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Hi Southern friends! My family and I are considering a move from Denver, CO the southern Indiana/Louisville, KY area. It’s where my hubs grew up, and we’d be going be nearer his aging parents. Our main concern is moving a Bible Belt area. Being atheists and raising our kids as atheists, we are looking for any progressive areas that might be hidden or lesser known in that vicinity. Any ideas, or especially any tips on being an atheist in that part of the country?

JojoHuckleberry 3 Mar 21
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While I am often outspoken about my atheist beliefs, I recommend you advise your kids to keep it to themselves. It is a bad idea to share at workplace. Other than that, anywhere is great. There are no shortage of hillbillies and rednecks.

Heathenman Level 7 May 16, 2019

Nearer Cincinnati is what American Atheists and our coalitions call: " genocide and incest park " which tells the truth about Genesis bible government paid for alleged Noah Ark "museum" and kiddy rides....join all the great gawdless groups to meet members nearest Louisville....American Atheists, FFRF, SECULAR COALITION for AMERICA. American Humanists. Atheist Alliance INTERNATIONAL, MeetUps, Flying Spaghetti Monsters, college scientific inquiry groups, Ethical Culture and even Unitarian Universalist congregation to find face to face Atheist and Agnostic events gatherings CONcons "NONES" and counter protests to the enemies of science and our gawdless US CONSTITUTION

Recent Visitors 33


Posted by KhaCRJust moved to southern AL from central FL. What a culture shock 🙈 Anyone else?

Posted by Micheal007I love what i do, and i give my time to my job.

Posted by Micheal007I love what i do, and i give my time to my job.

Posted by RobertMartinMississippi, Tennessee, Arkansas, Alabama, Florida, Lousiana, Georgia , Kentucky or West Virginia.

Posted by RobertMartinAnyone who has driven in Desoto County, Ms can relate to this

Posted by RobertMartinRetirement

Posted by StevilA snowman in the south! Frosty is a dirty old man in the south.

Posted by StevilSnow in my part of the south!

Posted by NatureGeekHey, folks! Just signed up here. Currently in Tulsa, OK. Good day, all!

Posted by RoyMooreI'm a Mobile, Alabama, native Agnostic and secular Humanist.

Posted by RoyMooreI'm a Mobile, Alabama, native Agnostic and secular Humanist.

Posted by ballouHowdy from Texas, y'all!

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