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This feels like a dumb question, but what is a good way to meet and talk to a dominatrix

anti-augustine49 4 May 25
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No this was not a dumb question. Feel free to ask more

Desertkatt Level 5 May 25, 2018

Depends on what the dynamic of what the relationship is. If you're looking for a professional service or are you looking for a playmate or are you looking for a mistress to being an actual relationship with you. At any rate the biggest thing is being respectful. If you are not respectful and in some case overly respectful. A dominatrix will immediately send you away. No dominatrix that I have known or worked with respond to someone who is not respectful. Any good dominatrix is going to be understanding of a new person coming up to them and talking to them and not knowing what to say or how to act. It's not until you actually talk to someone and you find out if you are compatible not just in a physical manner but on wants desires and capability. That things are discussed such as how she used to be addressed how she is to be treated expectations on both sides. So the biggest thing is when you do approach a dominatrix that you do not know or you do not know how she works or what her rules are the biggest thing is always being respectful let her take the lead feel free to ask questions do not be blunt and do not be crude. Being a professional dominatrix runs into a few different rules and regulations versus someone that you're looking to have a relationship with versus someone that you're just looking to play with for a while

Desertkatt Level 5 May 25, 2018

@agnosticbuddhist unfortunately a lot of abuse happens in the bdsm world. Makes me sad. Sorry you went through that. Personally I think its helpful to have someone guide you and show you how to act amd what is proper. Because its easy to get carried away at times. A good teacher can show you when to notice when pain is no longer fun. Alot of subs wpnt admit they are being truly hurt because they don't want to displeased there mistress. Teach you how to check for blood flow and signs someone is in long enough before they become distressed. Proper ways tompeg someone. Penial sounding can ne dangerous is done wrong. But also how to respect your slave or sub and treat them right. Its not all torture and pain. But loving caring after care and mural.respect


I’m just a beginner...but usually it comes up when getting acquainted. The topic goes to sex, and what we each like and want to try. (Which I like to be open about and rather talk about it sooner than later.) Once in awhile, the potential partner just asks up front, which is fine too. Sometimes it’s just about sex, a few hookups, and that’s ok. I’ve heard of more elaborate arrangements, but so far mine have been verbal consent.

Got ya. So the topic comes up organically. Interesting.

@anti-augustine49 It does with me, for some reason. I want to ask, do I look especially stern or something?! Others here should have ideas on finding a dominatrix directly.

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