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Birmingham, Alabama Atheist Meetups

Hello everyone,
I’ve found two atheist groups that meek regularly in Metro Birmingham; one meets weekly, and the other meets monthly. Has anyone attended?
Thanks in advance.

RegJoe222 4 Sep 14
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How do meets work? Do they just meet up & hang at like a local bar or something? Or do they get a conference room in a circle like AA & show in the doll where Jesus touched us wrong?

Jokes! Jokes people! Lol
But I am curious.

gNappyHead Level 5 Sep 15, 2019

Just go and find out....if you ask hosts or regulars about it....they will tell you the same thing....come speak your mind and maybe others will say what you like to hear

That’s what I want to know anything that reeks of 12 steps makes me want to drink.

@RegJoe222 American Atheist is only one step...freedom FROM theocracy


Lake Hypatia down south of I-20

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Posted by KhaCRJust moved to southern AL from central FL. What a culture shock 🙈 Anyone else?

Posted by Micheal007I love what i do, and i give my time to my job.

Posted by Micheal007I love what i do, and i give my time to my job.

Posted by RobertMartinMississippi, Tennessee, Arkansas, Alabama, Florida, Lousiana, Georgia , Kentucky or West Virginia.

Posted by RobertMartinAnyone who has driven in Desoto County, Ms can relate to this

Posted by RobertMartinRetirement

Posted by StevilA snowman in the south! Frosty is a dirty old man in the south.

Posted by StevilSnow in my part of the south!

Posted by NatureGeekHey, folks! Just signed up here. Currently in Tulsa, OK. Good day, all!

Posted by RoyMooreI'm a Mobile, Alabama, native Agnostic and secular Humanist.

Posted by RoyMooreI'm a Mobile, Alabama, native Agnostic and secular Humanist.

Posted by ballouHowdy from Texas, y'all!

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