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Why the hammer and sickle should be treated like the swastika


Keith_J 6 Nov 3
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They weren't Communist. They were "Soviet Socialists", a Totalitarian regime. As I have said before Hitler used "Socialism" in the name for his party too. He didn't fool anybody but his followers, and a lot of people in this country like Lindbergh and Ford etc. They are two sides of the same coin. Fascism is fascism, no matter what your flag looks like!

From Merriam-Webster:

Definition of communism

a : a system in which goods are owned in common and are available to all as needed

b : a theory advocating elimination of private property

2 capitalized

a : a doctrine based on revolutionary Marxian socialism and Marxism-Leninism that was the official ideology of the U.S.S.R.

b : a totalitarian system of government in which a single authoritarian party controls state-owned means of production

c : a final stage of society in Marxist theory in which the state has withered away and economic goods are distributed equitably

d : communist systems collectively

In other words - they were communist, and they murdered more people than the fascists. So when antifa protesters wear their little hammer and sickle shirts, or wave their hammer and sickle flags, or rally around the statue of Lenin in Washington, I see a group as sick as the KKK, and make a donation to the NRA.

@Keith_J Definition 2 makes no sense. Obviously a typo. And Marks envisioned an altruistic "share the wealth" society because he was tired of the traditional European Monarchies. Idealistic, perhaps, but it was certainly not what Stalin ended up creating. He simply replaced one totalitarian system with another! I don't think anybody had true Communism, or even true Socialism. People are just too corrupt and greedy. I don't know anything about the "Antifa" movement but if it means anti-fascist, I agree. Why would they wear swastikas or hammer and sickles? And as far as the NRA, they are the closest thing we have to fascism outside of the KKK (both of which are cut from the same mold). I'd like to take the gunpowder out of their cold, dead brains.

@fishline79 - the line of "that's not true socialism/communism" is tired. You'll have to do better. You really need to keep up - antifa is the militant arm of the progressive movement. And you are obviously intentionally ignorant of what the NRA really is. In fact, Trump should be the only reason you need to want to support the 2A and protect yourself from tyranny.

@Keith_J Sorry, If I have to have guns to protect myself from violence and tyranny I'd rather just use them to shoot myself. That's not the kind of world I want! I'm 71 years old and I've been watching this country turn into what I was protesting in the sixties more every say. In those days "skinhead" meant White Nationalist, Neo-Nazi yobbos who enjoyed kicking the shit out of blacks and other powerless people.The NRA appeals to that type of person. Now virtually every male shaves their head and doesn't remember. They don't even know why they do it. In my day we called Progressives Liberals, a dirty word that nowadays even Liberals eschew! They would not be "Antifa". But they did exist. They were called by different names, like S.D.S, S.L.A., Black Panthers, etc. I am a proud Liberal and I would become a monk before joining the NRA. And I'm an athiest!

@fishline79 - there's the kind of world you want, and there's the kind of world that is. The NRA has more black Americans on its Board of Directors than the Huff Po. You really don't know what you are talking about.

@Keith_J I'm in good company, then. Any group who fights for Bump Stocks (kill more people faster) Silencers (police have a hard time locating the killer in the hotel window: more kills before detection), full automatic (kill more people), Exploding and hollow-point and flack-jacket piercing bullets (Really necessary?), plastic guns (great for terrorists!) No background checks at shows etc. etc., is a group no civilized society needs. I think I know enough about them to make that statement. You know all of the anti-gun arguments and if you compare stats correlating gun violence between the have and have not countries, you will see. I know what your argument is, too. "If you take our guns away we can't defend ourselves against the government." I have lived in Europe for many years and am here to tell you that limited gun-control works. (and where I live, in Spain, there are many hunters).

@fishline79 - again, you are talking about things about which you know nothing. Bump stocks - any semiauto can be bump fired - no special modifications needed. A thumb, a finger, and a belt loop will do. Silencers - don't silence. They lower the report of the firearm by about 10-15%. They save hearing, but don't silence anything. Fully automatic firearms require an extremely expensive license to purchase, and have for years. There are no "exploding" bullets available for civilian use. Hollow points are used for target shooting and varmit hunting. Plastic guns - if you are referring to 3D printed guns, you have just mentioned the thing that makes gun control legislation absolutely irrelevant. Background checks are routinely performed at gun shows - there is no "gun show loophole." That's a myth the anti-gunners like to spread, but I've purchased firearms at gun shows, and they do an instant check - right at the booth.

I don't live in Europe. I love America, and I'll keep my guns, thank you.

@Keith_J I'm not arguing whether these things exist or are functional or easy to emulate or available or effective or beloved by all or any gun lovers. I am just observing that the NRA favors these things and I see that as anti-social, reactionary and unnecessarily aggressive. And I think I know more about my opinion than you do, thank you very much. You sound like Donald Trump. If you don't agree with me you are wrong. You have said nothing about my main argument, an example of which we just saw again this week. Statistics bear out the veracity of my observation and nothing you can say will change that truth! BTW, how many kids have been killed this year by their fathers'e unloaded guns?

@fishline79 - it isn't that if you disagree with me you're wrong, it's if you want to spout disinformation, untruths, and myths you're wrong. And just because someone disagrees with you doesn't mean they voted for Trump. I didn't. Deal with it.

@Keith_J I'm signing off. I'm tired of this shit. Go play with your guns,

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