot[streetpolitics.
Posted by 1patriot[streetpolitics.