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Guess I’m the first to post from East Tennessee, or Tennessee at all. There may be a church on every corner but there are plenty of us sleeping in on Sunday.

TimothyNovelo 4 Apr 26
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Oh I musta posted my hello in the welcomes section and not the regional group lol, but NE TN born n bred. Tri-cities area here, Church Hill specifically. And yes that’s all we have. Churches and hills.

Wurlitzer Level 8 Apr 26, 2018

The allegations for gawds gott gods are as many as there are believers all unique inside the heads of the delusional magical thinkers


We Atheists are everywhere and we might stop hiding from each other when we rebel from false xian Webster mis-defining us with an adjective when we are proper Noun Atheists....churches are 100% fraud businesses not paying taxes. ...all taxpayers should vote to end tax exemption for any non-profit like American Legion gawd&Country or Vatican scams taking criminal evidence out of the country for "diplomatic immunity" 2 living popes are serial felons NOT HOLY CLERGY

Everyone is born an Atheist. ...lies have to be learned like tooth fairies under our pillows


They make the assertion that atheism should not be capitalized, so far I agree. Atheism is a rejection of a claim, and would go away once the god claim does.

@Tmckie xian Webster falsely mis-defines Atheism and Atheists as if the xian alleged gawd Jesua Nasoret GhostHoles Jehovah YHWH is fact and we Atheists are "deniers" .... if you capitalize christians you must capitalize Atheists as we are all people whether they refuse to evolve or not.... Athena and Zeus have "gone away" zero people make Greek religious claims for them but Atheos rejecting such claims DID NOT GO AWAY. ...theism is magical thinking while Atheism is sanity

@Tmckie is wrong we are proper Noun Atheists and we were either born this way never taught magical thinking by good Atheist families or we escaped on our own by replacing magical thought by critical thinking examining many alleged gawds crap and concluding the pattern of zero evidence holds true for any miracle claim

@GreenAtheist It may have been Ricky Gervais that said if atheism is a religion, then not playing basketball is a a sport. I don't think you are claiming that atheism is a religion, but while I reject the existence of a god, I also reject the existence of bigfoot. Am I a capital A A-sasquatchean?

@Tmckie words are not numerical musical chairs to play with ....our Atheism is 28 centuries old resisting the violence and frauds of faiths. just do not get it that Websters Dictionary falsely mis-defines Atheists as if the xian gawd Jesua Nasoret is the only alleged deity AND WE Atheists are denying all such religious allegations as proven facts. ....the gibberish sounds gott gawd gods HAVE ZERO MEANING such are referents without objects. ...pure oxymorons. for "lacking belief in" is a non-sequitur. ...I have no need to employ such an absurd phrase as " I believe in doors " because doors exist not needing beliefs about doors because I walk in and out doors

@GreenAtheist Sounds like Webster has it wrong. I agree. Are there Atheists and atheists?

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Posted by KhaCRJust moved to southern AL from central FL. What a culture shock 🙈 Anyone else?

Posted by Micheal007I love what i do, and i give my time to my job.

Posted by Micheal007I love what i do, and i give my time to my job.

Posted by RobertMartinMississippi, Tennessee, Arkansas, Alabama, Florida, Lousiana, Georgia , Kentucky or West Virginia.

Posted by RobertMartinAnyone who has driven in Desoto County, Ms can relate to this

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